All posts tagged: bus

Submission – New Official Map: “Harmonised” Montréal Metropolitan Transit Services Map, 2023

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Official Maps

A flurry of people have submitted this brand new map out of Montréal for review, so let’s get straight to it! First of all, it’s important to note that is part of a new suite of maps and wayfinding signage that’s been in development since 2018. Using Montréal’s iconic “black background” Métro map as a starting point, this system has been intentionally designed to use a common design language to “harmonise” the user experience for […]

New Official Map: Los Angeles Metro with Regional Connector, 2023

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Official Maps

Just dropped on the LA Metro Twitter account, here’s a first look at their new system map once the Regional Connector opens at noon, this Friday June 16. First off, one prediction I made in my previous review [October 2022] has been proven true: this map marks the end of the old colour-based line designations. No more Red Line, Blue Line, etc. – it’s now A, B, C and so on. I’ll also note that […]

Submission – Fantasy Map: Tram Network for Bristol, England by Elliott Sargent

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Fantasy Maps

Submitted by Elliott, who says: I’ve been a fan of your work for a while now, and thought I’d submit my own work for judgement. I’ve had a crack at designing a map for an as-yet non-existent tram and bus network for Bristol, UK, a city in dire need of reliable, integrated public transport. It would operate as a network of 19 tram lines in and around the urban area of Bristol, with five ‘metrobus’ […]

Historical Map: 1962 Rose City Transit Bus Map, Portland, Oregon

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Historical Maps

Here’s a map from a rarely-seen era of Portland, Oregon’s transit history – the period of time between the end of the streetcar era and the emergence of the current transit operator, TriMet in 1969. The Rose City Transit Company (with their lovely casual script logo and friendly “Rosy” nickname) operated bus service within the Portland city limits from 1956 until TriMet was formed. Under RTC’s watch, the last of Portland’s trolleybuses were phased out […]

Official Map: Los Angeles Metro Rail & Busway Map, 2022

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Official Maps

LA Metro opened the first operating segment of the K Line today, and there’s a new map to go along with it! As we haven’t reviewed this map since 2016 (when the Expo Line extension to Santa Monica opened!), it’s high time for a new look. The first thing I noticed is how this version of the map seems to be a point-by-point correction of the perceived flaws that I noted in that 2016: the […]

Official Map: Dopravní společnost Zlín-Otrokovice, Czech Republic, 2022

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Official Maps

Submitted by Leo, who says: Hello! I’m a transportation planning student and longtime fan of your blog, and wanted to submit this map from the twin cities of Zlín and Otrokovice in Moravia in the Czech Republic. The cities have a long history as company towns for the Baťa shoe company and have a very different pattern of urban development than other cities in the region. The region, set in a valley, was planned reflecting […]

Historical Map: Transportation Map of Greater Kansas City, 1941

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Historical Maps

A very handsome map of transportation services in the greater Kansas City area from 1941. A nicely subdued olive street grid is overlaid by the route lines – colour-coded by mode (black for streetcars, blue and red for bus lines, and a lovely aqua for trolleybuses). Areas of interest are called out in bright yellow, so this looks like a six-colour print job – quite a luxury in 1941! There’s also a great downtown inset, […]

Official Map: TER Fluo Grand Est, 2022

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Official Maps

Having looked at a highly-successful isometric-style diagram yesterday, here’s one that’s nowhere near as accomplished despite sharing many of the same design elements. A major factor is that Wales has a a distinctive and recognisable shape that aids in locating major towns, while the Grand Est region is very indistinct and blobby. The simplified shape used on the diagram isn’t actually much like the real world, so it’s not that useful for locating places. Highlighting […]

Submission – Unofficial map: Integrated Rail Map of Wales with Bus Connections by James Jackson, 2022

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Unofficial Maps

Submitted by James, who says: Hello there! The last time you reviewed a map of mine was in 2015 [See review here – Cam]. Since then I’ve moved houses, had several new jobs, and been through a pandemic. I’ve recently been reworking a map of the Welsh rail network, based on a 2:1 triangular grid, using Affinity Designer which has continued to improve. You will see there are some clear design factors in the diagram. […]

Official Maps: Shuttle Buses, South Rim, Grand Canyon National Park, 2022

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Official Maps

As you might know, I’ve just got back from a week in Grand Canyon National Park, with three days spent below the rim hiking from the South Kaibab trailhead down to the Colorado River and back up again via the Bright Angel trail. It truly was a challenging but wonderful experience, and there’s some photos to savour at the end of the post. While I was in the park, I was heartened to see that […]