Welcome to the new “Transit Maps”!

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Hey, everyone – it’s official! Transit Maps has a new home, free of Tumblr and all the drama that goes with it at last. It’s been an interesting experience importing everything into WordPress, but I think almost everything has been transferred properly. There’s still a lot of clean up work to be done to format everything nicely, so please excuse any mess you might see. Everything from now back to the end of 2016 has been cleaned, as well as some other posts that have proved popular over time. The rest will be done as time allows.

So, what’s new?

There’s a whole new Submissions page, which actually sends you a notice that I’ve received anything that you send my way. Use it to send me maps for review, your thoughts, requests, etc.

The major types of maps – official, unofficial, fantasy, future, historical, etc. – are now WordPress categories instead of tags, which helps organise the site better. Check out the Archive page to see categories, the most popular tags, and the most recent posts.

Please “like” and leave comments on maps that interest you – the robust community discussion around featured maps is one of the best parts of the site, and I’d love that to continue.

If you’d like to be alerted by email when I post something new to the site, then add your email address to the subscription form at the bottom of this post. I’ll also continue to notify you of new posts on Twitter and the blog’s Facebook page.

That’s all for now – thanks to everyone for their support over the years and during this transition!


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