All posts tagged: light rail

Photo – Official Map: New CTrain System Map, Calgary, Canada, 2016

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Official Maps

Here’s a look at a new system map for Calgary’s CTrain light rail system, as spotted by Natalie Sit when boarding one of the brand new LRVs yesterday. Conceptually and graphically, it’s much better than the previous map (February 2013, 2.5 stars) but there’s also something a little weird about it that I’ll get to later. First things first! The big improvement in this map is the treatment of the downtown area, making it absolutely […]

Photo – Official Map: Strip Map for the Gold Coast Light Rail, Queensland, Australia

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Official Maps

Here’s a rare example of an illustrated strip map, used above the doors on the Gold Coast’s G:Link light rail vehicles in Australia. Despite my self-professed preference for clean, minimalist, ordered design, I actually love this map to bits. Why? Because “sense of place” and community are the absolute winners here. The two-colour illustration style is charming and whimsical, while the instantly recognisable landmarks link the whole coast together from north to south. Most importantly, people […]

Future Fantasy Map: Consolidated Bay Area Rapid Transit, 2050 by Adam Susaneck

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Fantasy Maps, Future Maps

Here at Transit Maps, we see quite a few unified Bay Area maps. It seems that that the fractured nature of all the different transit agencies in the area seems to frustrate quite a few people, which drives them to try and make something better. The latest is this effort by Adam Susaneck, showing what things could look like in 2050 or so in a perfect world.  It’s impeccably researched – head on over to […]

Submission – Updated Official Map: St. Louis MetroLink Map, 2016

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Official Maps

Submitted by Bruce Englehardt, who says: It’s been a while since your last review of the St. Louis MetroLink map (Dec. 2011, a generous 3 stars), and it has since been updated. Of note is the new Gateway Arch symbol and redundant labels. The labeling for stations seems more consistent overall and they’ve retained the parking labels (though now with colors that could be confused with connecting lines/services). Transit Maps says: Judging by the PDF’s […]

Updated Official Map: Los Angeles Metro Rail & Busway Map, May 2016

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Official Maps

The LA Metro Twitter account just shared this new map, ready just in time for the opening of the Expo Line’s extension to Santa Monica tomorrow. Overall, it’s a really nice map, continuing the strong, unified branding and design that Metro deploys across everything: maps, signage, vehicles, stations, their website and other communications material. However, there are a few points of interest worth talking about. First, the map no longer shows Metrolink commuter rail lines, […]

Submission – Timeline GIF of the Development of the Dallas DART System by Kevin McElroy

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Unofficial Maps, Visualizations

Submitted by Kevin, who says: I combined two cool developments I’ve seen in transit maps on the internet, the isometric map from Stuttgart (October 2011, 5 stars) and GIFs of the evolution of a system. I lived in Dallas for school and again as a professional and while the network could be better, I always enjoyed riding the DART. And actually the system really lent itself to the map principles that seemed to work for […]

Updated Official Map: Denver RTD Rail Services Map, April 2016

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Official Maps

Denver’s rapidly-expanding rail network took another step forward today with the opening of the new commuter rail service out to Denver International Airport – the “train to the plane”, as they (a little unoriginally) call it.  However, for those – like me! – hoping for a new map to celebrate the new service, you’re in for a disappointment, as the latest offering is just a minimally-modified version of the previous map (June 2016, 1.5 stars). […]

Updated Unofficial Map: Singapore MRT & LRT Map by Andrew Smithers, 2016

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Unofficial Maps

I’ve covered a previous version of this map before (November 2013, 4 stars), but I think this recent update is worth showing, because it’s always fun to see how a concept can evolve over time.  Like the most recent version of the official map and Bernie Ng (November 2013, 3.5 stars). Andrew has come to the conclusion that placing the alphanumeric station identifiers inside each station marker is the best way to go, and it […]

Photo: Maps in Repurposed Transit Shelter, Portland, Oregon

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Historical Maps

This small cafe on Fifth Avenue in Portland is housed in one of the last remaining bus shelters from the pre-2007 transit mall, and (awesomely) still retains the maps and informational signage of that vintage.  To the left is the transit mall directory, featuring the last iteration of Portland’s icon-based route grouping – a beaver for routes to the southeast, a leaf for southern routes, a rose for southwest routes, and a deer for those […]

Submission  – Unofficial Future Map: South East Queensland and Brisbane Rapid Transit (2031) by Alex Jago

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Future Maps, Unofficial Maps

Via: alexjago51: Here’s another unofficial public transport map I’ve just finished. This one is a bit more forward looking. The year is traditional, being from a previous State Government’s glossy-brochure plan – in which everything on this map would be built by 2031. On the map is everything I could feasibly fit (rail, busway), plus a couple of things I probably shouldn’t have (ferries and every single light rail stop). Rail and busway are a […]