All posts tagged: bus

Submission – Unofficial Map: Los Angeles Metro Map Redesign, Showing Lines Operational by 2028

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Future Maps, Unofficial Maps

Submitted by Julian, who says: I was compelled to redesign my town’s transit map after reading a comment on LA’s map during the World Cup that said a detracting feature was that it looked “empty.” I try to solve this problem by both bringing more balance to the arrangement of the lines and giving a sense of geographical context with regional borders. I tilted north 45 degrees to create the pleasing visual effect of the […]

Submission – Official Map: Map of NJ Transit Bus Services in Hudson County

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Official Maps

Submitted by Maxwell Robb, who says I saw this map last year in Hoboken Station in NJ. I was rather shocked, I’ve never really seen a bus map quite like it. It appears that NJ Transit has made them for every county. I’m curious about your thoughts. Transit Maps says: I’ve seen these NJ Transit bus maps a few times over the years, and I’ve never really been impressed by them. For me, the colours […]

Submission – City of Nottingham Transport Maps, 1970s, Designed by Roy Manterfield

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Historical Maps

Sent my way by Roy himself are these two marvellous diagrams of bus routes in Nottingham, England. The first is from April 1975 and shows the two free downtown circulator bus routes, which certainly seemed to take quite the torturous route through some narrow old streets. The second map is from July 1979, and shows the entire bus network in diagrammatic form. The routes are colour-coded based on their direction from the city centre, not […]

Submission – Unofficial Map: Brown University Shuttle Bus by Michael Kearney

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Unofficial Maps

Submitted by Michael, who says: My university redid the branding of their shuttle service recently, officially called the BUS (Brown University Shuttle) but called just “the shuttle” by students. They color-coded the bus lines and put up new signs. The only thing the signs are missing, though, is a map. I took it upon myself to make one. Because distances between stops are fairly short, having some streets and greens was important to help orient […]

Question: do you have a map of Los Angeles back from the late 1970s?

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Q Hi, do you have a map of Los Angeles back from the late 70s? Am looking for any kind of transit map but haven’t found anything yet. Would be a huge help. Thanks in advance! A The LA Metro Archives has some 1970s bus maps available (there was no rail service in the 1970s, though there are some early planning documents). Specifically answering your request, here’s the SCRTD bus map from January 1979. You […]

Submission – Official Map: Montreal Commuter Rail Map, 2018

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Official Maps

Submitted by Ruofan, who says: Montreal’s transit agency recently redesigned its commuter rail map, and I think it looks awful compared to the old one! They’ve added so much clutter, by indicating literally every commuter bus line in the city (and even illustrating which segments of the lines run on bus lanes) and using thick, colourful lines for the metro. The downtown segment is almost unreadable! Transit Maps says: Yeah, I have to agree with […]

Historical Map: Suburban Bus Routes of Sydney, 1961

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Historical Maps

The map on the reverse side of the previously featured diagram of downtown Sydney bus routes, showing an overview of routes throughout the city. The map even comments on its own shortcomings to the bottom left , with a disclaimer that almost apologetically states that “This map is intended only as a guide to the bus services.” Using the same colour-coding and ambiguous naming conventions as that diagram, the map is mainly notable for highlighting the […]

Historical Map: Location of City Bus Terminals, Sydney, 1961

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Historical Maps

A map showing the main Sydney bus terminals and the routes which ran through them from December 1961. The route designations are an uncomfortable mix of streets the buses run along downtown (Pitt and Castlereagh Street Services) and eventual destinations (Northern Suburbs Services via the Harbour Bridge), which doesn’t really help to make the system user-friendly. The extensive legend below the map helps somewhat, but it’s all somewhat arcane. In practice, you remembered where the […]

New Official Map: Denver RTD Rail and Flatiron Flyer Map, 2018

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Official Maps

I’ve had quite a few calls to review this map over the last day or so, with people calling it “interesting”, “quite something” and just plain “bad”. It certainly continues the somewhat haphazard evolution of the system map over the last couple of years as more lines have opened, that’s for sure. Visually, it has quite a bit in common with the last iteration I reviewed a year ago, though the most obvious change is the expansion of […]

Submission – Official Maps: allGo Bus Network Circular Diagrams, Almere, The Netherlands

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Official Maps

Submitted by Arjen, who says: allGo is the new name for the public transport in Almere (The Netherlands). With some rather special transit maps. Transit Maps says: Yes, these certainly are interesting, Arjen, and continue the recent trend towards more organic-looking stylised maps (see also the recent curvilinear redesign in Karlsruhe, Germany). It’s probably important to note that both of these diagrams are meant to be secondary overviews to a fully-geographical system map (PDF here), […]