All posts filed under: Official Maps

Submission – Official Map: AppalCART Bus Routes, Boone, North Carolina

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Official Maps

Submitted by Jessie Archer (who I note has an “” email address, so possibly had something to do with the creation of this map). Transit Maps says: First off, can we just note how awesome “AppalCART” is as a transit system name for a city in this part of North Carolina? Possibly one of my favourites ever. At first look, this is a reasonably attractive bus system map, especially for a smaller transit agency but it does […]

Submission – Official Map: Tram and Ferry Map of Gothenburg, Sweden

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Official Maps

Submitted by Hugo Simonsson, who says: The map of the Gothenburg tram (and ferry) network. I think it’s quite nice, but there’s some flaws with the huge bit of space in the top left and the complicated ferry network in the bottom left without clear routes. The choice of colours is nice and mostly clear. Transit Maps says: There’s actually is a reason for the odd combination of wasted space and cramped parts in this […]

Official Map: Biotrén Commuter Rail, Concepción, Chile, 2018

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Official Maps

Suggested by Ricardo Tróstel on Twitter. This is an example of a map that should be pretty simple and straightforward, but the designers have made a lot of baffling decisions along the way that work really hard to sabotage it from the inside. For starters, the Biotrén network has two lines, but the map doesn’t indicate where either begins or ends. For the record, Line 1 runs from Mercado to Hualqui and Line 2 runs […]

Submission – Official Map: Metro de Medellin Map, 2018  

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Official Maps

Submitted by David Osorio, who says: It shows Metro lines, BRT lines, Tramway and Aerial Cable Car lines. Transit Maps says: I last reviewed Medellin’s transit map back in 2014 (1.5 stars), but this new version is sufficiently different for me to re-evaluate it. The first things I notice are the route lines are much thicker and the labels are much bigger, changes which improve the map tremendously over the spindly previous version.  However, some […]

Submission – New Official Transit Map of Plauen, Germany by Moritz Köhler

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Official Maps

Submitted by Moritz, who says: I’m an architecture student from Zurich who has also been a (public) transport and map geek for quite some time now. The town of Plauen in Germany has had a quite horrible map for its tram and bus system, so I created a new one privately, which I then offered to them for use. They indeed agreed to pay for it (which they haven’t done yet, but I’ll be on […]

Submission – Official Map: Transmilenio BRT, Bogota, Colombia

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Official Maps

Submitted by okamijishi, who says: This is the official network map of Bogota’s Transmilenio, I wanted to know what do you think about it. I think this one is useless, we don’t use it a lot because it doesn’t show the routes. Transit Maps says: This is an interesting one. While the map is executed quite nicely with bold lines and clear labels, it is – as okamijishi says – almost entirely useless for actually navigating […]

Submission – Official Map: New BART Extension to Antioch

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Official Maps

Submitted by Josh, who says: Hey there! Curious about your thoughts on what looks like BART’s decision to not show its new eBART line as a separate line. If you haven’t been following it – instead of extending BART from its northeast terminus at Pittsburg/Bay Point, it instead built a two-station extension built to standard railroad gauge (BART uses Indian gauge) and running light rail DMUs. There’s a separate transfer platform at Pittsburg/Bay Point where […]

Submission – Official Map: Map of NJ Transit Bus Services in Hudson County

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Official Maps

Submitted by Maxwell Robb, who says I saw this map last year in Hoboken Station in NJ. I was rather shocked, I’ve never really seen a bus map quite like it. It appears that NJ Transit has made them for every county. I’m curious about your thoughts. Transit Maps says: I’ve seen these NJ Transit bus maps a few times over the years, and I’ve never really been impressed by them. For me, the colours […]

Submission – Official Map: Casablanca Tram Map, Morocco

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Official Maps

Submitted by Chris Bastian, who says: Had a chance to visit Morocco last week; the Casablanca tram map has both a network map (operating and lines under construction) and a travel time map between key stations. Transit Maps says: It’s not really much to look at, and there’s some odd design choices as well. Whose choice for the first two lines in a network are orange and yellow? There’s definitely a little bit of Parisian […]