All posts tagged: metro

Submission – Unofficial Map: St. Petersburg Metro, Russia by “Kilo”

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Unofficial Maps

Submitted by the author, who says: So, for a high school art project, I decided to make a system map for the St. Petersburg Metro. I spent about a half-month studying the system and the stations, getting some Russian friends to translate the station names, and prototyping the pipes in Inkscape (didn’t have Illustrator), eventually coming up with this design. Now that I’m in college and in the process of trying to apply for a […]

GIF – Expansion of the Shanghai Metro, 1994-2014

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Unofficial Maps, Visualizations

Wow. From nothing in 1993 to 14 lines, 338 stations and 548km (341 miles) of track – the longest rapid transit system by route length in the world – in 2015. A mere 8 million people use the system on an average weekday. Of interest is the massive expansion in the years leading up to the 2010 Shanghai Wold Expo. See also this 1939 tram and trolleybus map of Shanghai’s International Settlement.  Source: Wikimedia Commons/user: […]

Reader Question: Why Show the “Jog” in the DC Metro’s Red Line?

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My Transit Maps, Questions

Question from lukasmaps: On your DC Metro Map redesign, why do you show the little “jog” on the red line between Van Ness-UDC and Tenlyytown-AU? No offense to your excellent work, but it ruins the visual clarity shown on the rest of the map and frankly, gets on my nerves. Again, no offense to this otherwise beautiful map. Answer: This is a fantastic question and one that I can use to illustrate how local knowledge […]

Official Map: St. Petersburg Metro, 2015

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Official Maps

Having posted Art Lebedev Studio’s impressive unofficial map of the St. Petersburg Metro, I was reminded by a few readers that I’m yet to post the actual official map. As it’s definitely interesting to compare the two, here’s the real deal. Unfortunately, it’s a pretty tired-looking effort, with some very loosely-rendered and distorted islands in the middle of the Neva River, and some awful, dated-looking radial gradients inside station markers. The map omits any points […]

Amanda Merzdan “DC Metro” EP Covers

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Popular Culture

xoverit: I came across these EPs by Australian indie folk musician Amanda Merdzan and instantly recognized the Washington, DC Metro. Well, almost. I’m not quite sure where the Yellow Line is heading off to at the top… maybe that’s the “redrawn” part of the map?

Official Map: Metrovalencia, Valencia, Spain, 2015

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Official Maps

The opening of Metrovalencia’s new Line 9 in March 2015 led to both a restructuring of the previous network (renumbering and rerouting of some lines) and this new system map.  This version differs from previous ones in that it differentiates between “metro” and “tram” services – using a solid line with white station dots for the former, and an two-toned line with coloured station dots for the latter. I’m not entirely sure the differentiation needs to be […]

Submission – Video: 24 Hours of Public Transportation in Budapest, 2012

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Submitted by scnartup, who says: Similar stuff to the video of a day in the life of London’s Underground in Budapest. Metro line M4 is not shown since it opened in 2014 and the video was made in 2012. One dot represents one vehicle [as opposed to the London video, where 1 dot represents a single rider – CAM]. Legend: white dot: night bus blue dot: bus red dot: trolley bus yellow dot: tram bigger dots: metro […]

Submission – Future Map: Rapid Transit in Helsinki, 2020

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Future Maps, Official Maps

Submitted by Mikko, who says: Helsinki Regional Transport Authority’s (HSL) draft map of rapid transit and trunk bus lines, published for comments on 16 February 2015. There are multiple errors and readability problems with this version, e.g. the commuter train designation letters are too small to be read, some Swedish-language names are wrong etc. Some notes: names of stations and stops are in Finnish and Swedish (officially bilingual country) the so-called Ring Rail Line (Kehärata) […]

Submission – Unofficial Future Rail Map of Stockholm by Bernie Ng

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Future Maps, Unofficial Maps

Submitted by Bernie, whose Melbourne and Singapore maps have been featured previously on Transit Maps. Of this map, Bernie says: Attached is a map of the Stockholm railway network (including the metro system, trams, local railways and commuter railways operated by SL, and Arlanda Express). I got a bit of inspiration after a recent visit. I loved the original Stockholm subway map – it is an exercise of minimalist beauty. Just three colours, and dashed […]