All posts tagged: bus

Photo: Maps in Repurposed Transit Shelter, Portland, Oregon

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Historical Maps

This small cafe on Fifth Avenue in Portland is housed in one of the last remaining bus shelters from the pre-2007 transit mall, and (awesomely) still retains the maps and informational signage of that vintage.  To the left is the transit mall directory, featuring the last iteration of Portland’s icon-based route grouping – a beaver for routes to the southeast, a leaf for southern routes, a rose for southwest routes, and a deer for those […]

Submission – Official Map: Flixbus Route Network, March 2016

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Official Maps

Submitted by Bruno Heemskerk, who says: Flixbus is quite a new company with bus services between several European countries. Transit Maps says: This is another good example of what I call a “boast map”, in that it shows the impressive extent of the network, but reveals very little about actual routing (that’s for the website to tell you). For example, a little poking around on that website tells me that you can only directly reach other destinations […]

Historical Map: Bus Map of Tokyo, c. 1950

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Historical Maps

Not a lot of geographical context here, although the central hub is pretty easy to discern. Does good work differentiating lines with a limited colour palette. Can anyone translate the legend at right that shows dashed/thin/thick lines? Is this an early attempt at frequency mapping? Note: Thanks to all who have told me that the lines are thick for express routes, thin for normal routes, and dashed for “special” routes. So it’s service mapping, not frequency. […]

Update: The City of Luxembourg Adopts Jug Cerovic’s Bus Map!

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Official Maps

Jug writes: Hi Cameron, I have got some great news from the “maps as works of art” front: Since yesterday Luxembourg has a brand new official bus map! Since last summer I have been working with the City of Luxembourg to adapt my map to their particular needs and now it is going live. The main features of the map are: Geographic centre/schematic outskirts The pentagonal Old Town (Ville Haute) as a symbolic landmark in […]

Historical Map: Vancouver City and Suburban Lines, c. 1930

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Historical Maps

Via: illustratedvancouver: A Guide to Vancouver, the complete map by Peter Hugh Page, a pamphlet by BCER circa 1930, pre-Lions Gate Bridge. “BCER Takes you everywhere!” From the VPL Special Collections, SPEMAPC 388.46 V223b 1930 A charmingly breezy little map of streetcar, interurban rail and motorbus services in Vancouver in 1930. Hand-drawn by one Peter Hugh Page (even the BCER logo!), the map features a number of crudely drawn but amusing vignettes of life in […]

Submission – Official Map: Bus Map of Kielce, Poland, 2016

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Official Maps

Submitted by Cyryl, who says: Kielce is a mid-sized (200,000 inhabitants) city in Poland, well-known across transport enthusiasts for its extremely inefficient transport system, consisting of over 60 infrequent (most of them make under 10 trips each way per day) lines. Local transport authority tried to make things a little bit easier… and produced something equally awful. It’s not easy to make meaningful scheme when you have nearly fifty lines on one stop, but this […]

Submission – Maps from the 1977 “Golden Gate Transit Guide”, showing South Marin and Larkspur Ferry Bus Services

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Historical Maps

Submitted by Denis Agar, who says: Check out the Marin County transit maps on page 110 of this thesis (source below). They’re so distinct! Maybe you’ve seen them but I couldn’t NOT send you these. Vignelli much? Transit Maps says: I haven’t seen these before, Denis – and you’re right: they’re absolutely fantastic. I feel that the mid- to late-1970s was a time when America actually embraced clean, modernist “European” design, especially on the West […]

Submission – Berlin’s Transit Network, as Drawn One Piece at a Time by a 7-Year-Old

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Unofficial Maps

Submitted by cellardoor85, who says: As special educator, I work with a 7 year old boy who has memorised the complete Berlin S-/U-Bahn, bus and tram network. Every day, he draws exactly one section of the network (without any mistakes, of course) and gives it to me as a present. Last month I started to puzzle all the parts together into one big map on the wall of my office. The common project is not finished […]

Submission – Official Map: Metrolink Commuter Rail System, Southern California

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Official Maps

Submitted by SounderBruce, who says: The fairly new Metrolink map I came across caught my eye because of the way LA Metro is integrated, showing the termini of lines that don’t even come close to touching Metrolink’s network. Also of note is the prominent inclusion of the Amtrak Surfliner and the Coaster/Sprinter further south. Transit Maps says: When your commuter rail system spans six populous Southern Californian counties, it’s a nice touch to indicate how […]

Before and After – Karlsruhe’s Transit Map Goes All Curvy!

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Official Maps

Big news out of Germany, where Karlsruhe’s KVV becomes one of the first European transit agencies to adopt a fully curvilinear diagram instead of the almost ubiquitous octolinear “Beck-style” diagram. The new map is shown here, with the old map for comparison beneath it.  The old one is a solid, well-executed map, very much in the usual German style of transit map design – although perhaps a little too indistinguishable from many other very similar […]