All posts tagged: USA

Official Map: Commemorative Second Avenue Subway Vignelli Diagram

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Official Maps

Hey, everyone! Happy New Year! Thanks to just about everyone for sending me pictures of this commemorative Vignelli-style New York subway diagram that was released when the Second Avenue Subway (finally) opened. My spies on the ground in New York are sending me a physical copy as we speak, which is awesome. This revised design was carried out by Massimo Vignelli’s proteges, Beatriz Cifuentes and Yoshiki Waterhouse, who have been entrusted with the stewardship of […]

Historical Map: Points of Interest Reached by the Yellow Cars and Coaches, Los Angeles, 1938

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Historical Maps

A charming illustrated map – attributed to artist Ruth Taylor White – showing landmarks and destinations that could be reached on the Los Angeles Railways’ electric streetcars and motorcoaches, some of which are shown traversing the streets of the city. The LARY’s headquarters at 1050 South Broadway are shown at the centre of the map (#36). Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to find the numbered key to the map, but most of the points of […]

Unofficial Map: The Alaska Marine Highway Highway by Daniel Huffman

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Unofficial Maps

Submitted by Daniel, who says: The Alaska Marine Highway System is (to an outsider like me) super confusing. Their website has a map, but it doesn’t indicate which ferries connect which towns. But, this information is vital if you want to book passage — it appears to me that you can’t simply select two towns and hope that the system will route you along multiple ships; you have to know exactly which route and connection […]

Historical Map: Proposed Detroit Rapid Transit System, c. 1920

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Historical Maps

A handsome aerial “birds-eye” rendering of a proposed elevated rapid transit system linking Detroit with Royal Oak, Birmingham, Pontiac and Rochester (as well as the Ford Motor Company plant and blast furnaces). The system was first proposed in 1915, with a working scale model presented to the Detroit city council (photo).  But by 1922, the company was still searching for land on which to erect one mile of test track for their unusual proprietary track system, […]

Submission – Unofficial Map: New York Subway and Bus “Bullet Map” by Anthony Denaro

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Unofficial Maps

Submitted by Anthony, who says: You reviewed my map of the Long Island Rail Road a few years ago. Your critiques and your blog have helped me in pushing forward on my current project, a unified Subway and Bus Map, I’m calling it the Bullet Map, named after the nickname for the circle subway route indicators. I launched it a month ago with a Medium post explaining methodology.  What do you think of it? Transit Maps says: Anthony’s actually been keeping […]

Jake Berman’s Unofficial New York Subway Map – on a Wall!

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Unofficial Maps

A wall-sized New York Subway map! Despite initial appearances, this is not based off the Vignelli map; rather, it appears to be a slightly modified or newer version of this map from Wikipedia. Anyone know an exact location for this? Update: New information and a link to a story on Gothamist about this building, which is completely subway themed! The building is at 132A Stanhope Street in Brooklyn if you want to find it yourself. […]

Submission – Official Map: Houston METRORail In-Car Strip Map

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Official Maps

Submitted by Chris Bastian, who says: Houston light rail map (2016); one core line (red); two spurs (green/purple) with planned extensions shown. Transit Maps says: I can understand that METRO is proud of their two new lines, but at this point they’ve been open for almost a year and a half. I think we can lose the awkward “NOW OPEN” shaded boxes now and reserve that treatment solely for the future two-station extension to the Green […]

Official Visualization: SFTMA Future Subways Heatmap

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Official Maps, Visualizations

Remember back in August when the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) asked for the public’s input on where future subways in the city might run by means of an interactive “draw a subway map” tool?  Well, they’ve just released the collated results of that survey – which had some 2,600 respondents – as a heat map, and the results are certainly definitive. It would seem that almost everyone wants a subway line along the […]

Unofficial Map: Miami-Dade Metrorail and Metromover by Peter Dovak

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Unofficial Maps

I love it when people take my criticism of a map and use it as inspiration to come up with an alternative solution. Having seen my recent review of the new official map (October 2016, 1.5 stars), Peter took it upon himself to redesign it – and quickly, taking less than a day to come up with his version.  Peter obviously agreed with a lot of my concerns about the official map, because he’s addressed […]

Submission – Official Map: Miami-Dade Metrorail Map, 2016

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Official Maps

Submitted by lukasmaps, who says: I think I’m gonna hurl… Shows buses, but NOT the Metromover? Come on. Transit Maps says: Well, it at least shows the stations that you can transfer to the Metromover at (all two of them), so it’s kind of on par with the buses – no actual bus routes are shown, just a list of numbers at each station. Showing the Metromover on this map is problematic because of the disparate […]