All posts tagged: USA

Submission – Official Map: BART System Map, 2020

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Official Maps

A few requests for a review of this major revision of the Bay Area’s BART map, so here goes… This map is meant to be deployed when service to Milpitas and Berryessa begins, so it won’t be seen immediately – but it’s good that BART is planning ahead and getting this work done ahead of time. Generally, there’s a lot to like about this iteration – the stylised coastline suits the schematic treatment of the route […]

Historical Map: Pullman, Washington, 1911 – The Palouse Country

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Historical Maps, Illustrations

This handsome birds-eye view map of eastern Washington State comes from the Pullman Primer, a prospectus put together by the Pullman Chamber of Commerce in 1911 to attract business to the city. It shows the city nestled in the foreground, surrounded by the fertile lands of the Palouse, with Seattle and Portland in the far distance. All across the plains stretch the lines of the many and varied railroad companies of the day, connecting Pullman […]

Fantasy Map: Capital Monorail, Washington DC (1960s) by Michael Tyznik

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Fantasy Maps

I’m not quite sure how I missed this one when Michael posted it to Twitter back at the beginning of March, because it’s really quite wonderful. It seems to be based on a 1959 proposal by O. Roy Chalk – the then owner of D.C. Transit – for a monorail system. Chalk considered traditional rail as obsolete, while monorail represented the future: “beautiful, silent-operating… suspended on graceful pylons for the most part.” You can read […]

Submission – Unofficial Map: RFTA Winter Bus Service in Aspen, Colorado by Joseph Van Harn

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Unofficial Maps

Submitted by Joseph, who says: I recently completed an unofficial map of Roaring Fork Transportation Authority winter bus service in Aspen, Colorado (80 x 40 cm, Affinity Designer). I decided to take on this project in response to the official maps’ collective failure to portray the system’s Upvalley services. RFTA’s system map lacks detail south of Brush Creek and directs the viewer to a nonexistent “Aspen inset,” and the City of Aspen’s bus map shows […]

Submission – Unofficial Map: Bay Area Transit Strip Map by Fern Kusnetzoff-Hahn

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Unofficial Maps

Submitted by Fern, who says: A few weeks ago, i made a fairly rough strip map of almost all Bay Area passenger rail services using some pens and graph paper. I was wondering if you’d like to review it? Transit Maps says: A nice effort at a Bay Area-wide topological diagram, Fern! It certainly fits into the long, narrow proportions of your average strip map nicely. I particularly like the use of a “half-grid” for […]

Official Map: Amtrak Network Map by James Niehues for Amtrak’s “The National” Magazine

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Illustrations, Official Maps

Yes, that James Niehues. As you’d expect from the acclaimed master of ski resort maps, the mountains in this map are gorgeously rendered, and Amtrak’s routes are drawn as straight red lines — almost as if they were ski lifts across the country. I particularly like it when a route line “disappears” behind a particularly tall mountain — it’s something that really sells the implied dimensionality of the map. It is perhaps unfortunate that some […]

Historical Map: Car and Bus Routes to Wanamaker’s, 1929

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Advertising, Historical Maps

A rather wonderful little map from the 1929 edition of the Wanamaker’s Diary, showing how accessible the store – generally regarded as one of the first department stores in the United States – was by public transportation. I particularly like how all the modes are clearly defined by delightful little profile illustrations – adorable little motor coaches, single cars with trolley poles for streetcars and multiple cars for the subway and elevated lines. The sheer […]

Official Map: VTA San Jose Light Rail Map, 2020

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Official Maps

Along with a major service revision in December 2019 that – amongst other things –closed the Almaden Shuttle light rail line, San Jose’s Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) also took the opportunity to introduce a new light rail map, shown here. While it’s nothing outstanding, it’s clean, clear and easy to understand – which actually puts it ahead of quite a lot of other maps out there. I would like to see another use of the […]

Historical Map: Chicago Central Area Transit Plan, 1974

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Historical Maps

A map from on what looks like a presentation board showing the mid-1970s version of the Chicago Central Area Transit Plan. Initially planned as a whole new system of subway lines to entirely replace the Loop in downtown Chicago in the late 1960s, rising costs caused the program to be split into parts: the “Core Plan” seen here, with the balance to be built later. As it happened, none of it was ever actually constructed. […]

Submission – Fantasy Map: Greater Northeast Corridor Maglev by Adam Susaneck

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Fantasy Maps

Submitted by Adam, who says: These are two maps I made for a class where I’m proposing a trans-national maglev through what I’m calling the “Greater Northeast Corridor.” Totally unrealistic, I know, but I’d love to get your opinion on the map! Transit Maps says: Oh, I do like this, Adam! When you have proposed travel times of just 18 minutes between Philadelphia and New York (as just one example), the rapid transit diagram design […]