Submitted by Ethan Osten, who says:
These have started appearing on METRO trains in Minneapolis-St. Paul. I’d love to hear your opinion of them. Previously, the only maps which appeared in stations/trains were the strip maps (March 2014, 3.5 stars) you reviewed earlier this year.
Transit Maps says:
Unfortunately, this map seems like a bit of a backwards step from those previously featured strip maps, which were quite excellent. While I appreciate that the map is trying to show the locations of the stations in a more spatially accurate manner – the Green Line runs east-west, the Blue Line runs to the south, etc. – it’s not a particularly elegant or visually pleasing solution. There’s a lot of wasted space, and the neighbourhood labels are too vague to be of any real use. Adding the Mississippi and Minnesota Rivers to the map would have helped a lot in giving context and scale to the layout of the routes. It would also be nice to know where the Northstar Commuter Rail Line actually goes (either in the legend, or as a pointer off the top of the map), and I have no idea why you’d order the routes as LRT/BRT/LRT in the legend (group like services together!).
Our rating: Certainly usable, but disappointingly plain, drab and uninspiring. Two-and-a-half stars.