All posts tagged: commuter rail

Submission  – Unofficial Future Map: South East Queensland and Brisbane Rapid Transit (2031) by Alex Jago

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Future Maps, Unofficial Maps

Via: alexjago51: Here’s another unofficial public transport map I’ve just finished. This one is a bit more forward looking. The year is traditional, being from a previous State Government’s glossy-brochure plan – in which everything on this map would be built by 2031. On the map is everything I could feasibly fit (rail, busway), plus a couple of things I probably shouldn’t have (ferries and every single light rail stop). Rail and busway are a […]

Photo – Official Map: Montreal Metro Map, 2016

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Official Maps

Spotted and photographed in the real world by long-time correspondent, Richard Archambault, who doesn’t hold back with his opinion in this tweet: Transit Maps says: I first heard that this map was getting a makeover back in October 2015, but said at the time that I would reserve my judgement until I saw the final map. This new version oddly isn’t yet posted on the STM’s website, so Richard’s photo will have to do, although […]

Historical Map: Vancouver City and Suburban Lines, c. 1930

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Historical Maps

Via: illustratedvancouver: A Guide to Vancouver, the complete map by Peter Hugh Page, a pamphlet by BCER circa 1930, pre-Lions Gate Bridge. “BCER Takes you everywhere!” From the VPL Special Collections, SPEMAPC 388.46 V223b 1930 A charmingly breezy little map of streetcar, interurban rail and motorbus services in Vancouver in 1930. Hand-drawn by one Peter Hugh Page (even the BCER logo!), the map features a number of crudely drawn but amusing vignettes of life in […]

Submission – Official Map: Paris RER/Transilien Zone Map (and a mystery station!)

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Official Maps

Submitted by Lucas K., who says: Hello, I know this is an odd question but I figured that if anyone would know this, you would: So I was browsing a map of Paris’s Transilien railway services when I spotted an oddity: A terminal station directly below Gare Montparnasse: Paris Vaugirard. I look all over the Internet but no trace of any Paris Vaugirard station can be found. Do you know what is going on here? […]

Submission – Unofficial Map: Chicago Urban Rail by Kara Fischer

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Unofficial Maps

Submitted by long-time correspondent, Kara, who says: Here’s a project I’ve been working on for a while now—quite possibly one of the most difficult maps I’ve ever made. You and I hold similar opinions of Chicago’s RTA system map, namely, that it’s decent, but it could be better. So I’ve been working on optimizing a unified map of Chicago’s urban rail, showing the CTA and the inner regions of the Metra. My goal was to […]

Submission – Fantasy Map: DC Commuter Rail by Nick Fabiani

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Fantasy Maps

Submitted by Nick, who says: Thanks again so much for your feedback and review of my Connecticut map (April 2015). I’ve been working on a few new maps, and I’ve finally gotten one in a place where I’d love to have your feedback. I don’t know if you’ve seen the West Wing, but there’s an episode where some characters have a meeting with the made-up Cartographers for Social Equality. The thrust of their argument is […]

Submission – Official Map: Metrolink Commuter Rail System, Southern California

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Official Maps

Submitted by SounderBruce, who says: The fairly new Metrolink map I came across caught my eye because of the way LA Metro is integrated, showing the termini of lines that don’t even come close to touching Metrolink’s network. Also of note is the prominent inclusion of the Amtrak Surfliner and the Coaster/Sprinter further south. Transit Maps says: When your commuter rail system spans six populous Southern Californian counties, it’s a nice touch to indicate how […]

Before and After – Karlsruhe’s Transit Map Goes All Curvy!

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Official Maps

Big news out of Germany, where Karlsruhe’s KVV becomes one of the first European transit agencies to adopt a fully curvilinear diagram instead of the almost ubiquitous octolinear “Beck-style” diagram. The new map is shown here, with the old map for comparison beneath it.  The old one is a solid, well-executed map, very much in the usual German style of transit map design – although perhaps a little too indistinguishable from many other very similar […]

Question: Do You Have a Map of London Transit Now That TfL Have Taken Over All Suburban Rail?

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Future Maps, Questions

Got this question from an anonymous follower: Would you have or be able to mock up a map of what the London transit map would look like now that TfL have taken over all suburban rail traffic? For those not in the loop, Transport for London (TfL) will be bringing the operations of all the various train franchises that currently provide suburban or commuter rail service in the Greater London area under the “Overground” umbrella […]

Submission – Unofficial Maps: Bay Area Rail Transit by Lyle Simmons

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Unofficial Maps

Submitted via email by Lyle, who says: The Bay Area has one of the most complex and diverse urban transit systems in the world, including three commuter rail systems, one metro systems, two light rail systems, one heritage streetcar line, and four major bus agencies. Unfortunately, there isn’t an official map linking any of these services together, so I thought I might make one myself. Transit Maps says: There’s a lot to like about the […]