All posts tagged: diagram

Submission – Historical Maps: Trolleybus and Tram Diagrams of Kaliningrad, USSR, 1990

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Historical Maps

Sent my way by Kyril Negoda are these two rather delightful little diagrams of trolleybus and tram services in Kaliningrad in 1990. This was just before the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, so Kaliningrad Oblast was still physically connected to the rest of the USSR, rather than being an exclave like it is today. Stylistically, the diagrams are very similar and have a pleasant, slightly childlike feeling to them. This is aided by […]

Question: Have you ever seen a ski resort map in the style of a transit map?

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Q Have you ever seen a ski resort map in the style of a transit map? I was thinking about attempting it, not sure if it is even feasible. A I thought it was pretty much compulsory for every ski resort in the world to have a James Niehues panoramic painting for their resort map, so it’s no surprise that I haven’t actually come across a transit map-styled one yet. The closest I’ve seen are these […]

Project: 1954 Manhattan Rapid Transit Flow Diagram Digital Recreation

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Historical Maps, My Transit Maps, Prints Available, Visualizations

I’ve long admired this beautiful 1954 flow diagram of subway service into Manhattan during the morning peak hour, so I set myself the personal challenge of recreating it using modern design tools (Adobe Illustrator) while still staying true to the original principles of the map. While it was certainly possible to just trace the source material in Illustrator with the pen tool and end up with a decent facsimile of the original, there’s really nothing to […]

Historical Maps: Australian Interstate Passenger Rail Schematics, November 1983

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Historical Maps

Here’s a couple of neat timetable/route diagrams for Interstate passenger rail services in Australia back in 1983. The first shows westbound services from Sydney, the other shows the corresponding return journeys. Differing rail gauges and immense distances have always made interstate rail travel a difficult prospect in Australia, hence the paucity of services even 30-odd years ago (only three Sydney-Melbourne trains a day and just one daily Sydney-Brisbane service). Source: Image 1 and Image 2 […]

Submission – Unofficial icon-only version of the Mexico City Metro Map by Abbendymion

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Unofficial Maps

Submitted by the creator, who says: I want to share with you my version of ‘icon-only’ Mexico City subway map. Well, technically not a ‘transit map’ and more like a graphical arrangement of icons in topologic order, I was inspired by an earlier post showing Richard Archambault’s work and then looked up for the early Lance Wyman diagrams from the late 60’s that arranged the icons in the same way. After more lines were built, […]

Submission – IKEA Store “Transit” Strip Map

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From an anonymous submitter, who says: IKEA now produces these store maps – not exactly a transit map, but quite a lot like an in-car line map so I though it was worth suggesting. Sorry about the torn-off bits – I have a pet rabbit! I’d say it certainly makes navigating an IKEA a bit easier and it does emphasise the one-way nature that you’re supposed to go round, but I can’t help thinking it […]

Submission – Unofficial Map: SEPTA Regional Rail and Rapid Transit by Sam Winfield

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Unofficial Maps

Submitted by Sam, who says: Hey! For my Graphic Design Thesis, I created a Graphics Standard Update proposal for SEPTA. This includes a System Map (attached), a line map, and various other identity pieces. The most challenging part of the project was creating a Transit map that organized the current information in a way that felt unique to Philadelphia, and increased readability. Transit Maps says: A bold and radical departure from the status quo from […]

More Design Notes on the Redrawn Tube Map

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My Transit Maps, Tutorials, Unofficial Maps

Wow! I've been completely blown away by the (mostly positive) response to my redrawn Tube Map. Thanks to everyone who has left me a comment or note – all of your thoughts help to inform future revisions to the map. There's a few more parts of the map that I'm personally really happy with that I'd like to highlight in a little more detail than the already lengthy initial post allowed. Read on for the details!

Official Map – Interactive “Flatiron Flyer” Trip Calculator Map

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Official Maps, Visualizations

While we’re talking about the Flatiron Flyer, I do like this simple little interactive map on the RTD website about the project. You simply click on your start and end destinations and it tells you which route(s) you can catch and what your fare options are. Neat! (Again, I think that the numbering would have worked better if the current FF5 had slid down to be FF3, moving FF3 and FF4 up one spot each, […]

Official “Map”: Portland Streetcar Conceptual Diagram

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Official Maps

While I may be undecided about certain elements of the new official Portland Streetcar map, I do quite like this simple little diagram that can be found on their website. With a minimum of fuss, it shows the two new loop lines, the two bridges they cross over the Willamette River on and the four distinct neighbourhoods that they link together. Okay, so the NS Line looks a little vestigial, but let’s let the loop […]