Submission – New Official Map: UTA Rail and BRT Map, 2023

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Official Maps

Submitted by Browne, who says:

UTA, the primary transit provider for northern Utah, has officially launched its newest BRT service, and with it, a new transit map. The OGX is a new BRT route from Ogden Central Station, downtown, Weber State University, and down to McKay-Dee Hospital.

Besides the new BRT line, there are subtle changes to the map’s design as well, such as rounded corners, which had been angular in the previous design. I’m curious to know what you think about the representation of geographic scale between the various lines and how all mode types are presented with similar hierarchies.

Transit Maps says:

Perhaps a little surprisingly, we haven’t checked in with the UTA map since 2015, when it was just taking its first baby steps towards becoming something befitting a transit agency of its scope. I’m pleased to note that the improvement has continued since then and that this is now a more-than-decent effort – clean, simple, easy to read and in line with the agency’s corporate design standards. All to be applauded!

That’s not to say that there aren’t some issues, though – I still think that the weight of the labels (Whitney Condensed Book) are a little light and spindly, and the locality labels are so small and insignificant as to be barely noticed at all. These either have to be larger and bolder (though still a light grey) or dispensed with. When many of the outer stations bear the same name as the locality labels, you really do wonder whether they’re actually needed at all. There’s an uncomfortable mix of condensed and regular thicknesses of Whitney throughout – even though they’re technically the same font family, they don’t really work that well together – the legend looks particularly clumsy.

Some station names are set with angled type. These days, I normally let that go if – and only if – they’re all angled the same way, but there’s a lot of different orientations here. There’s some width left in the canvas, so it really shouldn’t be too hard to tweak things to allow for horizontal labels throughout.

The purple FrontRunner commuter rail line still takes a strange, wobbly path through the map and that little jog in-and-out at Murray Central makes my eye twitch. I personally see the FrontRunner as the central thematic “spine” of the entire system, and I’d love to see a version where it just runs straight down the centre of the map with no deviations at all (even at Murray Central!) until it gets down to Orem, where the inclusion of the UVX BRT necessitates a turn across to Provo [more on that version soon! – Cam, being a big tease].

Talking about the BRT brings us to Browne’s ideas of scale and mode representation. Let’s be honest: scale on a diagram like this is always going to be tricky – the FrontRunner commuter rail extends for some 88 miles, while the entirety of the light rail service area (while still extensive) is only 17 miles from north to south. That said, I feel there should be two clearly delineated scales on the map: the light rail area, and the areas outside that to the north and south. For example, the Draper FrontRunner station should line up horizontally with the Draper Town Center light rail stop, instead of being higher than it. Of course, this diagram’s hand is forced by the space needed to show the Orem–Provo BRT lines at the same level of detail as the rest of the map – this needs that bottom third of the space, so everything else gets forced upwards, and the space between Orem and Provo on the FrontRunner line gets massively enlarged as a result.

At least Orem and Provo form a “closed loop”, where the enlarged scale only affects those two stations. However, this “BRT scale” becomes more of a problem with the Ogden BRT line at the top of the diagram, where it looks like the line extends almost all the way back to Salt Lake City! In reality, the entire line is contained within Ogden, and the southern end of it is only about as far south as the Roy FrontRunner station. Other approaches to this problem could be thinner route lines and smaller labels for the BRT lines so they can be shrunk somewhat in relation to the main diagram; or generalised representations of the lines that are more to actual scale, perhaps supported by inset maps that label everything properly. Of course, this diagram does have a “not to scale” disclaimer, and the information is still easy to understand, so maybe it’s not even a massive problem for general use.

As for the representation of the different modes, the only one I have a problem with is the FrontRunner, which runs far less frequently that the other services and should be indicated as such instead of just lumping it in as “Rail” with other, more frequent services. Everything else is rapid transit with decent frequencies.

Our final word: Getting better! Tries its best at representing networks with vastly differing scales all on the same diagram, though the solution won’t please everyone. Still feels a little too “light” and ungrounded, like it’s floating on the canvas a bit.

Submission – New Official Map: “Harmonised” Montréal Metropolitan Transit Services Map, 2023

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Official Maps

A flurry of people have submitted this brand new map out of Montréal for review, so let’s get straight to it!

First of all, it’s important to note that is part of a new suite of maps and wayfinding signage that’s been in development since 2018. Using Montréal’s iconic “black background” Métro map as a starting point, this system has been intentionally designed to use a common design language to “harmonise” the user experience for transit users regardless of travel mode. As seen in the photo below, there’s already a new Métro map out in the wild that uses the same design language, although everything has been subtly tweaked to suit the content of that smaller scale map better – look at the comparative thickness of the Métro lines, for example, or the fact that no stations on the REM or suburban lines are named unless there’s a direct interchange with the Métro.

Note on this photo: Quite a few people sent me this image, which I’ve straightened and brightened in Photoshop. However, I don’t know the original provenance of the picture. If it’s yours, please get in touch so that I can credit you appropriately!

When I last reviewed the Montréal Métro map back in 2016, I wasn’t very impressed – it had moved away from its truly iconic 37-degree tilt to a more standard 45-degree octolinear form and just didn’t seem very polished or confident. It very much seemed like a transitional map, a placeholder for something better in the future… and I think the wait for this suite of new maps has been worth it.

Basing these new maps off the existing Métro maps provides great visual continuity with what has come before, but there’s also a lot of improvements – mixed-case station labels instead of all-caps (finally!), numbered bullets for not only the Métro lines but also the suburban rail lines, and a lovely palette of subsidiary pastel colours for the other services. Using a more standard 45-degree form makes sense now with the increased complexity of the maps, and the way that the space between lines 1 and 2 in the central part of the city has been increased to accommodate the rail stations and their labels is rather clever.

Purists might grumble about the horizontal orientation of the southwestern end of Line 1 (it just looks wrong, even to me as a non-native), but it seems like a pragmatic decision that allows Line 14 to slot in below it on the full system map, and the legend to do the same on the Métro version.

The stylised background representation of the complex geography of the area seems about right to me: it’s not overly-detailed “faux geography”, nor is it simplified to the point where nothing is recognisable. Definitely an improvement over previous maps in my eyes!

I also like that the maps are future-proofed – the branches of the REM line and the future expansion of Line 5 are already plotted in, and it looks like there’ll be adequate room for labels as well – great to see! Not sure there’ll ever be full labelling for the Pie-IX rapid bus line, but it’s a long way down the hierarchy of the map anyway!

The “two-circle” interchange symbol at Sauvé seems a bit fussy to me, especially if you consider that by rights there should be one at Parc as well – there’s an outside walk involved in the transfer at both stations! A minor inconsistency, but something that should be carefully thought about. I’d probably simplify it down to a single dot for simplicity’s sake.

Our final word: A massive improvement over the 2016 Métro map, and the fact that it’s part of what looks like a strong unified wayfinding and signage program makes it even better. It pays homage to the past, while also looking confidently ahead to the future of transit in Montréal.

Source: ARTM website (in French)

New Official Map: Los Angeles Metro with Regional Connector, 2023

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Official Maps

Just dropped on the LA Metro Twitter account, here’s a first look at their new system map once the Regional Connector opens at noon, this Friday June 16.

First off, one prediction I made in my previous review [October 2022] has been proven true: this map marks the end of the old colour-based line designations. No more Red Line, Blue Line, etc. – it’s now A, B, C and so on.

I’ll also note that it really does seem that someone responsible for making these maps reads this blog: my last review opined that even spacing of the station names along the B Line might look better than even spacing of the station dots… and that’s exactly what we have this time around. I also like that these labels have all been set horizontally instead of on a 45-degree angle, a treatment which is now solely reserved for stations along horizontal route lines.

There’s no surprises with the depiction of the Regional Connector itself on the map: it’s been shown as being under construction for a while now, and this map keeps true to those earlier depictions. The criss-crossing route lines through downtown LA make a nice design feature, and I do like the way that the “Historic Broadway” label nestles neatly into the curve near it – a clever little touch.

A distinctive feature of previous maps has disappeared with this iteration – the white keyline around station dots that separated them from the route line they were above has been replaced with more generic dots with a white centre. I wonder if they felt the previous approach broke up the flow of the route lines too much? And while the dots for rail services are still round, and the dots for bus services are still square, they’re a bit harder to quickly tell apart with the white centres and slightly rounded corners on the square symbols.

Another change is assigning a two-letter code to all connecting services (Amtrak, Metrolink, FlyAway and the C Line’s Airport Shuttle). This does make the map itself look a bit cleaner, but it also means that users have to refer to the legend to work out what those two-letter codes mean instead of just reading that information in-place on the map.

Our final word: Golly, that new A Line is long, isn’t it? A fairly safe update of an already excellent map. However, it’s perhaps been made a little bit more generic with the removal of what was a very distinctive design element.

Update: Oran V on Twitter provides context for some of these changes – it brings the system map into line with other maps that already used those elements.

Source: LA Metro/Twitter

Official Map: Newark International Airport Regional Rail Connections, 2023

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Official Maps

Every so often, I come across a transit map that is just so unfit for purpose that all I can do is scratch my head and ponder, “Just why?” This is one of those maps.

Produced by (or on behalf of) Newark International Airport, it purports to show regional rail services that you can connect to at the airport via its AirTrain. However, it’s so poorly thought out and executed that it’s of very little assistance at all.

The first and most obvious problem is that everything – and I mean everything – is way too small. Labelling is tiny, with even smaller lozenges and bullets underneath the labels that may or may not contain the names of the different regional services and New York Subway lines: they’re almost entirely illegible. And it’s not like the canvas has no space to spare – there’s acres of room to make labels much, much bigger and more legible.

Speaking of the canvas, it really doesn’t seem to have been used wisely. Why bother showing most of the New York Subway, when a simple indication of connecting lines at Penn Station and PATH’s WTC station would suffice? Why show the Staten Island Railway at all when it’s most certainly not a direct connection? This map would be so much more effective if it just concentrated on the regional lines that it’s meant to showcase and just indicated further connecting services where they occur. Get rid of the wasted space allocated to extraneous elements and enlarge the important parts for clarity.

Then there’s the background that can’t decide if it’s a diagram or a map, wavering between simplicity and “geography” just about everywhere. And the way that the text indicating travel times cuts across the route lines when there’s absolutely no need for them to do so. Simply aligning the text to the right would instantly solve this problem!

Our final word: I really try to be more positive with my reviews these days, and look for at least one cool thing or redeeming feature to comment on for every map I post, but… I’ve got nothing here. To be honest, it’s kind of embarrassing that passengers are presented with this when considering their transportation options to and from the airport.

Source: Newark AirTrain web page via @AirlineFlyer/Twitter

Fantasy Map: Washington Commanders 2023 “Season Map”

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Fantasy Maps

Posted yesterday on the Commanders’ Twitter account, here’s a Washington Metro-themed map of the team’s 2023 season. It basically just places the team’s opponents for the year on a vaguely US-shaped map using some Metro iconography and colours and calls it a day. It’s superficially fun and adorable, but part of me wishes there was more meaning behind the choice of lines – perhaps grouping teams by the division they play in or something? Still, kudos for having fun with an iconic local design!

Source: Washington Commanders/Twitter

Historical Map: Trams of Brisbane, Queensland, 1957

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Historical Maps

A simple but nicely drawn map of tram services in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia in 1957. The lack of any sort of key for the routes means that users need to have some familiarity with the city to decipher where trams might go. The pamphlet that the map is part of includes information about the route names and first and last cars for the day along with some sight-seeing tours that can be made by tram, so there’s some information to work with, at least.

Interestingly, an ad for a baker on the pamphlet definitively dates this map to 1957, but trams along Cavendish Road (to the south east of the map, and where my mother lived at the time) ceased operation in 1955 and were replaced by trolley buses. Perhaps the map just makes no distinction between the two, although copy on the reverse side still asks riders to “take the Cavendish Road tram”.

Source: State Library of Queensland

Submission – Unofficial Map: Metrovalencia by Tom Göpel

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Unofficial Maps

Submitted by Tom, who says:

Hi Cameron, first I would like to mention that I greatly appreciate your work and have learned lots about transit maps from your blog alone. It was also this blog that inspired me to try to design my own maps. It’s a great joy to me now. Here, I would like to share with you my take on the network in Valencia which, I thought, would be a fun challenge. For the line and station design, I’ve chosen a similar style to one that I used in my Bay Area diagram. My goal was to make the Valencia map more aesthetically pleasing, simplify the geometry, and come up with a different idea for the zone boundaries. I’d love to hear your opinion and things you think can be improved. Looking forward to it!

Transit Maps says:

Apart from one thing (which I’ll get to later), I absolutely adore this diagram, Tom. First off, I love the typeface used (Cera Pro), which has a wonderful legibility to it as well as having one of the best sans serif capital Q’s I have ever seen – just lovely. The open feeling that Cera Pro creates continues throughout the rest of the diagram, which feels clean and spacious throughout – nothing is crammed up tight to anything else, which is so nice to see.

Unlike the official diagram [review from June 2022 here – Cam] which doesn’t bother with any sort of mode differentiation (it’s all just “Metrovalencia”), Tom’s diagram differentiates between the more suburban rail lines and the urban tram lines in two subtle but very effective ways. The rail lines are cased with a darker shade of their line colour and use a much larger radius when they change direction compared to the tram lines. These larger curves are another part of what makes this diagram so elegant, but the tram lines need tighter radiuses, especially for the loop Line 4 makes at its eastern end – Tom’s solution accommodates both needs.

Other nice design touches: subtle drop shadows throughout lift the station markers up above the route lines; the texture on the sea is delightful; and the zone backgrounds are lovely and subtle – a far cry from the “in your face” colours used on the official map. They may actually be just a tad too subtle, but I appreciate the different approach. The diagram’s legend is clean, easy to understand and is integrated nicely into the overall design of the piece, instead of being an afterthought.

So what’s the one thing I don’t like? The exaggerated angle that the urban area of the diagram takes. In reality, Valencia’s “north” is tilted about 20 degrees clockwise from true north, and the maritime district isn’t that much further south than the historic core of the city. So seeing everything rotated on a huge 45-degree angle, with the maritime district pushed so far south (and the Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències pushed even further out of place), just looks jarringly wrong. The distinctive “green belt” of the old Turia River parkland mitigates this somewhat, but it still looks strange to my eyes.

Our final word: A stylish, elegant diagram with a lot of modern design touches that perhaps strays just a little too far from being grounded by the real world layout of the city it represents. It’s still pretty darn awesome.

Submission – Official Map: Long Island Rail Road Screen Maps at Grand Central Madison

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Official Maps, Photography

Submitted by Griffin, who says:

I work upstairs in the old Grand Central and was every excited to check out the new station this morning. Spotted this new map on the wall down there, thought you might find it interesting.

Transit Maps says:

Oh, I do like this. Graphically strong with bright, poppy colours and making good use of the unusual display format – eight vertical screens next to each other. The map looks to have been specifically designed for this format, as none of the labels cross over the breaks between panels – nicely done! Here’s hoping it doesn’t get blanked out by advertisements too much!

It’s hard to see in this photo, but it looks like there’s a lovely wavy texture to the water background, which is a nice design touch. Addition of ferry routes and points of interest on Long Island are also welcome. There are a few quibbles like the multiple angles for labels and the placement of some stations directly on corner points (the hard 90-degree turn that the Far Rockaway Branch takes from Valley Stream station looks particularly odd), but these are minor concerns. The typography and overall design is nicely evocative of Vignelli’s diagrams without being completely derivative. Perhaps more art installation than useful map – I can imagine it would be hard to take the whole map in at once if you were standing in front of it – this is still some very strong design work.

Update: Better images of each panel in this Reddit post.

Submission – Fantasy Map: Tram Network for Bristol, England by Elliott Sargent

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Fantasy Maps

Submitted by Elliott, who says:

I’ve been a fan of your work for a while now, and thought I’d submit my own work for judgement.

I’ve had a crack at designing a map for an as-yet non-existent tram and bus network for Bristol, UK, a city in dire need of reliable, integrated public transport. It would operate as a network of 19 tram lines in and around the urban area of Bristol, with five ‘metrobus’ routes linking the city to nearby commuter towns. Whilst there’s still a huge struggle between residents of the city, campaign groups and the city’s councils, I tried to envisage what a network could one day look like.

I had a few problems in terms of design, particularly trying to distinguish the separate bus routes apart from the rest of the tram network. The city centre orbital route also operates as part of each branch line, with trains running clockwise before branching out into the suburbs, and needed to find a way of denoting this (eventually with arrows and graduated lines).

I’d look forward to hearing your thoughts!

Transit Maps says:

Thanks for your submission, Elliott! I like both the way this diagram looks and your boundless ambition when it comes to envisioning a future for transit in Bristol! While normally I steer clear of commenting on the feasibility of networks depicted in fantasy maps, I will just say that running the trams from 19 feeder lines around a one-way downtown loop sounds a little… problematic.

That aside, the diagram is certainly striking, with its central focal point and use of only 90-degree angles. The liberal use of locality names throughout the map mitigates the lack of geographical cues, though it might still be hard work for non-locals to relate this diagram to the real world. The choice to show that central loop as a solid black with all the other lines fading into it is probably a wise one, though it might be a good idea to not use black (or any really dark colours) for any of the other lines – note how Lines 4 and 12 take on more prominence because that fading effect is not present: it almost looks like there’s one through-running route between the two termini.

A few thoughts – I think your station labelling is a little small. A good starting point is to make the x-height of your labels the same height as the thickness of your route lines and see how that looks/adjust from there. The typeface used, while clean and distinctive has a few quirks that hamper legibility: the ampersand (&) looks way too much like a lower-case “e” for my liking, and Oldstyle numerals – where some characters are smaller than others or drop below the baseline – are something I find just a bit too idiosyncratic for good transit map design. If your typeface is an Opentype font, you may be able to change the numerals from “Oldstyle” to “Lining”, where all the glyphs are of equal height and always sit uniformly on the baseline.

I have to say that I found it hard work to differentiate between the tram and bus routes at first glance: while the bus routes are thinner than the tram routes, it’s not enough to be able to quickly tell them apart. Some things to consider might be an obviously different line style or distinctive colour for the bus lines, and maybe changing the shape of the bullets to a square instead of a circle for that instant visual difference.

Another thing I’d like to see is your line numbering doing more work to help make sense of the system. At the moment, it all seems a little random. You could maybe number the routes sequentially in order clockwise around the map, starting from the 12-o’clock position and paying close attention to the ending position of any branching lines to keep them in the correct sequential order – the outer terminus of 1a should appear before 1b, for example: it’s the other way around on the diagram at present. Alternatively, you could perhaps bundle routes from each “exit point” of the downtown loop with related numbers… maybe “T1″ through “T5″ for all the routes that exit via Temple Meads, for example. Either of these approaches would also have the advantage of bundling all the routes together properly in the legend. Using the above example, all the Temple Meads services would run neatly after each other instead of being spread randomly throughout the legend as they currently are. Routes 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8; or routes T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5 both make a lot more sense than routes 4, 7, 8, 17 and 18! Help your users find the information they need!

Our final word: A really well-drawn diagram of this expansive fantasy network: it just needs a little more attention to detail to really make it work for me. A great start!

Submission – Official Map: TRAM d’Alacant Fare Zones, 2023

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Official Maps

Submitted by Roberto, who says:

I would like to share the TRAM d’Alacant fare zone map. It describes the different zones and stops of this tramway/narrow gauge train in the Spanish province of Alacant (Alicante). It’s been reopened recently after six years of renovation works.

Transit Maps says:

This is a fairly solid diagram that shares a lot of design language with the transit map of Valencia (reviewed in July 2022). This is perhaps understandable, as it seems that the Generalitat Valenciana has at least overseen the design of both maps. Like Valencia, the main urban area (Zone A) has been expanded in relation to the rest of the map, which is basically one corridor running up the coast to Dénia some 45 miles/70 kilometres away. The city is similarly represented more geographically, while the outer reaches are diagrammatic with evenly spaced stations from one end to the other.

Line 3 (Yellow) acts a local service for Line 1 (Red), which runs express within the urban limits of Alacant most of the time – the legend explains that first and last trains each day on Line 1 stop at all stations. This is indicated by the red line being visible through the white “shared station” symbol, which I don’t find particularly intuitive – I wonder whether a dot on Line 3 with a longer tick line crossing Line 1 would have been more effective?

I have two main issues with this otherwise competent diagram. First, the representation of the coastline is overly fussy and poorly drawn. Do we need the little bumps near Benidorm? Or the wharf (or whatever the heck that is) near Calp? And if it is somehow important to show the port/marina area in Alacant itself, then show it properly, instead of cutting it off at the bottom of the canvas. The non-standard angles at the top of the diagram used to represent Cap Martí drive me insane.

Secondly, the legend looks like an afterthought just thrown down wherever. As with the Valencia map, the legend inexplicably gets broken up by a zone boundary when there’s plenty of room to fit it all within Zone B’s space. The typesetting is also poor – some entries have a very long first line (longer than an optimal reading length) and then a very short second line. It’d be much better to balance those lines evenly to create a more compact, readable block of text. I’m also a proponent of always starting a new line with each change of language, instead of running them one after another on a single line – it just makes it explicit that a change is taking place.

Our final word: Competent enough, but let down by some strangely unpolished design choices with the coastline and legend. Does the job.

Source: TRAM website