All posts tagged: commuter rail

Submission – Official Map: Boston MBTA Commuter Rail Zones Map

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Official Maps

Submitted by alr2659, who says: I found this map of the MBTA commuter rail zones in the Central Square T station on the red line in Cambridge. Strangely, this station does not have any commuter rail service, so I’m not sure why this was there at all. I guess I’ll start with the obvious part: those colors are pretty hideous, and the mud-brown color used for zone 1A does a really good job making it […]

Submission – Unofficial Map: London’s Rail Services by David Milne

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Unofficial Maps

Submitted by David, who says: This all started about 17 years ago as an exercise to teach myself to use Macromedia Freehand. The years passed, Freehand became Adobe Illustrator, and I continued to work on it. The original Idea was to create an A4 sized map to carry around in my pocket, but it quickly became apparent that to contain the desired detail and remain legible it would have to be printed at A1 or […]

Unofficial Map – Bay Area Rail One-Word Station Names by Brian Stokle

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Unofficial Maps

A tongue-in-cheek rationalisation of Bay Area rail transit to remove all the slashes in those terribly long and indecisive station names: North Concord/Martinez, Warm Springs/South Fremont, etc. Amusing, but also a pointed look at the peculiarly American habit of attempting to appease everyone when it comes to naming stations. Now, can someone do one of these for Washington, DC? *cough* U Street/African-American Civil War Memorial/Cardozo *cough* Source: Urban Life Signs

Submission – Proposed Official Map: BaltimoreLink System Map, 2017

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Official Maps

Submitted by Ryan VanSickle and Christian Hurst. Ryan says: I’d like to submit the official proposed BaltimoreLINK system map.  In addition to its frequency mapping and radial design (something I haven’t seen much in official maps from transit agencies), it’s got a few features that indicate a sense of humor – monsters in Chesapeake Bay, and Lil’ Linky the advice bus.  There’s no elaborate compass rose to match the tallship and giant octopus, though. The […]

Submission – Fantasy Map: Split Rapid Railway, Croatia by Voystok

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Fantasy Maps

Submitted by Voystok, who says: Here’s my fantasy map for the non-existent rapid transit system of Split, Croatia! I made this as a practice project in Illustrator as I’m preparing a portfolio for a college application. The geography is largely distorted and the city lines (M1 and M2) are very disproportionate to the other lines (M3 and M4) which are suburban. I hope one day this city will have a transit system like this. Transit […]

Submission – New Denver RTD Rail System Strip Map, 2017

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Official Maps

Submitted by Dan Malouff, who says: Denver has opened several new rail lines over the past year or so. Apparently, with the most recent one, they launched a new system map. Finally they’re using consistent angles!  Transit Maps says: So far, this new design only seems to be on in-car strip maps: RTD’s website still uses a version of the horrid old “wibbly lines” diagram. Small steps! It’s certainly a vast improvement over what’s come […]

Submission – Future Fantasy Map: Vancouver’s Regional Transportation System by David Danos

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Fantasy Maps, Future Maps

Submitted by David, who says: Here is a map I made using the current Translink maps as the base-line. I decided to include trams and commuter rail as trams are in the process of being deployed in Surrey and by Granville Island, and I firmly believe we should invest in commuter rail more than just the WCE. As well, I made a lot of references to Vancouver’s and Canada’s histories, from recognising our Coast Salish […]

Unofficial Map: Map of all Urban Rail Transit Systems in Germany

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Unofficial Maps

Via peopleneedaplacetogo on Tumbr Map of all local/urban rail transit systems in Germany (green S-Bahn, blue U-Bahn, red tram, yellow tram-train), by Wikipedia user Chumwa. Neat to-scale graphic of urban rail (and trolleybus as well, shown in purple) in Germany, last updated in June 2016. The length and breadth of some of the S-Bahn networks is quite astounding – look at Leipzig’s!  Click through to the map on the Wikimedia Commons for a better look.

Submission – Unofficial Future Map: Sound Transit Network, Puget Sound, 2041 by Zachary Newell

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Fantasy Maps, Future Maps

Submitted by Zachary, who says: This map is based on voter-approved expansions to the Seattle area’s light rail network and represents what the system should look like in 2041 when the extensions are finished. The light rail, which currently has two separate lines (one runs from the University of Washington area through downtown Seattle and on to the airport; the other is a short segment in Tacoma), will grow to a sprawling system connecting the […]

Submission – Official Map: New York MTA Connections to LaGuardia Airport

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Official Maps

Submitted by Henry, who says: I stumbled upon this diagram of MTA services available from the MTA. While the general positioning of the lines looks like it’s very clean and has very good bones, the small design decisions (like the shape of transfer points to subway and commuter rail, the rail tickmarks, etc.) make this map feel very cheap and tacky. Transit Maps says: I’m not really feeling this map at all, Henry… not the […]