All posts tagged: 1.5 stars

Submission – Official Map: Boston MBTA Commuter Rail Zones Map

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Official Maps

Submitted by alr2659, who says: I found this map of the MBTA commuter rail zones in the Central Square T station on the red line in Cambridge. Strangely, this station does not have any commuter rail service, so I’m not sure why this was there at all. I guess I’ll start with the obvious part: those colors are pretty hideous, and the mud-brown color used for zone 1A does a really good job making it […]

Submission – Official Map: Houston METRORail In-Car Strip Map

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Official Maps

Submitted by Chris Bastian, who says: Houston light rail map (2016); one core line (red); two spurs (green/purple) with planned extensions shown. Transit Maps says: I can understand that METRO is proud of their two new lines, but at this point they’ve been open for almost a year and a half. I think we can lose the awkward “NOW OPEN” shaded boxes now and reserve that treatment solely for the future two-station extension to the Green […]

Submission – Official Map: Miami-Dade Metrorail Map, 2016

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Official Maps

Submitted by lukasmaps, who says: I think I’m gonna hurl… Shows buses, but NOT the Metromover? Come on. Transit Maps says: Well, it at least shows the stations that you can transfer to the Metromover at (all two of them), so it’s kind of on par with the buses – no actual bus routes are shown, just a list of numbers at each station. Showing the Metromover on this map is problematic because of the disparate […]

Updated Official Map: Denver RTD Rail Services Map, April 2016

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Official Maps

Denver’s rapidly-expanding rail network took another step forward today with the opening of the new commuter rail service out to Denver International Airport – the “train to the plane”, as they (a little unoriginally) call it.  However, for those – like me! – hoping for a new map to celebrate the new service, you’re in for a disappointment, as the latest offering is just a minimally-modified version of the previous map (June 2016, 1.5 stars). […]

Official Map: Mexico City Metro, Mexico, 2015

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Official Maps

Strangely, I’ve never talked about this system map on the blog before. So this is the map that’s available for download as a PDF on the STC’s website and basically, it’s a giant pile of spaghetti thrown on the page.  The centre of the map is so cramped and crowded that labels almost overlap each other as well as the route lines. No explanation is given for the “MB” icon near some stations (it’s to represent […]

Submission – Official Map: DCTA A-Train Map, Denton County, Texas, 2015

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Official Maps

Submitted by Kara Fischer, who says: I think I may have a new map for your Hall of Shame! Here’s the official map for A-Train service in Texas. That yellow line’s VERY hard to see on the pale background; there’s much more emphasis on the street grid and the lakes. And those station icons! I can’t tell what five of them are, and it’s absolutely ridiculous to only label them in the legend! Why can’t […]

Official Map: London Night Tube Services, 2015

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Official Maps

It’s almost bizarre to think that an enormous cosmopolitan city like London doesn’t have 24-hour rail service. Yes, there’s an extensive night bus network, but the Tube is such an integral part of the city that it seems odd that it just stops after midnight.  However, that’s about to change on Fridays and Saturdays from September 12, as shown on this new map from Transport for London. I’ve already seen some positive commentary on it […]

Submission – Official Map: Bucharest Metro, 2014

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Official Maps

Submitted by ssjmaz, who says: M4 is under construction, M5 and M6 are future plans. I’m planing on making a map of my own that is fully diagrammatic, will submit it when it’s ready. Transit Maps says: I look forward to seeing ssjmaz’s map, because it will almost certainly be better than this tired old thing. In this modern day and age, it absolutely baffles me that transit agencies put tiny, poorly-rendered JPGs, GIFs and PNGs […]

Submission – Unofficial Map: “Hyper Japan” Directory London Underground Map

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Unofficial Maps

Submitted by chiguire, who says: Found this London Tube map in the Hyper Japan directory magazine. Hyper Japan is some sort of convention about the country [of Japan, held in London – Cam], but I couldn’t stop staring at this map. It’s like a car wreck, it’s horrible but you just can’t stop looking 😛 Transit Maps says: This is a great example how you can use all the elements of a successful transit map […]

Historical Map: Nicholson’s Complete London Guide Bus Map, c. 1980

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Unofficial Maps

Unusual and potentially confusing bus map that chooses to colour-code routes by the major thoroughfare that they travel down: all Oxford Street buses are orange, all Farringdon Road buses are lime green, etc. However it’s all a bit of a mess, made more so by the strangely yellow/orange-heavy colour palette. Westminster Bridge is crossed by six routes; five of them are way too similar to each other (orange-brown, yellow, orange, another orange-brown and lime green). […]