Via: parismetromap:
The New Paris Metro Map is developing. The final version will be soon… within one to two months.
An RATP logo for the blog this originated from, but surely this is not a reworking of the actual official Métro map? Anyone have any more details on this at all?
The idea of making a circle out of Lines 2 and 6 is interesting, but the spaghetti-like tangle of routes contained within that circle is quite frightening. Definitely a work in progress, whoever is working on it… station dots out of place, line numbers missing, etc. The curved shape described by stations where three or more lines meet is interesting, but I’m less sure about the multi-coloured gradient strokes used on them… it makes these major stations blend in with the surrounding lines, when they should stand out and be immediately visible.
It’ll certainly be interesting to see the final completed map, that’s for sure!
EDIT: In world record time, I’ve been told that the map is an unofficial work by graphic designer and art director, Constantine Konovalov. Well, that clears things up nicely!