All posts tagged: light rail

Unofficial Map: Dubai Integrated Transport Network System Map Design Proposal by Kyril Negoda

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Unofficial Maps

Via: mappingtwincities/Tumblr (account no longer active) A few months ago, Matt Forrest (Carticulate Maps) asked me to redesign Dubai’s system map as part of a larger proposal Matt was working on at the time. Here is what we did. Seriously beautiful work here from Kyril Negoda, who made this great future map of transit in Minneapolis/St. Paul (May 2013, 5 stars). It’s a great example of how a well-designed transit map can simplify and clarify […]

Fantasy Future Map: Los Angeles County Light Rail System from the Movie “Her”

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Fantasy Maps

I love it when I’m able to fulfill requests from readers. Here’s a note I got from an anonymous follower the other day: The new movie “Her” is set in a futuristic LA with a very un-LA-like amount of public transport use and at one point includes a shot off to the side of the frame of a map showing a much, much bigger LA Metro rail network. Would love to see that on this […]

Fantasy Map: In-Car Strip Map for Fictional Indianapolis “CITI” Red Line

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Fantasy Maps

A lesson in how not to add station labels to a strip map: type at five different angles makes things incredibly hard to read. Also not to be recommended for legibility is the all-caps treatment of station names. This would work much better if the route line was pushed to the top of the strip, with all stations spaced equally and type set at one consistent angle across the entire diagram. Source: A2DAC1985/Flickr

Official Map: New York/New Jersey Regional Transit Diagram – Full Review

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Official Maps

After our first glimpse yesterday, now it’s time for a more in-depth look at this map. Thanks to everyone who sent me a link to the PDF (and there were more than a few of you)! First things first: an MTA press release confirms that the map was designed by Yoshiki Waterhouse of Vignelli Associates. It’s definitely nice to see that the original creators of the diagram continue to shape its future, rather than being […]

Historical Map: Tyne and Wear Metro, 1981

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Historical Maps

A beautiful early map for this system, clearly showing how much of it was planned from the start. Apart from a few name changes (the proposed “Old Fold” station became Gateshead Stadium, for example), this is recognisably the same map that existed as far into the future as the year 2000, when the proposed extension to Sunderland made its appearance. The outlined route lines to show proposed/future extensions work wonderfully well, making an excellent contrast […]

Unofficial Future Map: Singapore MRT/LRT by Bernie Ng

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Future Maps, Unofficial Maps

Submitted by Bernie, who says: Hello Cameron, I saw your recent post regarding future Singapore MRT/LRT maps and thought I’d throw mine into the ring. The Singapore MRT has long been one of my fave metro systems around the world. I like the concept of destination numbers and station numbers – I believe it is one of the first, if not the first, to use this concept (do let me know if that’s not quite […]

Unofficial Map: Singapore MRT, 2013 by Andrew Smithers

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Unofficial Maps

As promised, here’s an unofficial map of Singapore’s rail transit that takes the future extensions and integrates them far more effectively and attractively than the official future map. This map was created by Andrew Smithers, who runs the quite excellent Project Mapping website – well worth losing a few hours to all the maps he has over there! Immediately, you can see how design is used to simplify and clarify the routes – the Thomson […]

Future Map: Singapore MRT with Future Extensions

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Future Maps

I reviewed the official Singapore MRT map back in January 2012, and was generally in favour of it (giving it four stars). So it’s interesting to look at this version of the map, which includes extensions that are currently under construction or in the final stages of planning. There are two entirely new lines — the blue Downtown Line and the brown Thomson Line, as well as an eastern extension to the green East-West Line. […]

Unofficial Maps: Other Salt Lake City Rail Transit Maps

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Unofficial Maps

A selection of alternate maps for Salt Lake City that I’ve received as submissions or that I’ve found on the Internet. The first two maps – by thatlattesipper and scsj, respectively – were sent to me in the aftermath of Friday’s review of the UTA’s latest absymal effort, and must therefore have only had a few hours of work put into them. Scsj’s map was actually produced by an online transit map generator in less […]

Official Map: Salt Lake City Rail Transit for Opening of New “S Line”

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Official Maps

Submitted by the eagle-eyed Garrett Smith, who says: I must say I am not overly impressed with UTA’s revision of their rail map—which will begin to be posted in trains once UTA’s first streetcar, the S Line, opens. Yes, it certainly is better than before. Removing addresses from the map did wonders for improving legibility. But that’s about it. Call me old fashioned, but shouldn’t the lines below the station names roughly correspond to the […]