Submitted by Simon, who says:
I recently found this horrible official map of the regional buses in the North-German town of Wismar. I already planned to make them a proper map until I found out that this bus company doesn’t operate anymore since the end of 2015, so it probably doesn’t matter.
Transit Maps says:
Not operating anymore, huh? I wonder if having a map that made it virtually impossible to work out where any buses went had anything to do with that…
I’m being facetious, of course, but there’s no doubting that this is an execrable piece of cartography and information design. The worst part is the absence of almost all the route numbers from the enormous circle indicating Wismar itself… surely most, if not all, of the routes pass through the hub of the network? And poor old Kirchdorf: worthy of a dot, but not a bus.
Our rating: Do you even have to ask? Straight to the Hall of Shame!