All posts tagged: Philadelphia

Submission – Fantasy Map: A. Merritt Taylor’s Rapid Transit Plan for Philadelphia by Arthur Etchells

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Fantasy Maps

Submitted by Arthur, who says: I’ve been a fan of your website for some time and have dabbled in creating some transit maps of Philadelphia, utilizing many of your tips. The latest is a Vignelli inspired map based on A. Merritt Taylor’s plan for future rapid transit in Philadelphia. The plan is from 1913 and if executed would have left Philadelphia a very different place.  [This 1913 plan was featured on Transit Maps in October […]

Submission – Historical Map: SEPTA High Speed and Commuter Rail System, 1976

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Historical Maps

Lovely little simplified network map that shows the SEPTA network in the mid-1970s, when commuter rail service was provided by the Reading Company and Penn Central… hence the two separate Chestnut Hill stations in the network (now denoted as East and West). Although the two systems are noted separately in the legend, there’s very little – if any – difference in the way they’re depicted on the map, although each line is labelled with its […]

Historical Maps: Rail Transit in North America, 1984 by Dennis McClendon

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Historical Maps

I thought I was all done with “to scale” maps of North American rail systems, but then Dennis McClendon (see previous posts from him) sent in this beautiful series of maps that he produced for Planning magazine back in 1984. Dennis himself says: Given this week’s Tumblr theme, I thought you might be interested in these maps that I did in 1984, when I worked for Planning magazine. The “new wave” of modern light rail […]

Historical Map: Tentative Location of Future Rapid Transit Lines, Philadelphia, 1913

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Historical Maps

From A. Merritt Taylor’s Report of Transit Commissioner, City of Philadelphia. At the time, only the current Market-Frankford Line (complete with “Ferry Line” extension at the east end) was operating, so everything else shown here is proposed. Coincidentally, the colour scheme used seems to be almost identical to that used today, although the colours actually indicate immediacy of construction – blue for extant, orange for “immediate construction” and green for “future construction”. Source: 18brumaire/Flickr

Submission – Unofficial Map: Intercity and Commuter Rail of North America’s East Coast by Edward Powell

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Unofficial Maps

Submitted by Isaac Fischer, who says: Here’s a neat map I found online that shows the entire American east coast, as well as southeastern Canada. It shows both commuter and intercity rail lines. As far as I can tell, it seems fairly accurate, and could definitely be useful. Transit Maps says: While there’s more than a passing resemblance to my own Amtrak Passenger Rail map here – both in the general aesthetics of the map […]

Historical Map: PATCO Hi-Speed Line (Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey), 1983

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Historical Maps

An odd little map from the Fall/Winter 1978 PATCO timetable brochure. While the Hi-Speed line itself is nicely shown in a lovely strong red, the absolute tangle of highways shown in New Jersey is somewhat bewildering, and really not that helpful. The other bit of strangeness is the way that the map shows highways and towns all the way out to the Atlantic coast – some 45 miles past Lindenwold, the easternmost PATCO station. The […]

Historical Map: SEPTA – July, 1983 Station Map

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Historical Maps

What an amazing trash pile find! Not much more to add – the original post below pretty much says it all: Via: jukiebot/Tumblr (no longer active): This map is from the first year that SEPTA had become fully responsible for the operations of the commuter rail system in Philadelphia. I acquired this map a little while ago while wandering around West Philly with a friend where I saw a large pile of trash by the […]

Submission – Unofficial Map: Philadelphia SEPTA Rapid Transit System

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Unofficial Maps

Submitted by Henry, who says: Hi, my name is Henry, and I’m a senior in high school.  I made this map of Philadelphia’s rapid transit services (mostly SEPTA but including PATCO). This is the first transit map I’ve made, for my home city, Philadelphia, a map which I know you have much distaste for. I know it has several problems (alignment mostly I think) but I think it’s a huge improvement over what’s there now. […]

Fantasy Map: Subways of North America by xkcd

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Fantasy Maps

My Twitter feed and inbox are both absolutely overflowing with references to this map from the “xkcd’ web comic, so here’s a post about it! xkcd has always been a comic for geeks, and has a long history of awesome map-related work – my favourites include this Lord of the Rings movie narrative map, and the particularly carto-nerdy discussion of map projections – so it’s nice to see the strip’s attention turn to this particular facet […]