All posts filed under: Future Maps

Submission – Future Map: Auckland Congestion Free Network Map v2.0

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Future Maps

Submitted by Greater Auckland, who says: I’d like to submit our new future Auckland regional transit map for a good brutally honest frisking! We follow your blog and you’ll see more than a few design cues have been picked up from your work. This was done by Greater Auckland (formerly TransportBlog) to promote the revised Congestion Free Network Plan. This network plan takes the best parts of the official Auckland multi-decade plan – the rapid […]

Submission – Future Official Map: Oklahoma City Streetcar, 2017

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Future Maps, Official Maps

Submitted by Kara Fischer, who says: I don’t know if you’ve seen this one yet, but here’s the page for the upcoming Oklahoma City Streetcar, featuring probably my favorite official streetcar map that I’ve ever seen. The color scheme is calm yet visible, the map doesn’t feel cluttered despite identifying every street and countless landmarks, walking times are included in relevant places, and the position of the station marker indicates the side of the road […]

Submission – Future Fantasy Map: Vancouver’s Regional Transportation System by David Danos

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Fantasy Maps, Future Maps

Submitted by David, who says: Here is a map I made using the current Translink maps as the base-line. I decided to include trams and commuter rail as trams are in the process of being deployed in Surrey and by Granville Island, and I firmly believe we should invest in commuter rail more than just the WCE. As well, I made a lot of references to Vancouver’s and Canada’s histories, from recognising our Coast Salish […]

Submission – Unofficial Future Map: Sound Transit Network, Puget Sound, 2041 by Zachary Newell

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Fantasy Maps, Future Maps

Submitted by Zachary, who says: This map is based on voter-approved expansions to the Seattle area’s light rail network and represents what the system should look like in 2041 when the extensions are finished. The light rail, which currently has two separate lines (one runs from the University of Washington area through downtown Seattle and on to the airport; the other is a short segment in Tacoma), will grow to a sprawling system connecting the […]

Submission – Unofficial Future Map: Metro and Train Connections in Amsterdam by Alain Lemaire

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Future Maps, Unofficial Maps

Submitted by Alain, who says: A map of the combined metro and train network around Amsterdam, showing train services for 2017 (metro line 52 is still not operational). I made this map to show how both metro and train form an integrated network within the region. For that reason, I combined different train services when they use the same line and stop at the same stations within the region portrayed. This map might for example […]

Submission – Fantasy Map: Future Rapid Transit of Canberra, Australia by John Roberts

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Fantasy Maps, Future Maps

Submitted by John, who says: A fantasy map imagining Canberra’s (newly under construction) light rail system and a fantasy rapid and feeder bus network at some point in the future. I wanted to address Canberra’s notorious reputation as a spread out and car dominated city and make the map about finding fast and simple connections to high quality public transport corridors. As such I’ve steered away from an over-reliance on geography that the current Transport […]

Official Map: “Draw Your Own” Future SFMTA Transit Map

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Future Maps, Official Maps

Suddenly, it seems that “draw-your-own” subway maps are all the rage. Hot on the heels of Jason Wright’s fun Brand New Subway game comes this slightly more serious planning tool released by the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) in conjunction with other local authorities.  The stated goal of the tool is simple: Where do you want subway transit in SF? Just draw lines on the map where you want ‘em to go, add some stations and […]

Submission – Unofficial Future Map: Connecticut Rail by Nick Fabiani

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Fantasy Maps, Future Maps

Long-time readers might remember Nick’s fantasy Connecticut transit system (April 2015), so it’s nice to see a new “companion piece” from him that reflects the real world situation of the not-too-distant future when the Hartford Line opens in early 2018.  As most of the rail in Connecticut runs along the chiefly east-west Northeast Corridor, Nick has come up with the rather clever idea of rotating the whole map 30 degrees counter-clockwise, which allows him to […]

Future Fantasy Map: Consolidated Bay Area Rapid Transit, 2050 by Adam Susaneck

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Fantasy Maps, Future Maps

Here at Transit Maps, we see quite a few unified Bay Area maps. It seems that that the fractured nature of all the different transit agencies in the area seems to frustrate quite a few people, which drives them to try and make something better. The latest is this effort by Adam Susaneck, showing what things could look like in 2050 or so in a perfect world.  It’s impeccably researched – head on over to […]

Submission – Official Future Map: RTA of Southeast Michigan Regional Master Transit Plan

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Future Maps, Official Maps

Submitted by Mike Moran, who says: Southeast Michigan’s local/regional transit plan, an ambitious 20-year, $4.6B plan to provide actual transit options to the greater Detroit area. Heavy reliance on BRT, plus a new regional rail line. One thing to note is the Woodward streetcar (nearing completion) is barely a blip at this scale. As a side note, I’m currently in Portland for a conference (my first time here) and I love the transit system! I […]