Reader Question: Have You Seen a Christchurch “Tube Map” Tea Towel?

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Question: Several years ago I was in Christchurch, New Zealand, and a friend had a tea towel with a (fictitious) underground transit map of the city, in the style of the London Underground. I’ve searched long and hard for it, or its creators, to no avail. The best I turned up were a few pictures, which I collected on a Pinterest board. Have you encountered it, or ones like it?

Answer: I hadn’t actually seen or heard of this before, but some quick Googling found what I think you’re describing on a New Zealand-based online store’s website (link no longer active). It’s out of stock (of course), and it still doesn’t give any credit to the creators, but at least it proves that it exists! 

Or should I say existed? Because looking at it, I would not be at all surprised if Transport for London had actually issued a “cease and desist” order on the tea towel’s design. They can be pretty unforgiving when people use the Underground roundel, Johnston Sans and other recognisable design elements of the Tube Map without authorisation, and this tea towel certainly does that!

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