All posts tagged: WMATA

Historical Map: Map of Washington DC, 1975

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Historical Maps

Via: ddotdc: A picture map of the Washington Metropolitan Region, created for the official bicentennial celebration of the American Revolution (1776-1976). Dated 1975.  Please view a full, high-resolution version of the map. Image 2: This section of the map gives an overview of the District, as well as listing information about different Metrobus stops and the in-progress Metrorail (which opened in March 1976, just before the bicentennial).  Image 3: The map gives an up-close look at different […]

The Evolution of My Washington, DC Metro Map

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My Transit Maps, Unofficial Maps

Now that I’ve finally brought my DC Metro map fully up to date, I thought it would be interesting to compare all four versions – the first dating back to February 2010, way before the announcement that Lance Wyman would be redesigning the map to accommodate the Silver Line. The first version is unique in that it includes commuter rail and Amtrak lines as well as the Metro lines, shown by a thinner light purple […]

Unofficial Map: Washington DC Metro Map with Silver Line, 2014

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Unofficial Maps

Just because I don’t like leaving things unfinished, here’s a new version of my Washington DC Metro map with the final configuration of the Phase I Silver Line shown. For reference, here’s my previous version from 2011. Like the official map, I’ve left the Phase II Silver Line stations unnamed, which is probably a wise choice, seeing all the variants that the Phase I stations went through! Flipping the Silver Line to the southern side […]

Historical Map: WMATA Metro Planning Map, 1968

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Historical Maps

Via ddotdc: WMATA planning map, dated March 1, 1968 and last revised by the WMATA Board on June 11, 1970.  Please view a full-size, searchable version of the map. (Navigational tools are at the bottom of the map.) On March 1, 1968, WMATA officially adopted a 97.2 mile regional system in the District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia. On February 7, 1969, WMATA revisited the rapid rail plan and relocated three of the stations, calling instead […]

Photo: A Washington DC Metro strip map that’s just bound to cause confusion…

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Official Maps

Here’s an example of an overly designed strip map that’s gone horribly wrong. This photo was taken by Bryan Rodda, who notes that the sign makes it appear that Foggy Bottom-GWU is the name of the main interchange station between the Silver, Blue and Orange Lines in the center of the photo. Anyone who knows the DC Metro system will know that the station in question is actually Rosslyn, but the map makes this horribly […]

Weird: The Maryland Transit Administration’s Version of the DC Metro Map

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Official Maps

Not only is the map out of date (no Rush+, no indication of the Silver Line at all), but the MTA has simply encased the official DC map in their own branding shell and then covered it in hideous and distracting callout boxes denoting their own commuter bus services. Yes, it performs a service, but – dear God! – is it ever ugly. There should be a law against this kind of thing. Source: Maryland […]

Fantasy Map: New York Subway Map in the Style of Washington DC’s Metro Map by Chris Whong

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Fantasy Maps, Mash-Up Maps

Yes, it only shows Manhattan and The Bronx with small parts of Brooklyn and Queens, but this is still a pretty awesome mash-up. Aesthetically, it’s a dead ringer for the Washington, DC Metro map – big, fat route lines, the “double ring” interchange stations, green areas for parkland, etc. Nice work from Chris to mimic this style so closely! While the map looks great, it really also shows how unsuited the bold, simplistic approach taken […]

Submission: New Washington, DC Metro Strip Map at Pentagon City

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Official Maps

Submitted by Peter Dovak, who says:  Spotted a new schematic installed at Pentagon City Metro station in Washington this week. I’m not sure if this is experimental or what, but I’ve never seen such detailed line info at a station here before. Not a huge fan of the execution, though, the labels are awful skewed! Transit Maps says: In the limited space allowed here, angled station labels are pretty much the only workable option. It’s […]