All posts tagged: Peter Dovak

GIF: The Evolution of Metro Systems in China and Taipei, 1990–2020 by Peter Dovak

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In the USA, new transit takes time. Whether it’s Environmental Impact Statements that take seven years to write, or tunnel boring machines that take longer than expected to do their work, or lawsuits from people angry that light rail might take away one of their beloved exit ramps, or mayors who want to rip up new streetcar tracks after they’ve been installed… the list goes on. China, however, is a completely different matter… as this […]

2016 “Transit Maps” Gift Guide – Posters

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Gift Guide

Another awesome selection of prints and posters for your consideration this year. You can also look at last year’s selection of gift ideas using the “2015 Gift Guide” tag. Mini Metros by Peter Dovak. A neat idea, executed very well indeed. See if your friends can identify all 220 systems! Available in “spectrum” and “monochrome” versions from $15 on Society6 (links no longer active). Vanmaps by Andrew “Vanshnookenraggen” Lynch. A wide variety of colour-coded maps of individual lines from […]

Unofficial Map: Miami-Dade Metrorail and Metromover by Peter Dovak

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Unofficial Maps

I love it when people take my criticism of a map and use it as inspiration to come up with an alternative solution. Having seen my recent review of the new official map (October 2016, 1.5 stars), Peter took it upon himself to redesign it – and quickly, taking less than a day to come up with his version.  Peter obviously agreed with a lot of my concerns about the official map, because he’s addressed […]

How Should the Purple Line Appear on the Washington, DC Metro Map?

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Future Maps, Unofficial Maps

It’s a great question, and one that regular Transit Maps contributor Peter Dovak addresses over at the Greater Greater Washington website. A series of maps runs through a variety of options, each with its own pros and cons. Making Lance Wyman’s chunky style work with an increasingly complex system is a real challenge, but Peter’s definitely come up with some workable ideas. The one above uses a thinner route line for the Purple Line, which […]

Submission – Unofficial Map: MARC Commuter Rail Network by Peter Dovak

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Unofficial Maps

Submitted by the prolific Peter, who says: Like you, I was disappointed with the official MARC system map, but recently I stumbled on a concept while working on another project, so I had a go at turning it into a standalone map. Apologies for spamming your submissions box, but I really like how it turned out and I’d be curious to hear your thoughts! Transit Maps says: Peter, you can spam my submissions box all […]

Submission – River Rail Streetcar, Little Rock, Arkansas by Peter Dovak

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Unofficial Maps

Submitted by Peter, who says: Ages ago, after you posted a tutorial on highway interchanges on your McKinney Ave streetcar map, I was inspired to try and practice the technique on what ended up being a very very similar project–definitely too similar to take any credit for. I left it incomplete for so long because it was just uncomfortably reminiscent of your map to finish, but for the sake of completion and appreciation for the […]

Infographic: Rail Rapid Transit of the United States and Canada to Scale by Peter Dovak

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A follow-up to yesterday’s post: several people pointed me to this graphic by Peter Dovak that extends the concept to include all rail-based rapid transit in the USA and Canada, including people movers and monorails (but not commuter rail). transitoriented: A compilation of rail rapid transit systems drawn (but not arranged) to scale.  An attempt at an homage to this classic map by Bill Rankin, updated for 2015. View a larger resolution version here.

Unofficial Map: Washington DC Metro Map by Peter Dovak

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Unofficial Maps

An interesting approach to an alternative DC Metro map by Peter Dovak, who previously submitted this fantasy light rail map of Louisville, Kentucky.  There’s quite a bit to like here: I love the circular abstraction of the beltway highway around DC, which is then centred perfactly around the District diamond. Peter’s even made sure that the “square” formed by the three main interchange stations – Metro Center, Gallery Place and L’Enfant Plaza – sits at […]