All posts tagged: planning map

Historical Map: Metropolitan Railway Plan for Stockholm, 1965

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Historical Maps

Here’s a great mid-20th Century planning map showing proposed extensions to the Stockholm Metro in 1965. The blue lines show what was already built (or about to be built) at the time, while the different types of green lines show proposed additions at varying levels of planning: solid for planned, dashed for an extension without a full alignment study, and dotted for unstudied alternative extensions. It’s definitely interesting to compare this map to what has […]

Historical Map: Chicago Central Area Transit Plan, 1974

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Historical Maps

A map from on what looks like a presentation board showing the mid-1970s version of the Chicago Central Area Transit Plan. Initially planned as a whole new system of subway lines to entirely replace the Loop in downtown Chicago in the late 1960s, rising costs caused the program to be split into parts: the “Core Plan” seen here, with the balance to be built later. As it happened, none of it was ever actually constructed. […]

Historical Map: Proposal for Rapid Transit in Pittsburgh, October 1973

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Historical Maps

A map presented as part of an overview of future rapid transit prepared by the Port Authority of Allegheny County. See the whole document here. It’s a pretty basic thing, designed in that chunky 1970s style, but it’s interesting to compare it to what Pittsburgh has ended up building. Solid orange lines are proposed express commuter bus services, while dashed orange lines represent fixed guideway lines. If the lines are cased in black, then they […]

Historical Map: 1970 Map Showing Proposed Rio de Janeiro Metro in 1990

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Future Maps, Historical Maps

A map from 1970, somenine years before the Metro opened, showing what the network was meant to look like in 1990. As things have turned out, not quite. Although the initial segment and the “Linha Prioritária” correspond very closely to the current Metro Line 1, and parts of the dashed “Linha 1” on the map correspond somewhat to the current Line 2, the remainder is very different indeed. A crossing to Niteroi on the other […]

Historical Map: 1967 San Francisco Muni Rapid Transit Plan

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Historical Maps

I’m ever so slightly in love with this simple little map showing proposed rapid transit lines in San Francisco. There’s some lovely texture for the parkland, a nice vignetted effect for the coastline, and some great mid-century typography as well – all rather delightful!  There’s a great information hierarchy as well, with buses being thin light blue lines, then trolley buses slightly thicker brown lines. Cable cars are shown by thin black lines that still […]

Official Visualization: SFTMA Future Subways Heatmap

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Official Maps, Visualizations

Remember back in August when the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) asked for the public’s input on where future subways in the city might run by means of an interactive “draw a subway map” tool?  Well, they’ve just released the collated results of that survey – which had some 2,600 respondents – as a heat map, and the results are certainly definitive. It would seem that almost everyone wants a subway line along the […]

Official Maps: Sound Transit Link Federal Way Extension Alternatives

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Official Maps

Here’s some interesting isometric-style maps that crossed my desk the other day. They’re part of a series of maps from the Sound Transit Federal Way Link Extension Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) Summary that outline all the proposed potential alignments from the soon-to-be-completed Angle Lake station south to Federal Way.  I believe that the maps were produced by HDR as a consultant to Sound Transit, and they do quite a nice job of comparing and […]

Historical Map: New York City IND Subway Planning Map, 1927

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Historical Maps

Via: hyperrealcartography: New York City IND Subway planning map from 1927. I don’t have any information about this map other than what’s on it but it appears to be an early version of the Independent Subway System which was built by the City of New York to force the existing private subway companies to sell their lines to the city (”recaptured” as is labeled on the key) .  The plan clearly shows the first section […]

Official Map: “Draw Your Own” Future SFMTA Transit Map

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Future Maps, Official Maps

Suddenly, it seems that “draw-your-own” subway maps are all the rage. Hot on the heels of Jason Wright’s fun Brand New Subway game comes this slightly more serious planning tool released by the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) in conjunction with other local authorities.  The stated goal of the tool is simple: Where do you want subway transit in SF? Just draw lines on the map where you want ‘em to go, add some stations and […]

Submission – Official Future Map: RTA of Southeast Michigan Regional Master Transit Plan

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Future Maps, Official Maps

Submitted by Mike Moran, who says: Southeast Michigan’s local/regional transit plan, an ambitious 20-year, $4.6B plan to provide actual transit options to the greater Detroit area. Heavy reliance on BRT, plus a new regional rail line. One thing to note is the Woodward streetcar (nearing completion) is barely a blip at this scale. As a side note, I’m currently in Portland for a conference (my first time here) and I love the transit system! I […]