All posts tagged: bus

Submission – Official Map: WEGO Bus Map, Niagara Falls, Canada

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Official Maps

Submitted by Lucas, who says: This is the official map of Canadian Niagara Falls’s WEGO Bus service. I personally like the way the falls are depicted and the river’s sharp 90 degree turn in the lower right hand corner of the map, which I think serves as a nice visual hook. I don’t really like the way the Orange Line is treated, as it is unclear where exactly it runs and terminates once it merges […]

Submission – Future Map: Auckland Congestion Free Network Map v2.0

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Future Maps

Submitted by Greater Auckland, who says: I’d like to submit our new future Auckland regional transit map for a good brutally honest frisking! We follow your blog and you’ll see more than a few design cues have been picked up from your work. This was done by Greater Auckland (formerly TransportBlog) to promote the revised Congestion Free Network Plan. This network plan takes the best parts of the official Auckland multi-decade plan – the rapid […]

Submission – Proposed Official Map: BaltimoreLink System Map, 2017

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Official Maps

Submitted by Ryan VanSickle and Christian Hurst. Ryan says: I’d like to submit the official proposed BaltimoreLINK system map.  In addition to its frequency mapping and radial design (something I haven’t seen much in official maps from transit agencies), it’s got a few features that indicate a sense of humor – monsters in Chesapeake Bay, and Lil’ Linky the advice bus.  There’s no elaborate compass rose to match the tallship and giant octopus, though. The […]

Submission – Official Map: Tysons Corner, Virginia Bus Transit Options Map

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Official Maps

Submitted by Dan Reed, who says: Tysons Corner, Virginia is the archetypal suburban edge city and as traffic becomes unbearable, officials are hustling to get people on transit, particularly the new Silver Line with four local stops. The owners of Tysons Corner Center, one of the nation’s biggest malls and a tourist attraction in its own right, seem to have made this “spider map” showing all of the bus and rail service to and from […]

Submission – Official Map: Bus Network of Puy-de-Dôme, France, 2017

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Official Maps

Submitted by Pierre, who says: I’d like to suggest this map that I immediately found particularly bad designed. It represents the bus network in a small French region, Puy-de-Dôme. Besides the fact the number of the lines are very hard to read, I find quite difficult to follow each line and the center looks totally messy. Transit Maps says: Pierre is right on the mark with his summary of this map… it’s really quite dreadful […]

Submission – Unofficial Future Map: Sound Transit Network, Puget Sound, 2041 by Zachary Newell

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Fantasy Maps, Future Maps

Submitted by Zachary, who says: This map is based on voter-approved expansions to the Seattle area’s light rail network and represents what the system should look like in 2041 when the extensions are finished. The light rail, which currently has two separate lines (one runs from the University of Washington area through downtown Seattle and on to the airport; the other is a short segment in Tacoma), will grow to a sprawling system connecting the […]

Question: How can I simplify a transit map with a lot of concurrent routes?

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QHi, I want to make a map of my home city’s bus system, but as I am a ‘starter’ I have some problems with developing it. In our city centre, there is one bus stop with 24 routes and another with 22 (excluding the night routes). Between these two stops, the lines run along two streets with 10 and 11 routes , respectively. What would you advise me to do to not have a big […]

Submission – Official Map: New York MTA Connections to LaGuardia Airport

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Official Maps

Submitted by Henry, who says: I stumbled upon this diagram of MTA services available from the MTA. While the general positioning of the lines looks like it’s very clean and has very good bones, the small design decisions (like the shape of transfer points to subway and commuter rail, the rail tickmarks, etc.) make this map feel very cheap and tacky. Transit Maps says: I’m not really feeling this map at all, Henry… not the […]

Historical Map: Points of Interest Reached by the Yellow Cars and Coaches, Los Angeles, 1938

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Historical Maps

A charming illustrated map – attributed to artist Ruth Taylor White – showing landmarks and destinations that could be reached on the Los Angeles Railways’ electric streetcars and motorcoaches, some of which are shown traversing the streets of the city. The LARY’s headquarters at 1050 South Broadway are shown at the centre of the map (#36). Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to find the numbered key to the map, but most of the points of […]

Historical Map: Horse Omnibus Lines of Paris, France, c. 1830

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Historical Maps

Here’s an interesting find! This is the oldest original transit map that I’ve ever come across, showing the nascent horsedrawn omnibus lines of Paris in the early 19th century. The original source of the map – the State Library of Victoria in Australia, of all places! – tentatively dates the map to 1828, the year that the buses first made an appearance in the city. However, I’d be inclined to place it a little later […]