All posts tagged: commuter rail

Submission – Future Map: Four New Rail Lines in 2016, Denver, Colorado

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Future Maps, Official Maps

Sent in by Edward Russell, who says: Possible base for new Denver rail map? I spotted this map showing the new rail lines opening in Denver in 2016 on the train. I like the design a lot more than the official rail map. It seems much cleaner and clearer then the other maps that you have shown. What do you think? Could this be a good base – clearly they’d have to add the existing […]

Future Map – Regional Transit for Atlanta, Georgia by Jason Lathbury

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Future Maps, Unofficial Maps

I noticed a spike in my web stats coming from the Curbed Atlanta website over the last couple of days… so I traced them back to this interesting map of a hypothetical future Atlanta. It turns out that the hits to my site were because one commenter had volunteered the map to my “Hall of Shame”, complete with a link. Ouch.  Now, while I don’t think that the map is anywhere near awful enough to enter […]

Submission – Unofficial Map: MARC Commuter Rail Network by Peter Dovak

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Unofficial Maps

Submitted by the prolific Peter, who says: Like you, I was disappointed with the official MARC system map, but recently I stumbled on a concept while working on another project, so I had a go at turning it into a standalone map. Apologies for spamming your submissions box, but I really like how it turned out and I’d be curious to hear your thoughts! Transit Maps says: Peter, you can spam my submissions box all […]

Unofficial/Future Map: Denver RTD Rail Transit by Theo Ditsek

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Future Maps, Unofficial Maps

Having just complained about how depressingly average the new official Denver RTD rail map is (June 2015, 1.5 stars), it’s rather wonderful to see an unofficial map that raises the bar as much as this one by Theo Ditsek. Unlike the real map, this one has a pleasingly compact shape, compressing the outer reaches of the map while expanding the central part. It’s a classic diagrammatic transit map device, but it’s employed particularly well here, […]

Submission – Future Official Map: Denver RTD Rail Map for 2016

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Future Maps, Official Maps

Submitted by Steve Boland, who says: Cameron, as long as you’re talking about the new Salt Lake City map, I thought you should know that Denver has just adopted a new, updated but unfortunately only slightly amended version of their map, which of course was/is nearly as comically awful as Salt Lake’s old map. I wish it were possible to shame them into shape. Transit Maps says: Oh dear.  Denver’s map has never been as […]

New Official Map: UTA Rail Services, Salt Lake City, 2015

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Official Maps

Sent my way by Mike Christensen. Long-time readers of Transit Maps will know that I have long deplored the abysmal quality of the UTA’s rail services map. I first reviewed it way back in July 2012 (where I awarded it one measly star), and things have only gone downhill from there.  By April 2013, I was calling it “the most embarrassing transit map in the U.S.” and gave it a big, fat ZERO. I basically pleaded for […]

Boston MBTA Pocket Subway Map Cover, 1989

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Historical Maps, Miscellany

“The ‘T’: One of Boston’s Last Great Bargains” proclaims this neat little pop-arty pocket map cover. Five of the six colours used in the design make sense (representing the four lines of the “T” plus purple for commuter rail), but what’s the yellow for? Making up the numbers in the days before the Silver Line, it seems. EDIT: My readers are awesome! Thanks to those who have pointed out that yellow was (and still kind of […]

Submission – Passenger Rail in New South Wales at its Maximum Extent by VoomMaps

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Historical Maps, Visualizations

Submitted by the creator, who says: This map I created presents the NSW rural rail passenger network at its maximum extent in the CityRail style. The stations and lines that no longer provide passenger service (or have been disused completely) are greyed out – with the vast majority of stations and lines now falling into this category. Transit Maps says: This is great work, simultaneously showing NSW’s rail network as it currently exists (solid colours, […]

Submission – EmbarkBOS iPhone App: Boston Rapid Transit Map 

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Unofficial Maps

Submitted by Guy Delco, who says: I’m in Boston regularly for business, and find myself on the T often.  Downloaded the EmbarkBOS app.  It has a particularly good rendering of the MBTA system. I particularly like the way they capture the several commuter rail lines out of South and North Stations in varying shades of purple.  You’ve probably seen it, but if not, here’s an image screen-capped from my phone.  Transit Maps says: Actually, I […]

Official Map: Metrovalencia, Valencia, Spain, 2015

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Official Maps

The opening of Metrovalencia’s new Line 9 in March 2015 led to both a restructuring of the previous network (renumbering and rerouting of some lines) and this new system map.  This version differs from previous ones in that it differentiates between “metro” and “tram” services – using a solid line with white station dots for the former, and an two-toned line with coloured station dots for the latter. I’m not entirely sure the differentiation needs to be […]