All posts tagged: France

Visualization: The Commutometer

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By now, everyone should know that I love a good isochrone map, so I’ve definitely been having fun with the Commutometer. It’s an online map that uses data from nine transit agencies around the San Francisco Bay Area to show you how far you can get from your currently selected point by public transport in a certain amount of time. It defaults to 30 minutes, but you can set it from anywhere from 5 minutes to […]

Unofficial Map: Paris Métro Map by Constantine Konovalov

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Unofficial Maps

I first came across this project last November, and wasn’t quite sure what to make of it. An obvious work-in-progress with a lot of half-finished ideas and only part of the map visible in the preview image made things very hard to judge properly.  Fast forward six months and the finished product has been unveiled at last. It’s definitely been worth the wait, as I think this is a very polished, well-considered map. The central […]

Submission – Official Map: Flixbus Route Network, March 2016

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Official Maps

Submitted by Bruno Heemskerk, who says: Flixbus is quite a new company with bus services between several European countries. Transit Maps says: This is another good example of what I call a “boast map”, in that it shows the impressive extent of the network, but reveals very little about actual routing (that’s for the website to tell you). For example, a little poking around on that website tells me that you can only directly reach other destinations […]

Historical Map: Pneumatic Mail Tube Network, Paris, 1967

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Historical Maps

Paris’ other underground transportation system. This is a fantastic and detailed map of the once-extensive network of pneumatic tubes used for whisking messages, post and telegrams from one side of the city to the other. Established in 1866, the system remained in use until 1984, when it was finally supplanted by “modern” technology like fax and telex machines. At the system’s apogee, there were over 460 kilometres (285 miles) of tubes running beneath the city. Notable […]

Submission – Official Map: Paris RER/Transilien Zone Map (and a mystery station!)

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Official Maps

Submitted by Lucas K., who says: Hello, I know this is an odd question but I figured that if anyone would know this, you would: So I was browsing a map of Paris’s Transilien railway services when I spotted an oddity: A terminal station directly below Gare Montparnasse: Paris Vaugirard. I look all over the Internet but no trace of any Paris Vaugirard station can be found. Do you know what is going on here? […]

Work in Progress: New Circular Paris Metro Map

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Unofficial Maps

Via: parismetromap: The New Paris Metro Map is developing. The final version will be soon… within one to two months. An RATP logo for the blog this originated from, but surely this is not a reworking of the actual official Métro map? Anyone have any more details on this at all? The idea of making a circle out of Lines 2 and 6 is interesting, but the spaghetti-like tangle of routes contained within that circle […]

Future Map: Grand Paris Express Line 15 Circular Map

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Future Maps

Spotted by Theo Ditsek, here’s a lovely circular representation of the planned “Grand Paris Express” Line 15, which will eventually circumnavigate greater Paris. I believe the first phase (shown above as the bolder arc of the circle) is meant to be operational by 2022, although it’s reportedly already two years behind schedule. The map itself was part of an exhibition about the project that was held in Vitry-sur-Seine, seen at the bottom right of the map. […]