All posts tagged: light rail

Video: Hyperlapse of the Downtown Seattle Transit Tunnel

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No map to be seen, but plenty of transit! Here’s a short Hyperlapse video that I made this week of peak-hour traffic in the transit tunnel underneath 3rd Avenue in Seattle, Washington. This is about 7 minutes of real time condensed into 30-odd seconds of high-speed footage. The tunnel is one of only two combined light rail/bus tunnels in the United States and the only one with stations: the other is the Mount Washington Transit Tunnel […]

Work in Progress – Downtown Pittsburgh Neighbourhood Map

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Official Maps

Lovely work here, with just enough dimensionality to make things interesting. The “3-D” landmark buildings are nice, but what I really like are the shadows underneath bridges and overpasses that visually lift them up higher than the underlying roads. Some nice insight into workflow, as well – the accuracy of ArcGIS combined with the visual punch some Illustrator work can bring. Via: mappingtwincities: Work in progress on neighborhood maps. This map is a part of lager […]

Photo: Tactile Muni Metro Map, San Francisco

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Miscellany, Official Maps

Maps in underground stations on the Muni light rail network in San Francisco have raised route designation letters and route lines, as well as braille labels for station names. Nice! I know that it’s entirely happenstance*, but I really appreciate the fact that the M, K, and T lines appear next to each other on the map, making an “MKT” for Market Street. *Historical aside: Muni streetcar letters were originally assigned alphabetically in the order […]

Reader Question: Do the MAX Rail Yellow and Green Lines Terminate at PSU or Loop Around?

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Question: Do the MAX Rail Yellow And Green lines Terminate at PSU or loop around? On the official map, they terminate and on your combined rail map they loop around. Answer: Operationally, Green and Yellow Line trains terminate southbound at the SW Jackson station. All passengers have to disembark there, but the trains do then enter a loop between SW Jackson and the SW College station for a short layover before changing their destination blinds […]

Unofficial Map: Sydney Rail Network (Trains and Light Rail) by Ben Luke

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Unofficial Maps

Submitted by Ben, who says: This is my version of the Sydney Trains map. I was inspired to try designing my own version after the introduction of the new official map which I found to be rather uninspiring. I have been learning Illustrator in the process, so thanks to your excellent blog for all the tips and tutorials. I have used a realistic background layer which is distorted to fit around the map but maintains […]

Submission — Follow Up on Portland’s New Light Rail Maps

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Official Maps

Submitted by Taylosaurus, who says: I saw the last post about Portland’s new TriMet maps and the stations and I knew I’d seen a map without that weird disappearing Red Line/streetcar thing so I made sure to take a picture on my way home. This map is on the ticket vending machines. I’m not sure if it’s on all of them but it’s at least on the ones at the Rose Quarter and at SE […]

New Official Map: TriMet MAX Light Rail, Portland, Oregon, 2014

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Official Maps

So I saw this at the MAX stop near my work yesterday, and managed to get some photos of it today. For now, the TriMet website still has the previous map, and it seems like these maps may currently be only posted along the 5th/6th Avenue transit mall downtown (any other sightings elsewhere, PDXers?) So, what’s new? First off is the obvious (and quite radical) change from 45-degree angles to 30/60-degrees… which can’t help but […]

Historical Map: TriMet Bus and MAX Routes, Portland, Oregon (early 1990s)

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Historical Maps

Certainly no later than 1998 as the MAX light rail only consists of the original Westside route (later to be the Blue Line). Of note is the continued use of the service zone icons – fish, rain, snow, beaver, leaf, rose and deer – that defined Portland’s downtown transit mall for decades. I’ve featured them before on this map from 1978, but it’s on this map where their main failing comes to the fore. Because […]

Unofficial Map: Transit Network of Norfolk, Virginia by Jonah Adkins

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Unofficial Maps

This is a nice little map from Jonah, whose transit map version of his Noland Trail Map I featured back in July last year. The map certainly does a good job of placing the new light rail line in a regional context, with the Elizabeth River and the Interstate highways defining the surrounding area nicely. Points of interest and county/city borders are nicely shown as well. However, I disagree a bit with Jonah’s informational hierarchy. […]