All posts tagged: Wisconsin

Submission – Official Map: Metro Rapid Map, Madison, Wisconsin

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Official Maps

Submitted by Matthew, who says: Madison, WI just opened the first phase of our new BRT system, with new stations, new electric buses, and a new diagrams. I’d love to know what you think about the design, especially how the city handled differentiating the two types of station platform set ups. (I haven’t seen many diagrams with this feature!) Transit Maps says: This diagram is fairly simple and workmanlike: there’s nothing extraordinary about it, but […]

Submission – Historical Map: Duluth Transit Authority, 1982

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Historical Maps

Submitted by Darryl, who says: Going through old boxes in my basement, I came across this 1982 opus from the Duluth Transit Authority. I may be biased because it’s the first transit map I ever saw, but I think it’s amazing, capturing the way the city nestles into the topography, and showing most points of interest, and showing how transit ties everything together. This is a scan, but the copyright and source info is at […]

Historical Map: Proposed Mass Transit System, Milwaukee WI, 1948

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Historical Maps

Milwaukee dreaming big in the last days of rail-based mass transit in that city. I can’t find many specifics about this plan, though I do know that the City was attempting to purchase the transit lines in Milwaukee from its private operators at the time, so this study may have something to do with that. On this map, the thin black lines represent local services, probably a mix of diesel bus, “trackless trolley” and streetcar […]