All posts tagged: commuter rail

Submission – New Mexico Transit Guide by Kara Fischer

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Unofficial Maps

Submitted by Kara, who says: I’ve attached the second edition of my “NM Transit Guide,” which I previously submitted one or two weeks back. The new version includes, along with some visual changes that I feel make it more aesthetically pleasing, a feature which as far as I can tell is a unique form of presenting information – I’ve never seen it on any other transit map. On the reverse side of the guide I […]

Submission – Video: 24 Hours of Public Transportation in Budapest, 2012

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Submitted by scnartup, who says: Similar stuff to the video of a day in the life of London’s Underground in Budapest. Metro line M4 is not shown since it opened in 2014 and the video was made in 2012. One dot represents one vehicle [as opposed to the London video, where 1 dot represents a single rider – CAM]. Legend: white dot: night bus blue dot: bus red dot: trolley bus yellow dot: tram bigger dots: metro […]

Submission – Future Map: Rapid Transit in Helsinki, 2020

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Future Maps, Official Maps

Submitted by Mikko, who says: Helsinki Regional Transport Authority’s (HSL) draft map of rapid transit and trunk bus lines, published for comments on 16 February 2015. There are multiple errors and readability problems with this version, e.g. the commuter train designation letters are too small to be read, some Swedish-language names are wrong etc. Some notes: names of stations and stops are in Finnish and Swedish (officially bilingual country) the so-called Ring Rail Line (Kehärata) […]

Submission – A Heart-shaped Map for Helsinki’s New Airport Rail Loop

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Official Maps

Submitted by Augustin, who says: A new ring rail line is soon to be opened in Helsinki, thus providing a convenient way to reach the airport from city centre (only bus services are available as of now). HSL, the local transportation authority, advertises this huge change with a lovely heart shaped map of the ring, conveniently showing all the stops the trains will potentially call at, although the actual stopping pattern on the line has […]

Rail Services of the Bay Area, September 1937 by David Edmondson

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Historical Maps

David, who runs The Greater Marin blog, has created this absolutely superb modern transit diagram version of rail services in the Bay Area in 1937. He’s used a contemporaneous railway timetable as his main source of information, so it seem to be pretty accurate, although he’s still seeking final feedback about the map’s content before finishing the project up. Stylistically, the map quite obviously borrows from Massimo Vignelli’s New York subway map, complete with black […]

Submission – Unofficial Future Rail Map of Stockholm by Bernie Ng

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Future Maps, Unofficial Maps

Submitted by Bernie, whose Melbourne and Singapore maps have been featured previously on Transit Maps. Of this map, Bernie says: Attached is a map of the Stockholm railway network (including the metro system, trams, local railways and commuter railways operated by SL, and Arlanda Express). I got a bit of inspiration after a recent visit. I loved the original Stockholm subway map – it is an exercise of minimalist beauty. Just three colours, and dashed […]

Submission – New Rail Transit Map for Stockholm, Sweden, 2015 (with Before/After)

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Official Maps

Submitted by Kristofer Kåring, who says: Stockholm Transit (SL) has made official a new railway/metro/tram map. News article (in Swedish) about it here. I think the new gray design is more appealing, and I like that they don’t stretch short branches any longer (like T14 to Fruängen and T17 to Skarpnäck), but the extra bends on T10 are ugly. Transit Maps says: The new map (the second of the two images above) is certainly very striking […]

Submission – Fantasy Future Map: Glasgow Integrated Rail by Angus Doyle

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Fantasy Maps, Future Maps

Submitted by Angus, who says: I’ve been working on this map of an integrated rail network for Greater Glasgow of the (imagined) near future for quite some time and now that it’s finally finished I’d love to know what you make of it. Shortly after beginning the project I found your blog and I’ve been regularly trawling through it for inspiration and tips ever since. I started work on the map for three basic reasons. […]

From Unofficial to Official: Igor Skliarevsky’s Kiev Rapid Transit Map

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Official Maps

I first covered Igor’s vision for an improved rapid transit map for Kiev way back in 2011, and I was impressed with what I saw even back then. He’s continued to work on it and improve it since then, and it finally seems that his hard work is paying off. The latest version of his map is now being placed in some Metro trains as a pilot program, hopefully leading to full acceptance as the […]