All posts tagged: Manchester

Historical Map: Manchester Ship Canal, England, c. 1928?

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Historical Maps

Not a “traditional” transit map, but it does show an important transportation network in a simplified strip map form, so that’s good enough for me!  This absolutely gorgeous two-colour map straightens out all the kinks in the eponymous canal, presenting it as a dead straight line from one end to the other. The variable scale is indicated by the mile markers on either side of the map: the less interesting parts of the canal get […]

Historical Map: “Futuroute” Route Selector for Picc-Vic Rail Project, Manchester, 1970s

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Historical Maps

Everything about this rather fabulous mechanical route selector – a unique piece created to build interest and publicity for the eventually-cancelled rail project – just screams early 1970s modernist design. From the gaudily coloured stripes on the case, to the tightly-spaced sans serif typeface, to the very name itself: “Futuroute” – literally the route for the future! Although I keep wanting to pronounce it as “futuro-route” rather than the intended “futu-route” for some reason… The unit is now […]

Submission – Official Map: Revised Manchester Metrolink Map, December 2015

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Official Maps

Submitted by mactire, who says: I’d be interested to know your opinion of the updated Manchester tram map, a different version of which was featured earlier this year (August 2015, 4 stars)? Personally, although I can see the need to accommodate increasing complexity in the system, I don’t think the route indicators are easy to follow, and the placement of symbols and labels seems just a bit messier in fitting around them. Transit Maps says: […]

Submission – Official Map: West Yorkshire Metro Rail, 2015

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Official Maps

Submitted by Lyle Read-Challen, who says: This is the official rail map of the West Yorkshire area, a conurbation in the north of England. Despite the name “Metro” it is really just a collection of commuter lines centred around Leeds station. It’s not particularly beautiful or interesting to look at, but it does the job. The “lines” system works better here than on many commuter systems, which tend to be all one colour. The station […]

Submission – Official Map: Manchester Metrolink, England, 2015

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Official Maps

Submitted by A. Potts, who says: Hi! This is the official map of the Manchester Metrolink, a tramway/light rail system in Northern England. I just thought I’d submit it to you for your opinion on it. This isn’t mine, obviously, but I haven’t been able to find who made it. If that’s something you also know, I’d love to know. Transit Maps says: Tracking down who produces official transit maps can be quite tricky. Even […]