All posts tagged: metro

Official Map: A Line Opening Poster, Minneapolis by Kevin Cannon

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Official Maps

Via: kevincannonart: Metro Transit asked me to create a map celebrating the new A Line. Posters will be available during the grand opening festivities on June 11. Here’s a great poster by artist Kevin Cannon for the opening of Minneapolis’ curious new “BRT-lite” A Line bus service. While it will have 10 minute headways, branded buses (with WiFi, because god forbid we live two seconds of our life without fast Internet), and stops with nice station-like […]

Historical Map: Proposed Los Angeles Metro Rail Project and Station Locations, 1983

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Historical Maps

Taken from a Southern California Rapid Transit District (SCRTD) Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS), this map shows the then-preferred alignment for what would eventually become the LA Metro Red Line. The FEIS called for an 18.6 mile alignment, all underground, with 18 stations. The cost in 1983 dollars was projected to be $2.47 billion (or around $5.88 billion in today’s money). An alternative called for an alignment with some aerial sections for $2.41 billion, while […]

Submission – Unofficial Map: Amsterdam Tram Network, 2016 by Alain Lemaire

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Unofficial Maps

Submitted by Alain, who says: The latest iteration of my Amsterdam tram map. I’ve been working on this map almost continuously since its inception in 2004. I made the original map in MS Paint and switched to Adobe Illustrator in 2007. When I did, I also decided to upload the map to Wikipedia. It featured on almost all Wikipedia lemmas about the Amsterdam tram system until earlier this year, when someone decided to replace the […]

Submission – Photo: Baltimore “Rail Connections” Map in Metro Subway Train

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Official Maps

Submitted by Bob Hay, who says: Here’s a photo I took on the Baltimore Metro. It’s a glass partition with system map showing connections to Light Rail and MARC as well as the Metro subway line. I don’t recall ever seeing a map displayed on glass like this. (Sorry the photo isn’t clearer, but my stop was approaching.) Transit Maps says: While maps on glass partitions are unusual, they’re not unique to Baltimore. Off the […]

Submission – Historical Map: Proposed Baghdad Metro Map, c. 1981-1984

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Historical Maps

Submitted by peopleneedaplacetogo, who says: The Wikipedia article for “Baghdad Metro” includes this unsourced image of a proposed network map. The way the colours are used in different directions is quite unusual but I guess makes sense if each colour corresponds to a destination (e.g. if destination signs on the front of trains are coloured). Transit Maps says: Hooray for reverse image search, which eventually revealed that this absolutely beautiful diagram was drawn by Richard […]

Unofficial Map: Greater Tokyo Railway Network by “Kzaral”

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Unofficial Maps

Whoa. An incredibly detailed “Underground-style” map of rail in the Greater Tokyo area – it seems to show everything from ropeways, aerial cables and streetcars all the way up to Shinkansen – by Flickr user Kzaral.  Transliterating the station names to English means that the diagram simply can’t be as compact as other maps where Japanese characters are used, but there’s still a good sense of rhythm and balance to the map. All labelling is horizontal, […]

Submission – Official Map: T-Bane Map of Oslo, Norway, 2016

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Official Maps

Submitted by Arnt Gulbrandsen, who says: The map and lines have been rearranged because of a new station (Løren). This is the new official map. Look closely at line 5. Transit Maps says: Now that is unusual. While I’ve seen some lines double up on a couple of stations before (London’s Circle line calls twice at Paddington and Edgware Road, for example), I really can’t think of another example where a line makes a complete […]

Official Map – Metro Map of Ekaterinburg, Russia by Ilya Birman and Pasha Omelekhin

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Official Maps

Submitted by Ilya, whose previous work has been featured here on the blog. Figuring that a schematic diagram of a single line subway system is little more than a glorified list (which is basically true), Ilya and Pasha have instead created a rather lovely stylised – but geographically faithful – map of Ekaterinburg’s simple Metro system. In a way, it reminds me of turn-of-the-20th-century railway maps, where the route lines would literally be overprinted onto an […]