All posts tagged: San Francisco

Historical Map: Rapid Transit for San Francisco: Monorail Alternative, 1952

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Historical Maps

Well, thank goodness this never eventuated. Can you imagine an elevated monorail running down the length of Market Street? From a 1952 San Francisco Public Utilities Commission report entitled Rapid Transit for San Francisco: Monorail, Elevated, Subway? A Report of Possibilities. Source: Eric Fischer/Flickr

Historical Map: Oakland-San Francisco “Key System” Commuter Rail Routes, c. 1939–1940

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Historical Maps

A charming, if simplistic, map of commuter rail services offered by the Key System company. Some sources on the Internet date this to 1941: however, the prominent “Exposition Ferry from Ferry Bldg.” callout box would seem to link this map to the timeframe of the Golden Gate International Exposition held on Treasure Island between February 1939 and September 1940. These dates mean that the Bay Bridge, the Transbay Terminal in San Francisco and the transbay […]

Official Map: San Francisco Bay Area Regional Transit Map, 2013

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Official Maps

Submitted by Reed Wagner, who says: This map appears to be part of a greater “wayfinding” campaign by the SF Bay Area MTC – it appears at major Caltrain, Muni and BART stations and presumably is elsewhere (I took this picture at Caltrain 4th & King. In comparison to the maps made by Calurbanist, it seems that the official MTC map is falling short in every regard other than information overload in a messy form. Transit Maps says: It’s pretty […]

An Official Unofficial Map: San Francisco BART Creative Commons Map

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Official Maps, Unofficial Maps

In a move I’d like to see more often from transit agencies, San Francisco’s BART has a fully-editable “non-official” version of their system map available for download from their site. It has a Creative Commons license, meaning that you simply have to attribute the original map to BART and it’s free to use, commercially or otherwise. Mainly designed for app and third-party website developers who need a BART map, it’s also great for those learning […]

Unofficial Map: San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit, 2011

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Unofficial Maps

This post comes about because of an email from an anonymous follower, who says: “Any idea if a unified San Francisco transit map exists somewhere out there, perhaps a la the Portland one? SF has to have one of the more confusing transit systems in the country, what with Caltrain + BART + Muni + cable cars + the F line.” As it happens, there are plenty of unofficial maps showing both just the City […]

Unofficial Map: Caltrain Route map by jeflu

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Unofficial Maps

Created by “jeflu”, who says: A better Caltrain map: Caltrain’s current route map looks outdated and provides very minimal transfer information. I’ve created a refreshed map which provides more comprehensive transfer info (to other transit systems and airports) as well as a one-way fare chart. Stations served by Baby Bullet express trains are in bold. A current drawback: I left out all weekend-only and south-of-San-Jose stops. Future renditions could include those. Transit Maps says: This […]

Unofficial Map: San Francisco BART Reductio ad Absurdum

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Unofficial Maps

I was reminded today of this work — one of my favourite transit map design exercises of all time from the always interesting Burrito Justice website. A ridiculously minimalist “hyperlinear” version of the BART map, it actually holds up surprisingly well as a navigational tool. Of course, something like this only works for a relatively simple system like BART. Source: comments thread of this post on the Burrito Justice site

Photo: BART Strip Map in the Millbrae/SFO Direction

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Official Maps, Photography

Apparently, these strip maps are fairly new. I’m all in favour of wayfinding elements that help people plan their journey, but there’s some parts of this that definitely make this feel like a first draft, rather than a finished piece. The overlapping terminus dots at Millbrae and Daly City look a little odd, and the giant silhouette of a BART train indicating direction of travel is almost totally unnecessary. The real problem, though, is the […]