All posts tagged: BRT

Fantasy Map: Los Angeles 2050 by Josh Vredevoogd

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Fantasy Maps, Future Maps

Submitted by Josh, who says: Hello! I’m a designer in Los Angeles excited by all the new rail infrastructure being built here. I decided to make a map showing what the Metro network might look like in 30 years assuming generous transit funding. It’s my first time designing a map this complex so I’m definitely curious for your thoughts. The new lines are mostly built from pieces and combinations of current plans, including a finished […]

Submission – Official Map: Unified Map of Transit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2018

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Official Maps

Submitted by Henrique, who says: Hello! Rio de Janeiro has, now and finally, a new official map of all the metropolitan transport system. Here, we have BRT corridors, tramways, metro lines and a suburban rail, but each system used to have your own map in the stations. What you think about the design of it? Transit Maps says: The text on the government web page promoting this map roughly translates to: “This tool… aims to […]

New Project: Unofficial Map – Metro de Medellin, Colombia

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My Transit Maps, Unofficial Maps

While preparing today’s post about the current Medellin Metro map (2 stars), I kept looking at the map and asking myself if there were ways that I could improve upon it. Eventually, I had enough ideas to make a reworking worthwhile and set about the task. I’ve chosen to show a “near-future” version of the system, with the “M” and “P” MetroCable lines completed, but without the Line 3 BRT, as I can’t find enough information on the […]

Submission – Official Map: Metro de Medellin Map, 2018  

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Official Maps

Submitted by David Osorio, who says: It shows Metro lines, BRT lines, Tramway and Aerial Cable Car lines. Transit Maps says: I last reviewed Medellin’s transit map back in 2014 (1.5 stars), but this new version is sufficiently different for me to re-evaluate it. The first things I notice are the route lines are much thicker and the labels are much bigger, changes which improve the map tremendously over the spindly previous version.  However, some […]

Submission – Official Map: Transmilenio BRT, Bogota, Colombia

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Official Maps

Submitted by okamijishi, who says: This is the official network map of Bogota’s Transmilenio, I wanted to know what do you think about it. I think this one is useless, we don’t use it a lot because it doesn’t show the routes. Transit Maps says: This is an interesting one. While the map is executed quite nicely with bold lines and clear labels, it is – as okamijishi says – almost entirely useless for actually navigating […]

Submission – Future Map: Auckland Congestion Free Network Map v2.0

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Future Maps

Submitted by Greater Auckland, who says: I’d like to submit our new future Auckland regional transit map for a good brutally honest frisking! We follow your blog and you’ll see more than a few design cues have been picked up from your work. This was done by Greater Auckland (formerly TransportBlog) to promote the revised Congestion Free Network Plan. This network plan takes the best parts of the official Auckland multi-decade plan – the rapid […]

Submission – Unofficial Future Map: Sound Transit Network, Puget Sound, 2041 by Zachary Newell

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Fantasy Maps, Future Maps

Submitted by Zachary, who says: This map is based on voter-approved expansions to the Seattle area’s light rail network and represents what the system should look like in 2041 when the extensions are finished. The light rail, which currently has two separate lines (one runs from the University of Washington area through downtown Seattle and on to the airport; the other is a short segment in Tacoma), will grow to a sprawling system connecting the […]

Submission – Fantasy Map: Future Rapid Transit of Canberra, Australia by John Roberts

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Fantasy Maps, Future Maps

Submitted by John, who says: A fantasy map imagining Canberra’s (newly under construction) light rail system and a fantasy rapid and feeder bus network at some point in the future. I wanted to address Canberra’s notorious reputation as a spread out and car dominated city and make the map about finding fast and simple connections to high quality public transport corridors. As such I’ve steered away from an over-reliance on geography that the current Transport […]

Submission  – Official Map: Unified Rio de Janeiro Olympics Transit Map, 2016

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Official Maps

Submitted by Pedro, who says: Rio de Janeiro City Hall made a new transit map! It’s the first official map of the city that shows all the options, including the new LRT line and the Olympic-exclusive lines. What do you think about it? Transit Maps says: Well, it’s certainly an improvement over the old Metro-only map (May 2012, 2 stars), and it’s always nice to see a map that integrates different transportation modes. Here, I […]

Submission – Official Map: Whippet Buses, Cambridgeshire, England

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Official Maps

Submitted by Tim C, who says: Here’s the route map of Whippet, Cambridgeshire’s “other” bus company. Frankly their route map is a far better effort than Stagecoaches! Brilliantly, their small buses are called Whippet Puppy, and when out of service their matrix displays say “Woof!” which is just fantastic. Transit Maps says: There’s a definite aesthetic appeal to this map, with an intelligent use of 30-degree angles and a nice hierarchy between the coloured (main) routes […]