Photo – Official Map: Montreal Metro Map, 2016

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Official Maps

Spotted and photographed in the real world by long-time correspondent, Richard Archambault, who doesn’t hold back with his opinion in this tweet:

Transit Maps says:

I first heard that this map was getting a makeover back in October 2015, but said at the time that I would reserve my judgement until I saw the final map. This new version oddly isn’t yet posted on the STM’s website, so Richard’s photo will have to do, although the dirty and scratched surface certainly isn’t doing it any favours!

First things first: the most defining visual characteristic of the previous map – the way that the whole map, made up only of right-angled sections of routes, was then tilted 37 degrees counter-clockwise – has gone, replaced by a very standard octolinear diagram. Words can’t express how disappointed I am by this turn of events: a truly iconic design feature has been replaced by something completely and breathtakingly average. And the only “benefit” it really brings is to allow the middle section of the Blue line to run at a 135-degree angle compared to the rest of the line. The eastern Green line still stair-steps its way across the map, when it could run smoothly in one straight line until it simply flips northwards for the last few stations. 

My other fear for this map has definitely been confirmed: the labels are tiny, especially compared to the old map. So now they’re small and set in an all-caps condensed typeface, all of which reduces legibility. The reason everything’s so small appears to be the label for Sherbrooke station – it can’t get any larger without cutting into the Green line, so it becomes the lowest common denominator. The terminus station labels are a little better, at least.

I really, really dislike the way that the commuter rail lines run right through the middle of Metro station markers when there’s no interchange available at that station. The old map avoided this by running the commuter rail lines off to the side of such stations, and also used a very visibly different station marker for interchanges – it almost was impossible to be confused. Now, the only visual difference between an interchange station and a non-interchange station is a thin grey ring around the interchange station’s marker, which is perhaps too subtle to be noticed on quick perusal. Overall, I do think the commuter rail lines are drawn slightly better than the previous map, though.

Our rating: A hugely missed opportunity for renewal that seems to discard one of the world’s most unique and identifiable transit maps for a completely average watered-down version of itself. A very disappointing two stars.

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