All posts tagged: bus

Historical Map: Green Line Coach Routes, London, 1949

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Historical Maps

Perhaps because of post-war austerity measures, this map was printed with just two inks – green and black – but still manages to do a lot of really good work. The radial nature of the Green Line network definitely makes things easier for the designer, as only a few of the routes really interact with others as they spread inexorably outwards from the map’s centre. The large route numbers at each terminus are great, as […]

Official Map: Sacramento Regional Transit District (SacRT) System Map, 2021

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Official Maps

If the previous RideKC map is an example of a system diagram that doesn’t quite reach its full potential, then this is an example of one that surely does. Really, every system map should strive to be this excellent: a simplified bespoke base map allows just the right amount of geographical information to be shown. The intelligent rotation of the map slightly counter-clockwise to match the local perception of “north”. The use of colour to […]

Submission – Official Map: RideKC System Map, Kansas City, 2021

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Official Maps

Submitted by Jon, who says: I’m curious to get your thoughts on the full RideKC Regional Transit Map. RideKC debuted in 2015 as part of the KC Streetcar project [review of the original Streetcar diagram here – Cam], and the RideKC branding is now used for the buses on four transit systems across the metro area, in order to better unify transit across five counties and two states. This map does not show the streetcar […]

Submission – Official Map: Public Transit of Wrocław, Poland, 2021

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Official Maps

Submitted by Rafał, who says: I’d like to submit an official map of public transport in Wrocław, Poland. The network consists of 23 tram lines, 61 city bus lines and 18 suburban bus lines. The most interesting is the circle tram line 0 which in fact is divided into two lines 0L (counter-clockwise) and 0P (clockwise). Inside the city of Wrocław it’s also possible to travel by train having a city’s public transport ticket. Transit […]

Submission – Fantasy Map: An Alternate Seattle Subway Map by Henry Chin

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Fantasy Maps

Submitted by Henry, who says: Here’s a simple diagram for a hypothetical Seattle where Forward Thrust (the original ’60s subway) was actually built and where we would be today. If only we really had this level of transit. I tried to make this kind of look like a diagram you might find in a newspaper, so it’s not super detailed with a legend and stuff. Or at least that’s my excuse for being lazy! Transit […]

Fantasy Map: Chicago Transit Future by Michael Tyznik

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Fantasy Maps, Future Maps

Showing an alternate future where everything in a 2014 proposal actually got built, this is without a doubt one of the best looking Chicago transit maps I have ever seen – just lovely work from Michael. Many designers have tried to integrate the Loop into the main map instead of using an inset before, but rarely as successfully as this. Michaels’ Loop fits the scale of the rest of the map really well, and just […]

Submission – Unofficial Map: Philadelphia Transit and Points of Interest, 2020 by Marc Szarkowski

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Unofficial Maps

Submitted by Marc, who says: I thought you might enjoy poring over a transit+points of interest map I recently drew of Center City Philadelphia. I’ve collected bird’s eye urban panoramas since I was a child, and I particularly enjoy panoramas that have placemaking and wayfinding value, such as those drawn by Jenni Sparks and other artists. I also find there’s no better way to learn and demystify seemingly-complex bus service than drawing it a couple […]

Submission – Unofficial Map: Bus Map of Boulder, Colorado by Stavros R.

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Unofficial Maps

Submitted by Stavros, who says: Hello, I just discovered your website, and I want to submit a bus transit map I made last year for the city of Boulder, CO. I hope you consider reviewing it on the blog and letting me know what I can change. In an effort to improve quality of service, the City of Boulder has taken over and invested heavily in a few select bus routes. As a result, the […]

Official Map: Transwa Transportation Network, Western Australia, 2020

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Official Maps

Submitted by Davey, who says: Not a heavy Metro-centric map like your usual fare, these are mostly country road coaches spanning the wide south-west of Western Australia (spanning about 1,300kms from Kalbarri to Esperance). I find it interesting to look at though, especially the reliance on different dot-dash combinations for each coach. Would be interesting to hear your thoughts. Transit Maps says: First things first – let’s get the pronunciation of this awkwardly styled name […]

Submission – Official Map: Integrated Map of Transit in Prague, 2020

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Official Maps

Submitted by Jan Kolarik, who says: Hi Cameron! I was just browsing through your review archives and saw that the last time you covered Prague was in 2012 [A variety of maps were reviewed back then: full service, overview and “just right” Metro and tram – Cam]. Recently the transit authority PID (Pražská integrovaná doprava, Prague integrated transportation) released a map of a never before seen scale that I thought you might be interested in […]