All posts filed under: Official Maps

Official Map: Integrated Mobility Map of Mexico City, 2019

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Official Maps

I’ve had quite a few requests to review this new map out of Mexico City, so here goes… The first thing to note is that Lance Wyman, the designer of the original Mexico City Metro logo and much of the design language of that system (the original station icons and the distinctive Tipo Metro typeface, for example) was involved in this work, though I’m not certain as to what extent. Certainly, the Movilidad Integrada “MI” […]

Submission – Official Map: JR West Kakogawa Line Strip Map, Japan

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Illustrations, Official Maps

Submitted by Jason H., who says: Hi! I’m currently living in Japan for a year as an exchange student, and I’ve come across many train maps here (of course), and I actually originally found your website from the JR West system map you posted many years ago. (It has been updated, with a few route changes but also more colors if you want to check it again). Here is a picture I took of a […]

Submission – Tourists’ Trolleybus Map of Yalta, Crimea by Aleksandr Karavaev and Nikolay Bashkov

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Official Maps

Submitted by Pasha Omelekhin, who has had maps featured on the blog previously. Transit Maps says: Somewhat blurring the line between illustration and map, this diagram — created to provide visitors to the city with an overview of transit in the city and how it relates to points of interest — presents the trolleybus lines and the city as an oblique “birds-eye” view from the sea with the mountains rising behind. Printed versions of the […]

Submission – Official Map: Bus and Tram Map of Norrköping, Sweden, 2019

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Official Maps

Submitted by Kristofer, who says: This is the new official map for the Östgötatrafiken network in Norrköping. Line 2 and 3 is tram, the rest is bus. I like the overall design of the map, but think it is very hard to read the stop names, because of the very thin font on dark background. Also it is a little strange to denote the lines as unidirectional in the legend (e.g., Line 2 From: Fridvalla […]

Submission – Official Map: Buses of Paris, France, 2019

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Official Maps

Submitted by my dad (and you wonder where I get my love of maps from?), who says: You may be interested in the new Paris bus map, showing major changes to be implemented in April. Transit Maps says: Thanks, dad! This is certainly an interesting map, as it uses a lot of familiar elements from the Paris Metro map — the Parisine font family, the slightly muted/pastel colour palette and even the general stylised layout […]

Official Map: Subway and Streetcar Map of Toronto, 2019

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Official Maps

Seen on Twitter, and requested by a few readers is this new map from the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) that shows both Toronto’s subway and streetcar networks. It’s a great concept, though perhaps overdue, so how does it stack up? Overall, it’s really rather good. The larger poster format finally frees the subway part of the map from the compressed confines of the narrow above-the-door strip map, though they will still exist alongside these new […]

Submission – Official and Future Maps: Trinational S-Bahn of Basel, Switzerland, 2019 and 2030

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Future Maps, Official Maps

Submitted by Simon S., who says: I recently travelled through Basel, in North West Switzerland and noticed this map. It shows the suburban train network of the city, that reaches into Germany and France. I think the map itself is quite well made (very simplistic), but my subjective observation is that the system isn’t as unified as it seems – neither DB nor SNCF advertise their respective as “S-Bahn Basel” or “RER Bâle”. You can […]

Submission – Official Map: Unified Map of Transit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2018

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Official Maps

Submitted by Henrique, who says: Hello! Rio de Janeiro has, now and finally, a new official map of all the metropolitan transport system. Here, we have BRT corridors, tramways, metro lines and a suburban rail, but each system used to have your own map in the stations. What you think about the design of it? Transit Maps says: The text on the government web page promoting this map roughly translates to: “This tool… aims to […]

Submission – Photo: B/C Full Line Map, New York Subway

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Official Maps

Submitted by Max, who says: I was at the newly redone 110 Street/Cathedral Parkway stop the other night and caught a glance of this new map for the B/C trains (sorry for the low-quality photo, but because of the new train arrival countdown clocks, time pressures made me take it from the other side of the turnstile). It makes some sense to see these both on the same map as they’re both part of the […]

Submission – Official Map: Buses around the Eastern Suburbs, Sydney, Australia

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Official Maps

Submitted by Felix, who says: Transport for NSW released a new bus route map for the Eastern Suburbs, which I noticed a hard copy of and they provided a PDF upon request. There are many bus routes in the area and, because of the hilly terrain, many have quirks in their routes. I’ve spoken to many a tourist or visitor at Bondi Junction interchange, or one of the beaches, confused about which bus to take. […]