All posts tagged: San Francisco

Submission – Unofficial Maps: Bay Area Rail Transit by Lyle Simmons

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Unofficial Maps

Submitted via email by Lyle, who says: The Bay Area has one of the most complex and diverse urban transit systems in the world, including three commuter rail systems, one metro systems, two light rail systems, one heritage streetcar line, and four major bus agencies. Unfortunately, there isn’t an official map linking any of these services together, so I thought I might make one myself. Transit Maps says: There’s a lot to like about the […]

Submission: Time Scale Map of Bay Area Rapid Transit by Michael Lopato

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Unofficial Maps, Visualizations

Submitted by Michael, who says: Today, I would like to submit a different sort of map.  Most time scale maps that I have seen so far (such as this one or this one) involve two common elements: a central station or origin, and concentric circles representing time.  Though I believe that both of these are very good maps, this approach might be better suited to a city like Pittsburgh (where nearly everyone commutes to the […]

Lyft Launches “Friends With Transit” Campaign, Targets “Last-Mile” Riders

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Say what you like about Lyft (”awesome ride-sharing service” or “dangerously unregulated upstart taxi wannabe” seems to describe the polar opposites of opinion), but this is a pretty sweet ad campaign. From the delightfully double-edged campaign name, “Friends with Transit” – which can either echo “friends with benefits”, or simply be a statement that Lyft complements public transportation – to the trademark hot pink lines filling in the gaps left behind by rail transit in each city, […]

Fantasy Map: San Francisco Muni Metro in the Style of the New York Subway Map

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Fantasy Maps, Mash-Up Maps

Created by DeviantArt member Maphead354, this is pretty spot-on, right down to the MTA-styled “MUNI” logo and condensed serif font for park names. Of course, the letter designations for lines at every single station starts to look a bit silly with so few lines, but that’s part of the fun of the mash-up, I guess. Amusingly, just like in New York, other rail systems get relegated to thin blue ticked route lines. In NY, it’s […]

Historical/Unofficial Map: SF Muni Frequency Map, 1982 by Dennis McClendon

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Historical Maps, Unofficial Maps

Sent my way by Dennis, who says: Today’s offering is spurred by news of a new Muni map showing frequency of service. Here’s the one I created for personal amusement in 1982. As you can see, the technology was a bit more primitive: Rapidograph technical pens, a calligraphy pen, and crepe-paper tape on tracing paper.  The rest of the page (of a visitors guide I made for friends) was typewritten. Transit Maps says: Nice and simple – […]

Rail Services of the Bay Area, September 1937 by David Edmondson

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Historical Maps

David, who runs The Greater Marin blog, has created this absolutely superb modern transit diagram version of rail services in the Bay Area in 1937. He’s used a contemporaneous railway timetable as his main source of information, so it seem to be pretty accurate, although he’s still seeking final feedback about the map’s content before finishing the project up. Stylistically, the map quite obviously borrows from Massimo Vignelli’s New York subway map, complete with black […]

Historical Maps: Rail Transit in North America, 1984 by Dennis McClendon

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Historical Maps

I thought I was all done with “to scale” maps of North American rail systems, but then Dennis McClendon (see previous posts from him) sent in this beautiful series of maps that he produced for Planning magazine back in 1984. Dennis himself says: Given this week’s Tumblr theme, I thought you might be interested in these maps that I did in 1984, when I worked for Planning magazine. The “new wave” of modern light rail […]

Submission – New BART (San Francisco/Bay Area) Map with Oakland Airport Connector

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Official Maps

Submitted by long-time correspondent, Edward Russell, who says: Finally got a chance to see the updated BART map with the Oakland Airport Connector in person (see Edward’s photo below). Unlike the online map, they do depict Coliseum station as a transfer point with circles instead of just a dash. [Editor’s note: BART’s simpler online map has now also been updated to show the OAC transfer at the Coliseum station in the same style as this […]