All posts tagged: light rail

Submission – Official Map: CapitalMetro LRT Pre-Construction Map, Canberra, Australia

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Official Maps

Submitted by Mitch, who says: Canberra’s CapitalMetro light rail project will (apparently) commence construction this year. The community is still fairly divided over whether it’s a good idea – I wonder if a more appealing transit map would increase support? Transit Maps says: It’s not exactly exciting, is it? But that’s always a problem with a single-line light rail project: just exactly how do you make it look more impressive? I’ll give this one a […]

Submission – Official Map: Metrolink Commuter Rail System, Southern California

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Official Maps

Submitted by SounderBruce, who says: The fairly new Metrolink map I came across caught my eye because of the way LA Metro is integrated, showing the termini of lines that don’t even come close to touching Metrolink’s network. Also of note is the prominent inclusion of the Amtrak Surfliner and the Coaster/Sprinter further south. Transit Maps says: When your commuter rail system spans six populous Southern Californian counties, it’s a nice touch to indicate how […]

Before and After – Karlsruhe’s Transit Map Goes All Curvy!

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Official Maps

Big news out of Germany, where Karlsruhe’s KVV becomes one of the first European transit agencies to adopt a fully curvilinear diagram instead of the almost ubiquitous octolinear “Beck-style” diagram. The new map is shown here, with the old map for comparison beneath it.  The old one is a solid, well-executed map, very much in the usual German style of transit map design – although perhaps a little too indistinguishable from many other very similar […]

Submission – Official Map: Rapid Transit of Cleveland, Ohio, 2016

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Official Maps

Submitted by Phil K, who says: On my recent trip to Cleveland, I had a chance to check out their new rapid transit system map, and was pleasantly surprised. It’s not perfect, but it’s a pretty big upgrade from the previous version (reviewed July 2012, 1 star). A few major changes to note: Awkward angles have been straightened and geography has been simplified even further in in favor of a more schematic approach; this is […]

Submission – Unofficial Maps: Bay Area Rail Transit by Lyle Simmons

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Unofficial Maps

Submitted via email by Lyle, who says: The Bay Area has one of the most complex and diverse urban transit systems in the world, including three commuter rail systems, one metro systems, two light rail systems, one heritage streetcar line, and four major bus agencies. Unfortunately, there isn’t an official map linking any of these services together, so I thought I might make one myself. Transit Maps says: There’s a lot to like about the […]

Fantasy Map: “The World Metro Map” by ArtCodeData

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Fantasy Maps

I just came across this while doing my regular Twitter keyword search (how else do you think I keep track of all the cool things out there?): a Kickstarter project for a poster of 214 of the world’s rail/metro/subway/rapid transit systems combined as if they were one enormous interconnected system. That’s over 790 lines and more than 11,900 stations all told. To be honest, I don’t personally think that this is the most original idea […]

Dezoning the London Tube Map?

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Unofficial Maps

There’s a new version of the London Tube Map out for 2016, and it looks like things are getting worse for our venerable friend. With every revision, it’s being asked to do more and more in the same amount of space – Underground, Overground, DLR, TfL Rail, that darn aerial tram, zone information and more – and it’s definitely beginning to groan under all that weight.  A London blogger by the name of Diamond Geezer […]

Submission – Official Map: Revised Manchester Metrolink Map, December 2015

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Official Maps

Submitted by mactire, who says: I’d be interested to know your opinion of the updated Manchester tram map, a different version of which was featured earlier this year (August 2015, 4 stars)? Personally, although I can see the need to accommodate increasing complexity in the system, I don’t think the route indicators are easy to follow, and the placement of symbols and labels seems just a bit messier in fitting around them. Transit Maps says: […]

Submission – Official Map: New Seattle Link Light Rail “Red Line” Strip Map

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Official Maps

Submitted by SounderBruce, who says: Sound Transit has put up the first of the new Link Light Rail maps in its trains here in Seattle, featuring the new “Red Line” branding that will be phased in by the time the second line (the Blue Line, formerly East Link) opens in 2023. The two “Coming Soon” signs are covering 3 new stations that are opening in 2016, extending the existing line up to the Univ. of […]