Historical Map: Randwick/Coogee Buses (370, 372, 373, 374), Sydney, c. 1987

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Historical Maps

A fairly bare-bones map showing the buses from the CBD and Central Station through Randwick and Coogee. It’s notable mainly for the inset that shows the service pattern in the city before the opening of the pedestrianised Pitt Street Mall (the main map shows the routing after the Mall’s opening). The Mall is now such an integral part of downtown Sydney that it’s sometimes hard to believe that it once wasn’t there.

This map also brings back memories as I spent two years commuting from Central to Randwick and back again on the 372 to attend design college in the early 1990s.

Source: Dave Murchie/Flickr

Poster: JR East “Slow Train, Slow Life” Campaign, 2016

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Now this I love! One of a series of posters celebrating the more relaxed pace of life along the northeast branch lines of JR East’s network in Japan. The posters are a collaborative effort led by artist Philippe Weisbecker, who has integrated (pretty detailed!) children’s drawings into the designs.

Source: JR East poster website via Taras Grescoe/Twitter

Photo – Official Map: New CTrain System Map, Calgary, Canada, 2016

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Official Maps

Here’s a look at a new system map for Calgary’s CTrain light rail system, as spotted by Natalie Sit when boarding one of the brand new LRVs yesterday. Conceptually and graphically, it’s much better than the previous map (February 2013, 2.5 stars) but there’s also something a little weird about it that I’ll get to later.

First things first! The big improvement in this map is the treatment of the downtown area, making it absolutely clear which stations are stopped at in each direction along 7th Avenue. The old map was worryingly vague about the situation, so this change is great to see. The additional information about when bicycles are permitted is also very welcome.

The positioning of labels is generally much better, although it’s unfortunate that the last three stations along each northern extension have to be flipped to the other side to accommodate other elements – the Calgary logo to the left and the marker for the airport bus to the right. The latter is particularly odd as the airport actually lies to the west of the route, not to the east.

Another oddity is the way the eastern part of the Blue Line jumps up to align with the Red Line as it leaves the downtown area, presumably to get it away from the label for the Victoria Park/Stampede station. However, things line up properly at the western end, so this just looks like poor design. The labels on the southern part of the Red Line could be shifted down slightly or respaced a fraction tighter to easily get the Blue Line in the right place.

Speaking of labels, can we get some consistency in how a separating slash “/” is used? Sometimes there’s no spaces between the slash and the letters on either side (typographically correct) and sometimes there’s a full space each side.

Now the odd thing. To my eye, this particular map looks like a inkjet print that’s been printed and trimmed (with a dull blade, check out the rough-edged paper) and mounted to the train interior, not a proper four-colour process commercial print. I also think that there’s evidence of a grey trim line along the top right edge, but I’m not 100-percent certain about that. The real giveaway (for me) is the quality of the text output: it’s very rough and has terrible kerning and tracking problems. Maybe the real map wasn’t ready in time for the launch of the spiffy new trains and this is a placeholder? If anyone in Calgary can get a closer look at this map and report back, I’d be very interested to hear if my suspicions are correct.

Our rating: A much better, clearer map than the previous one. Some suspicions that this isn’t quite the finished article yet, though. A provisional 3 stars.

Source: Natalie Sit/Twitter

Submission – Historical Map: BMT Nassau Street Line by Renzo Picasso, c.1930 (?)

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Cutaway Maps, Historical Maps

Submitted by Casira Copes, who says:

This is an image done by Renzo Picasso, the late Italian engineer and architect. He specialized in urban design and transit drawings, which I thought might be interesting for your blog! I’m currently working at the Archivio Renzo Picasso in Genoa, Italy where our goal is to expose his work to more people. He was not very well-known in his lifetime, but his drawings are pretty fascinating! He did traditional maps, 3D projections of various subway systems, and even some futuristic city plans for places like NYC! 

Check out www.renzopicasso.com if you’re interested in learning more about the artist.

Transit Maps says:

This awesome cutaway of Piccadilly Circus station by Renzo Picasso is one of the most popular posts on the site, so I’m thrilled to share another great cutaway by the artist – and submitted by his official archive as well!

This diagram is very interesting as it seems to show the BMT Nassau Street line as it would appear after the extension south from Chambers Street – connecting it to the Montague Street Tunnel – was constructed. This tunnel opened in 1931, and the diagram clearly states that it is “currently in construction”, so a date of around 1930 seems reasonable. 

Interestingly, the diagram shows a flyover track from Chambers Street to the Brooklyn Bridge. As far as I know, this was never constructed, although it shows up in plans for the station as far back as 1908. The bi-level Fulton Street station (with the northbound platform stacked directly beneath the southbound one) is also clearly seen.

Technically, this is just as beautifully drawn as the Piccadilly Circus cutaway, if a little less immediately dramatic. Mr. Picasso was a heck of a draftsman, that’s for sure!

Photo – Official Map: Strip Map for the Gold Coast Light Rail, Queensland, Australia

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Official Maps

Here’s a rare example of an illustrated strip map, used above the doors on the Gold Coast’s G:Link light rail vehicles in Australia. Despite my self-professed preference for clean, minimalist, ordered design, I actually love this map to bits.

Why? Because “sense of place” and community are the absolute winners here. The two-colour illustration style is charming and whimsical, while the instantly recognisable landmarks link the whole coast together from north to south. Most importantly, people are shown smiling and having fun, which is what the Gold Coast is meant to be about. I particularly like the way that the lining “route line” becomes breaking waves when the route gets nearer to the beaches. Fun!

Of course, this approach only works because the G:Line has one route: you can just read the big, bold and unmissable station names from one end of the map to the other to find your stop. Any split in the line to a different destination would be too hard to read with this illustration style.

Our rating: When you have but a single LRT line, you can have a bit of fun with the way it’s shown on a map. Joyous, bright and fun! Four stars.

Source: Brent Toderian/Twitter

Historical Maps: Prague Metro Book, 1978

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Historical Maps

After I posted about this fantastic 1978 book celebrating the Moscow Metro, reader Martin Vrba let me know that he had a very similar contemporaneous book about Prague’s Metro, and was kind enough to send along some photos.

Of particular interest is the first map, which shows projected extensions to the 1978 system (shown as solid lines) all the way up to 1990. There’s a few differences, but it’s basically very similar to the system as it exists today. Also, there’s some changes in station names between then and now – the Soviet-era Leninova is now Dejvická, for example.

There’s lots to look at in the other pictures as well – plans of routes, cross-sections and elevations, even a diagram of the tunnel boring machine used.

Found: London Underground Map Tile

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Look what I just found while going through some dusty old boxes! I picked this lovely Tube Map bathroom tile up at the London Transport Museum in 2004, and brought it with me when I moved to the U.S. – where it has unfortunately remained in its box ever since. 

As best I can tell, it was made by artist Tony Davis around 2001, and was part of a set of six tiles that covered most of Zone 1 on the map. Each tile is around 6 inches or 15 centimetres along each side and was fired using ten ceramic pigments. Apparently, the tiles are also installed somewhere at Victoria station – I’d be interested to know if they’re still there and love to see some in site pictures if anyone’s passing by.

It’s also interesting to note that the station labels are black, rather than their more traditional Piccadilly Blue, perhaps for technical reasons.

Now… where can I put this?

Future Fantasy Map: Consolidated Bay Area Rapid Transit, 2050 by Adam Susaneck

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Fantasy Maps, Future Maps

Here at Transit Maps, we see quite a few unified Bay Area maps. It seems that that the fractured nature of all the different transit agencies in the area seems to frustrate quite a few people, which drives them to try and make something better. The latest is this effort by Adam Susaneck, showing what things could look like in 2050 or so in a perfect world. 

It’s impeccably researched – head on over to this Medium article by Adam where he explains all his inclusions – but the execution falls a little flat for me. Like most other maps that attempt to show the entire Bay Area, there’s a problem with showing both the dense light rail networks – the San Francisco Muni, VTA light rail, and a new light rail system in Oakland – and the sprawling BART and Caltrain networks on the same map. Some parts of the map become very dense and confusing, while there’s a lot of empty space in other parts. It’s a balancing act to get things looking good while still maintaining a sense of geographical placement, but I think this needs a little more finessing to find that balance.

Colouring each service individually works well for differentiating each “operating division” of this newly unified system, but can make it a bit awkward when similar routes split from each other. Adam’s employed a system of route-coded arrows that point in the relevant directions at intersections, which certainly does the job, but isn’t particularly attractive. Similarly, his decision to place route bullets inside major station symbols isn’t quite working. The differing sizes, shapes and colours of the route bullets make them a little awkward to work with in such a confined space. I’m also not an advocate for placing route bullets at an angle, as it makes them just a little harder to read… which isn’t something you want for arguably some of the most important information on the map.

In general, the labelling could use some work to clean up the placement and angles; a little more consistency here would definitely help! Overall, the labels seem very small to me, especially the subtitles underneath station names. Even if this map was blown up to be a 36″ x 36″ print, those subtitles would still be just 5.4pt – that’s like the fine print at the bottom of a used car ad! I’m also not sure why some labels are grouped within a box: it’s certainly not explained in the legend. Outer fare zones? And if you are going to group them, then the last name along the line – Cloverdale, Stockton, Gilroy – should be contained within the box as well. Currently, their station symbol is included, but not their name, which could lead to some confusion.

In short, I love the passion, research and work that’s gone into this – having all the potential expansions from all the different agencies compiled in one place is pretty awesome – but think that Adam could tweak the map a little more to really let his conceptual future be shown more effectively.

Source: Adam Susaneck/Medium

Historical Maps: Australian Interstate Passenger Rail Schematics, November 1983

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Historical Maps

Here’s a couple of neat timetable/route diagrams for Interstate passenger rail services in Australia back in 1983. The first shows westbound services from Sydney, the other shows the corresponding return journeys.

Differing rail gauges and immense distances have always made interstate rail travel a difficult prospect in Australia, hence the paucity of services even 30-odd years ago (only three Sydney-Melbourne trains a day and just one daily Sydney-Brisbane service).

Source: Image 1 and Image 2 – Dave Murchie/Flickr

Submission – “Transit Map” Elevator Service Diagram, Tokyo, Japan

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Submitted by Adam, who says:

The “transit”-style elevator map of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building. The tower consists of two sub-towers, with elevator “lines” ABC serving one tower, and DEFG serving the other. Apologies for the poor quality of the photo–I took this offhandedly without thinking of submitting it. 

Transit Maps says:

This is totally awesome, Adam! Elevators that only service certain ranges of floors in large office buildings aren’t that unusual, but I’ve never seen the arrangements laid out graphically like this before. Major “interchanges” are at the 1st through 4th floors, then the 10th, 17th and the 25th and 26th. There’s also neat little escalator icons showing connections between some of the lower floors.

I wonder what the note on the 31st floor that seems to reference floors 21 through 27 is about? Translation, anyone? (EDIT: It seems that this refers to meeting rooms on this floor, and not to other floors. Thanks, anonymous!)

Less professional are the little bits of white, black and yellow paper covering up outdated information on the sign… ugly!

Also, I’ve suddenly been overcome with the urge to play SimTower (anyone remember that?).