Submission – Official Map: Central London Night Bus Routes

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Official Maps

Submitted by ruddlesrocket, who says:

What do you think of this?  I think it’s probably the worst map that TfL produce, having neither the benefits of geographically accurate maps (it’s difficult to know what streets the buses run along), and diagrammatic maps, in that it’s almost impossible to trace the route taken by one bus.

Transit Maps says:

I totally agree with this assessment! I’ll never understand why some night service maps completely eschew the principles of good network map design. You know what I mean: black backgrounds, one colour used for all the route lines… that kind of stuff. Instead of showing routes from end to end, like a proper map would, this one makes every route the same “night-time blue” and overlays every service along common route lines. There’s not even any differentiation between 24-hour standard routes and night-only services.

As a result, I have absolutely no idea where any of the buses go. The “shield hunting” – a term that dates back to old road maps, where you’d have to search for the next highway shield on the map to follow your desired path – that is required to read this map is some of the worst I have ever seen, and I’ve basically given up trying to work things out. There are sometimes up to 17 buses travelling along the same section of road, which then split into multiple directions at the next intersection – this is repeated again and again in a seemingly maze-like manner. It certainly doesn’t help that the roads that the buses travel along aren’t named, although Tube station labels can help add a little bit of context here.

People who use late night buses may be unfamiliar with the options available in the wee small hours, drunk, or both. This map certainly isn’t going to help them get anywhere.

Our rating: Even the owl looks frustrated and cranky. Almost unbelievably poor, especially when compared to the high standard of bus spider maps that TfL produces for its regular services. Seems to have been produced almost as an afterthought. 0.5 stars.

Source: TfL Buses web page (no longer listed)

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