All posts tagged: light rail

Official Map – Luas Light Rail Network, Dublin, Ireland

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Official Maps

On the 9th of December, 2017, the Green Line of Dublin’s Luas light rail system was extended north from St. Stephen’s Green to Broombridge, providing a connection with the Red Line in the city centre. Of course, such an addition means a new map, which is always fun. Zone-based fare systems can be tricky to incorporate into transit maps, and Dublin’s taken an unusual approach, breaking the city up into large zone “blocks” that extend out […]

Submission – Fantasy Map: Rapid Mass Transit of a Future Christchurch by Sam van der Weerden

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Fantasy Maps

Submitted by Sam, who says: After a year and a bit of following this blog I’ve finally decided to make my own map! As you may know, the city of Christchurch, NZ is currently going through a massive rebuilding effort following the quakes of 2010 and 2011. There are constant conversations around what to do with the future of the city’s transport network, with talks of trains appearing here and there in media (and most […]

Submission – New Official Map: TriMet System Map, Portland, Oregon, 2017

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Official Maps

Sent my way by Jonathan, a designer at TriMet, who has this to say: We just launched a couple new and improved maps: TriMet System and City Center. This was a long overdue update that brings those maps in line with the Rail System map that we’ve had for a few years. A few highlights: Bus lines, rail lines and streets have standardized angles, but still adhere (mostly) to geography Colors and symbols are standardized […]

Submission – New Houston METRORail Strip Map, 2017

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Official Maps

Photo submitted by Gram Brinson, who says: They’ve somewhat improved it, I suppose… Transit Maps says: Yes, this is certainly an improvement over the previous version of this strip map (October 2016, 1.5 stars). In fact, it’s an almost point-for-point response to my criticisms from that review: removal of the large shaded areas denoting not-so-new lines, 45-degree angled labels instead of the neck-cracking 90-degree angles, and a very welcome reworking of the central stations inset […]

Submission – Fantasy Map: Vitória, Brazil (yes, another one!) by Vinicius

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Fantasy Maps

Hey Cameron. It was so interesting to stumble upon a fantasy map of Vitória, Brazil on Transit Maps. The story was very touching to me — just like Frederico, I also moved away from Vitória, and also made a fantasy map of its transit network as a way to connect back to a city I still care so much. My project was supposed to be more artistic than accurate in any way. I finished it […]

Submission – Fantasy Map: Harrisburg Area Rapid Transit by James Gibbons

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Fantasy Maps

Submitted by James, who says: This is a dream/concept I have for light rail transit in the Harrisburg, PA region. For a rather small metro area, there is pretty bad traffic, and oddly spaced suburban development of varying densities. I believe light rail transit in the region would spur more responsible developments and relieve traffic on both back roads and expressways, while encouraging walking. The system focuses on connecting suburban communities with the central core […]

Submission – Future Map: Auckland Congestion Free Network Map v2.0

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Future Maps

Submitted by Greater Auckland, who says: I’d like to submit our new future Auckland regional transit map for a good brutally honest frisking! We follow your blog and you’ll see more than a few design cues have been picked up from your work. This was done by Greater Auckland (formerly TransportBlog) to promote the revised Congestion Free Network Plan. This network plan takes the best parts of the official Auckland multi-decade plan – the rapid […]

Submission – Proposed Official Map: BaltimoreLink System Map, 2017

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Official Maps

Submitted by Ryan VanSickle and Christian Hurst. Ryan says: I’d like to submit the official proposed BaltimoreLINK system map.  In addition to its frequency mapping and radial design (something I haven’t seen much in official maps from transit agencies), it’s got a few features that indicate a sense of humor – monsters in Chesapeake Bay, and Lil’ Linky the advice bus.  There’s no elaborate compass rose to match the tallship and giant octopus, though. The […]

Submission – New Denver RTD Rail System Strip Map, 2017

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Official Maps

Submitted by Dan Malouff, who says: Denver has opened several new rail lines over the past year or so. Apparently, with the most recent one, they launched a new system map. Finally they’re using consistent angles!  Transit Maps says: So far, this new design only seems to be on in-car strip maps: RTD’s website still uses a version of the horrid old “wibbly lines” diagram. Small steps! It’s certainly a vast improvement over what’s come […]

Submission – New Salt Lake City Light Rail Strip Map, 2017

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Official Maps

Submitted by Bailey, who says: UTA (Salt Lake City) looks like they’ve been improving maps in the individual cars, as well. While the abysmal deservingly-zero-star maps are still in use at some stations, all cars have these fancy new maps over about half of the doors of the cars. This was taken in an SD-160 car. I like it, but I feel like it could do without the names of the cities on the map. […]