All posts tagged: San Francisco

Submission – BART “Heat Map” by Harsha Devulapalli

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Submitted by Harsha, who says: I’ve been a big fan of your blog for over a decade. Recently, I had the opportunity to replicate the BART transit map for a data visualization in a story I wrote for the San Francisco Chronicle. I would love to hear your thoughts on it! Transit Maps says: First off, it’s great to see a transit map-related infographic from a newspaper graphics team! As an interesting and attention-grabbing way […]

New Official Map: San Francisco Muni Metro Map with Central Subway

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Official Maps

This map has actually been out for a while, but today – celebrating the full opening of the Central Subway – seemed like the appropriate day to post about it. Design-wise, this is very much an evolution of previous efforts (see my review of the post-COVID resumption of service map here) and thus shares many of the same features and faults. I still don’t agree with the decision to have station labels set in the […]

Submission – Unofficial Map: Caltrain Service Diagram by Fern K Hahn

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Unofficial Maps

Submitted by Fern, who says: Frustrated with illegible service patterns and a pretty ugly system map (viewable here – Cam), I made my own line map for the Caltrain regional railway along the SF Peninsula. Curious what you think! Transit Maps says: This is a great example of how a transit diagram doesn’t need to be flashy or over designed to be successful – just clear and easy to understand. Similar in execution to Japanese […]

Submission – Unofficial Future Map: Consolidated Rail Map of San Francisco by Griffin Ashburn

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Future Maps, Unofficial Maps

Submitted by Griffin, who says: Attached is a diagram/sort-of fantasy map I recently made showing all the various rail services and connections in San Francisco. I’ve never been a fan of how Muni shows service connections on their official map – BART is typically included, though never Caltrain, nor BART’s connection to the airport, which I think is a fairly important to have. I also decided to include the F Market & Wharves street car […]

Historical Map: BART “Going Places” Advertising Supplement Poster, 1982

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Advertising, Historical Maps, Illustrations

Here’s a fantastic poster designed as the centre spread of an advertising supplement to various Bay Area newspapers to celebrate the first ten years of BART (1972–1982). The immediately recognisable system diagram is overlaid on top of some charming line illustrations of landmarks and attractions, with the routes of BART Express buses also indicated. It’s all very simple – the illustration looks like it’s been done with some coloured fine felt-tip pens – but it’s […]

Submission – A History of San Francisco Area Street Rail Transit by Travis Emick

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Submitted by Travis, who says: I made an animated visualization of the light rail infrastructure of San Francisco from 1850–to–nowish. I was wondering if you would be interested in posting! Transit Maps says: I sure would be, Travis! This is a great 15-minute video that succinctly outlines the rise and fall of rail-based street transit in San Francisco, Oakland and even Marin County. The sheer number of competing companies in the early years is quite […]

Submission – Official Map: Muni Metro Service Resumption Map, 2020

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Official Maps

Submitted by Ricky Courtney, who says: San Francisco Muni is out with a new version of its map… now with the L&K and the T&M interlined. Transit Maps says: This simple little map has been prepared by Muni to illustrate necessary service changes as the Metro lines reopen after being shut down for some time due to COVID-related concerns. Whereas all the lines used to run the length of Market Street, the J now terminates […]

Submission – Official Map: BART System Map, 2020

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Official Maps

A few requests for a review of this major revision of the Bay Area’s BART map, so here goes… This map is meant to be deployed when service to Milpitas and Berryessa begins, so it won’t be seen immediately – but it’s good that BART is planning ahead and getting this work done ahead of time. Generally, there’s a lot to like about this iteration – the stylised coastline suits the schematic treatment of the route […]

Submission – Unofficial Map: Bay Area Transit Strip Map by Fern Kusnetzoff-Hahn

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Unofficial Maps

Submitted by Fern, who says: A few weeks ago, i made a fairly rough strip map of almost all Bay Area passenger rail services using some pens and graph paper. I was wondering if you’d like to review it? Transit Maps says: A nice effort at a Bay Area-wide topological diagram, Fern! It certainly fits into the long, narrow proportions of your average strip map nicely. I particularly like the use of a “half-grid” for […]

Historical Map: Bay Area Regional Transit Connections, 1981

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Historical Maps

Submitted by Calley, who says: This was found via the /r/BayArea subreddit. It appears to be an authentic transit map from September 1981 still hanging in the 12th Street Oakland City Center BART station! It’s published by an entity I’ve never heard of called the “Regional Transit Association.” On your blog I’ve previously seen a very clumsy and messy map that attempted to show the myriad transit systems of the Bay, including rail and connecting […]