All posts tagged: USA

Historical Map: Nuclear Weapons Complex Transportation Routes, 1988

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Historical Maps

Here’s an unusual use of transit map design principles – a map produced by the Radioactive Waste Campaign in 1988 of the routes used to transport nuclear materials and waste around the United States. This diagrammatic approach actually works very well here – as the legend to the map says: The origin and destination of these routes are well known. However, because of government secrecy, the exact path of these routes is conjectured. Without the […]

Fantasy Map: Major Rivers of the United States by Theodore Rindos

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Fantasy Maps

The early history of the United States is filled with explorers and pioneers making use of rivers as “rapid transit” to quickly travel through otherwise inhospitable or unknown lands. So it makes sense that someone would attempt to show this network in the simplified form of a subway map, and here is one such example by Theo Rindos. Of course, such a map instantly puts me in mind of Daniel Huffman’s superb series of river/subway maps, […]

Submission – New Houston METRORail Strip Map, 2017

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Official Maps

Photo submitted by Gram Brinson, who says: They’ve somewhat improved it, I suppose… Transit Maps says: Yes, this is certainly an improvement over the previous version of this strip map (October 2016, 1.5 stars). In fact, it’s an almost point-for-point response to my criticisms from that review: removal of the large shaded areas denoting not-so-new lines, 45-degree angled labels instead of the neck-cracking 90-degree angles, and a very welcome reworking of the central stations inset […]

Unofficial Map – New York City Subway Track Map by Andrew Lynch

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Unofficial Maps

I’m kind of surprised that this hasn’t been done before – there are plenty of similar track maps out there for other major transit cities like London and Paris – but this is very nicely executed indeed.  The map looks great, is easily understood even without consulting the legend, and has copious footnotes for those who want to really dive deep into the inner workings of the subway. Extra kudos for cleverly fitting the label “MANHATTAN” […]

Submission – Official Map: New York City Ferry Services Map, 2017

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Official Maps

Submitted by David, who says: NYC is relaunching its ferry service today, and they’ve produced a subway-style map to illustrate the service. The typeface and station symbols seem a bit more London than NYC to me, but otherwise seems like a decent map. What do you think? Transit Maps says: Apparently, the first morning of this “new and improved” ferry service didn’t go that well today, as the Mayor’s photo opportunity caused major service delays […]

A Look at Amtrak Under the Proposed Federal Budget

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My Transit Maps, Unofficial Maps

A federal budget outline from the Trump Administration looks to slash funding for rail transportation, including a complete elimination of federal funds for long-distance Amtrak routes like the Empire Builder, Southwest Chief and California Zephyr.  The map above, adapted from my Amtrak as Subway Map project, shows what the “national” passenger rail network could look like under this proposal: isolated, separate rail services, with no cross-country connections and over 220 stations without Amtrak rail service. Chicago, […]

Historical Cutaway View: Proposed State Street Subway, Chicago, c.1940

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Cutaway Maps, Historical Maps

Here’s a fantastic (if slightly idealised) view of the then still-under-construction State Street Subway from a c.1940 postcard. This view looks northward along State Street from Adams, and shows the Monroe-Adams mezzanine. Note the direct access from the mezzanine level to the basement level of businesses on either side of State Street – now long since closed. Text on the reverse side of the postcard reads: Cut-away view of Chicago’s subway in the Central Business District. […]

Submission – Fantasy Map: Harrisburg Area Rapid Transit by James Gibbons

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Fantasy Maps

Submitted by James, who says: This is a dream/concept I have for light rail transit in the Harrisburg, PA region. For a rather small metro area, there is pretty bad traffic, and oddly spaced suburban development of varying densities. I believe light rail transit in the region would spur more responsible developments and relieve traffic on both back roads and expressways, while encouraging walking. The system focuses on connecting suburban communities with the central core […]

Historical Map: Philadelphia Rapid Transit Co. Trackage Map, 1910

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Historical Maps

What appears at first glance to be a street map of Philadelphia in the early 20th century is actually not what it seems. All this map depicts is streetcar track and mainline railroads (in traditional ticked lines), showing how incredibly dense the streetcar network was at the time, especially downtown. Interestingly, a lot of the system appears to be single-track only. Nowadays, only a few vestigial trolley lines recall the days when streetcars reigned supreme […]

Historical Map: Proposed Franklin Street Subway Line, Chicago, 1977

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Historical Maps

In the late 1960s, Chicago actually seriously considered knocking down the elevated parts of the “L” and replacing it all with a modern subway network. The plan originally called for multiple lines, but these got whittled down over the years for a variety of reasons – lack of funding being one of the major ones. By 1977, all that remained on the table was the Franklin Street Subway, shown in red in the handsome illustrated […]