All posts tagged: USA

Submission – Proposed Official Map: BaltimoreLink System Map, 2017

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Official Maps

Submitted by Ryan VanSickle and Christian Hurst. Ryan says: I’d like to submit the official proposed BaltimoreLINK system map.  In addition to its frequency mapping and radial design (something I haven’t seen much in official maps from transit agencies), it’s got a few features that indicate a sense of humor – monsters in Chesapeake Bay, and Lil’ Linky the advice bus.  There’s no elaborate compass rose to match the tallship and giant octopus, though. The […]

Submission – Official Map: Tysons Corner, Virginia Bus Transit Options Map

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Official Maps

Submitted by Dan Reed, who says: Tysons Corner, Virginia is the archetypal suburban edge city and as traffic becomes unbearable, officials are hustling to get people on transit, particularly the new Silver Line with four local stops. The owners of Tysons Corner Center, one of the nation’s biggest malls and a tourist attraction in its own right, seem to have made this “spider map” showing all of the bus and rail service to and from […]

Submission – “Transit Flow” by Ray Luong

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A visual exploration of BART ridership throughout a typical workday. Watching the video below is fun, but the actual tool – made with HTML/CSS, JS, .d3.js, Sketch and BART ridership data – is even better. Click here to view it.  After you’ve watched it through to about 2pm, some controls will appear down the bottom left to change the speed of the simulation, and also switch between “inbound” and “outbound” trains (which I think should be labeled […]

Submission – New Denver RTD Rail System Strip Map, 2017

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Official Maps

Submitted by Dan Malouff, who says: Denver has opened several new rail lines over the past year or so. Apparently, with the most recent one, they launched a new system map. Finally they’re using consistent angles!  Transit Maps says: So far, this new design only seems to be on in-car strip maps: RTD’s website still uses a version of the horrid old “wibbly lines” diagram. Small steps! It’s certainly a vast improvement over what’s come […]

Submission – New Salt Lake City Light Rail Strip Map, 2017

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Official Maps

Submitted by Bailey, who says: UTA (Salt Lake City) looks like they’ve been improving maps in the individual cars, as well. While the abysmal deservingly-zero-star maps are still in use at some stations, all cars have these fancy new maps over about half of the doors of the cars. This was taken in an SD-160 car. I like it, but I feel like it could do without the names of the cities on the map. […]

Could a Tweak to the DC Metro Map Fix Overcrowding?

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Unofficial Maps

Here’s a quick link to an article in the Washington Post by Martine Powers about a study that shows how tinkering with Washington, DC’s Metrorail map influences rider’s perceptions of the system and which path they should take to reach their final destination. In the image above, for example, the Blue Line has been altered to look less desirable than the Yellow Line when coming into DC from the south… and in testing, there was […]

Submission – Future Official Map: Oklahoma City Streetcar, 2017

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Future Maps, Official Maps

Submitted by Kara Fischer, who says: I don’t know if you’ve seen this one yet, but here’s the page for the upcoming Oklahoma City Streetcar, featuring probably my favorite official streetcar map that I’ve ever seen. The color scheme is calm yet visible, the map doesn’t feel cluttered despite identifying every street and countless landmarks, walking times are included in relevant places, and the position of the station marker indicates the side of the road […]

Submission – Unofficial Future Map: Sound Transit Network, Puget Sound, 2041 by Zachary Newell

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Fantasy Maps, Future Maps

Submitted by Zachary, who says: This map is based on voter-approved expansions to the Seattle area’s light rail network and represents what the system should look like in 2041 when the extensions are finished. The light rail, which currently has two separate lines (one runs from the University of Washington area through downtown Seattle and on to the airport; the other is a short segment in Tacoma), will grow to a sprawling system connecting the […]

Project: 1954 Manhattan Rapid Transit Flow Diagram Digital Recreation

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Historical Maps, My Transit Maps, Prints Available, Visualizations

I’ve long admired this beautiful 1954 flow diagram of subway service into Manhattan during the morning peak hour, so I set myself the personal challenge of recreating it using modern design tools (Adobe Illustrator) while still staying true to the original principles of the map. While it was certainly possible to just trace the source material in Illustrator with the pen tool and end up with a decent facsimile of the original, there’s really nothing to […]

Submission – Fantasy Map: Los Angeles Metro in the Style of the 1972 New York Subway Map by Cullen McCormick

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Fantasy Maps

Submitted by Cullen, who says: A few months back you answered a question of mine with some tips for preparing artwork for inkjet printing. Everything printed great, so thanks again for your help! Thought you might enjoy seeing the finished map. Transit Maps says: I always say that if you’re going to do an “in the style of” map, you should aim to replicate the source as closely as possible. That’s how you learn what made […]