All posts tagged: metro

The Design Process Behind the New Moscow Metro Map

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Official Maps

 As you may have heard by now, the Art Lebedev Studio entry will become the new official Moscow Metro map at the end of February. It beat out the other two entries convincingly, garnering 52% of the popular vote. Of particular interest to me, though, is the design process page for the map on their website: a fascinating look at the hard work and effort that goes into making a world-class transit map. Concepts are […]

Photo: Using the Floor Map as a Guide

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Miscellany, Official Maps

We’ve feautured a transit map on the ceiling of a train before, so why not one on the floor as well? This map shows the suburban and regional train network surrounding Milan in Italy: Milan’s Metro system can be seen in between our two touristy friends. Reading the departures board in the background, I’d hazard a guess that this map is at the Garibaldi FS station. Awkward to use when the station is really busy, […]

Fully Playable Ms. Pacman Game Based on the Washington, DC Metro Map

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Mash-Up Maps, Popular Culture

This is what you get when you trawl the internet late at night…easily one of the strangest things I’ve come across on the Web lately. You can actually play this map as if it was a game of Ms. Pacman – note the bow in her hair and Cindy Crawford-like beauty spot, just like the original game. Instructions on how to play are here. (Hint: it’s much easier to use the R O Y G […]

Potential Official Maps? Finalists for the new Moscow Metro Map

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Unofficial Maps

Further to my post regarding the unofficial “guerrilla” Moscow Metro map, Twitter correspondent @dars_dm has given me links to the maps produced by the three finalists in the official competition for a new Metro Map. I’ve reproduced them here for your edification. In order, they’re produced by Artemy Lebedev, Ilya Birman and Anton Mizinov and are all very strong in their own way. I’ll confess that I’ve had a huge soft spot for the Lebedev […]

Unofficial Map: “Guerrilla” Moscow Metro Map

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Unofficial Maps

Last year, the Moscow Metro introduced a completely new official map, which featured 30-degree angles. Put simply, it went down like a lead balloon (link in Russian), forcing the authorities to hastily organise a competition for another brand new design. However, some people decided they didn’t want to enter what’s essentially a no-spec design “contest” (there’s no payment for the winner, just thanks for a job well done) and set about designing their own map independently… […]

Unofficial Interactive Map: Annual Passenger Entries into the Paris Metro (2011)

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Unofficial Maps, Visualizations

A nicely executed interactive map of total annual passenger entries into the Paris Metro system. “Entries” are simply defined as a ticket validation at the relevant station. Even in my static screenshot, the enormous quantities of people that enter the Metro at the main railway stations of Paris – the Gare du Nord, Saint-Lazare, Gare de Lyon and Montparnasse-Bienvenue – can be clearly seen. There’s a staggering 48 million entries each year at the Gare […]

Photo: Barcelona Wayfinding

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Official Maps

Not only is this an awesome picture, but it really shows off how the Barcelona Metro map is part of a greater, unified, wayfinding scheme. Here, on one panel, we’ve got a nice big map, information about the Metro, a complete cross-referenced list of stations, and a local area map showing the transportation options around the current station. Wonderful stuff. Source: albertmiralles/Flickr – link no longer active

Official Map: Brussels Metro, Tram and Rail Network, 2012

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Official Maps

Having touched briefly on the Brussels map with this previous post, I thought it was time to take a proper look at the current official map. Have we been there? Yes, back in 2003, but I walked pretty much everywhere and didn’t use the Metro/tram system. I did catch trains from Brussels to other cities in Belgium, however. What we like: The treatment of the Metro part of the system is excellent, with a nice […]