All posts tagged: metro

Photo: Moscow Metro Advertisements

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Two Moscow Metro ads from around 2004 or so. The one on the left is pretty average, but the dress in the poster on the right is beyond amazing. The original source of these photos on Flickr seems to think that they’re recruitment ads for Metro staff, and translates the headlines as follows: Left: In the Metro, the Weather’s Good Right: Hit of the Season Source: Esthr/Flickr

Official Map: Veterans Day Service, Washington DC Metro

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Official Maps

An interesting modification of the Washington DC Metro map sent my way by a couple of readers. On November 11, there will be no Blue Line trains at all, with those trains instead becoming “special” Yellow Line trains designed to get as many people to the National Mall as quickly as possible. The reason? The “Concert for Valor”, which is expected to draw a staggering 800,000 people (I really feel sorry for those who still […]

Submission – Washington, DC Metro Cross Stitch

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Submitted by ghostof-electricity, who says: DC metro map cross stitch I made this summer. I moved away two weeks before the silver line opened so I chose to create the metro map pre-silver line, the way I remember it  🙂 Transit Maps says: Rectilinear transit diagrams lend themselves well to cross stitch, but this is one of the neater ones I’ve seen. Nice work!

Unofficial Map: MetrôRio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil by Pedro Guedes

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Unofficial Maps

Submitted by Pedro, who says: This is an unofficial map for MetrôRio, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. I find the official map hideous (May 2012, 2 stars), so I made this one. I haven’t yet ridden this subway, so I based my map on the maps I could find online. Because lines are hard to be distinguished if you are color blind, I have decided to put the line number on their last stations. I […]

Submission – Official Map: Bucharest Metro, 2014

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Official Maps

Submitted by ssjmaz, who says: M4 is under construction, M5 and M6 are future plans. I’m planing on making a map of my own that is fully diagrammatic, will submit it when it’s ready. Transit Maps says: I look forward to seeing ssjmaz’s map, because it will almost certainly be better than this tired old thing. In this modern day and age, it absolutely baffles me that transit agencies put tiny, poorly-rendered JPGs, GIFs and PNGs […]

Submission – Unofficial Unified BART/Muni Metro Map by Jamison Wieser

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Unofficial Maps

Submitted by Jamison, who says: I don’t want to share this map as much as the concept behind it.  San Francisco’s Muni Metro light-rail system and the regional BART heavy-rail system share a subway under Market Street and the five busiest rail stations in the Bay Area. They share a subway, but side-by-side the system maps with radically different designs that don’t share anything in common besides the names of the station. There are 10 […]

Historical Map: Map of Washington DC, 1975

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Historical Maps

Via: ddotdc: A picture map of the Washington Metropolitan Region, created for the official bicentennial celebration of the American Revolution (1776-1976). Dated 1975.  Please view a full, high-resolution version of the map. Image 2: This section of the map gives an overview of the District, as well as listing information about different Metrobus stops and the in-progress Metrorail (which opened in March 1976, just before the bicentennial).  Image 3: The map gives an up-close look at different […]