All posts tagged: commuter rail

Submission – Fantasy Map: Rapid Transit of Bogotá, Colombia by @tiburonvolador

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Fantasy Maps

Submitted by tiburonvolador, who says: An imaginary interpretation of of what a fully fledged underground rapid transit system and rail map would look like in Bogotá, Colombia. I designed the map with heavy influence from the London Underground. The system has 9 lines named after events, places and famous people. I designed it as an experiment in art in design for a city that needed a cathartic respite from a daily life of stress and […]

Historical Map: Map Showing the Great Coal Fields, Natural Gas Fields, Steam and Electric Railroads: and All Important Towns, Villages, and Streams Tributary to Columbus Within a Radius of 70 Miles

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Historical Maps, Prints Available

Phew – that’s quite the title, but what an amazing map! Using a sort of azimuthal projection, it places Columbus seemingly at the centre of the world, with a “horizon” of 70 miles in all directions. Towns, natural resources and the many and varied railroads of the time all radiate out from this mighty epicentre in great detail, receding into the distance as the scale diminishes on the outer edges. Clever use of a limited colour […]

Submission – Official Map: Map of NJ Transit Bus Services in Hudson County

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Official Maps

Submitted by Maxwell Robb, who says I saw this map last year in Hoboken Station in NJ. I was rather shocked, I’ve never really seen a bus map quite like it. It appears that NJ Transit has made them for every county. I’m curious about your thoughts. Transit Maps says: I’ve seen these NJ Transit bus maps a few times over the years, and I’ve never really been impressed by them. For me, the colours […]

Historical Map: BART System Map and Planned Extensions, March 1, 1989

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Historical Maps

Here’s a rather charming illustrated map showing the Bay Area’s BART commuter rail system as it looked in early 1989, plus a glimpse into the future as it was envisioned at the time. I particularly like the little details in this map – drawn by Art Richardson of BART’s “Documentation Division” back in 1983, it would seem – all the bridges are drawn accurately, and the skylines of San Francisco and Oakland are also well […]

Submission – Official Map: Montreal Commuter Rail Map, 2018

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Official Maps

Submitted by Ruofan, who says: Montreal’s transit agency recently redesigned its commuter rail map, and I think it looks awful compared to the old one! They’ve added so much clutter, by indicating literally every commuter bus line in the city (and even illustrating which segments of the lines run on bus lanes) and using thick, colourful lines for the metro. The downtown segment is almost unreadable! Transit Maps says: Yeah, I have to agree with […]

Historical Map: Sydney Tramways, 1921

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Historical Maps

This is one of those maps where I’m not entirely sure if it’s the brainchild of a genius or the work of a madman. It’s an insanely detailed map-slash-diagram of tram routes in Sydney from 1921 by an unknown author that also attempts to indicate almost every major cross-street along the way. Intersections that are also designated as tram stops get a marker and increasingly larger labels to indicate their relative importance. Five different line […]

Submission – Official Map: MARC Commuter Rail, Maryland, late 2017

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Official Maps

Submitted by Lukas, who says: Hi, wanted to send you the new official map of Maryland’s MARC commuter rail system, as seen on the Maryland MTA website. I think it is a great improvement over the old system map. The map very visibly derives its thick lines and transfer station dots from the Washington DC Metro map, which I think it manages to pull off well. However, there are a few things I want to […]

Historical Map: Adelaide Metropolitan Rail Transport System, c. 1978

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Historical Maps

Sent my way on Twitter by Cameron Coy, this diagram of rail services radiating out from central Adelaide in South Australia isn’t anything special… except for the wonderfully and unashamedly late 1970s typography, with ITC Souvenir Bold deployed in all its curvaceous, tightly letter-spaced glory. I particularly like its use for the main Adelaide station, where the letterforms across the large station circle (intentionally?) evoke the famous London Underground roundel. It’s interesting to note all […]

Official Map: Rail Services of Greater Buenos Aires, Argentina by Sebastian Gagin

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Official Maps

I stumbled across this beautiful piece a while ago while trawling Behance – an integrated diagram of rail services in and around Buenos Aires. The author says that the project was developed for the city’s Secretary of Transport, so I have to assume that this is official, though I haven’t found it in use anywhere else yet. The diagram shows both the Subte subway lines (in their familiar colours) and the commuter rail lines that […]

Submission – Unofficial Map of Rail Services in Dublin, Ireland by Simon Allen

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Unofficial Maps

Submitted by Simon, who says: With the new map for the Luas tram system in Dublin being so uninspiring, I decided to try create an integrated map for Dublin’s Dart, Luas and commuter rail.  It’s a pretty indulgent map – in that I treat the Luas (tram) lines perhaps too similarly to the heavy rail lines, and the system isn’t quite complex enough to warrant a Vignelli style approach (neither do I apply his principles […]