All posts tagged: subway map

Weird: The Maryland Transit Administration’s Version of the DC Metro Map

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Official Maps

Not only is the map out of date (no Rush+, no indication of the Silver Line at all), but the MTA has simply encased the official DC map in their own branding shell and then covered it in hideous and distracting callout boxes denoting their own commuter bus services. Yes, it performs a service, but – dear God! – is it ever ugly. There should be a law against this kind of thing. Source: Maryland […]

Official Map: Tehran Metro, Iran, 2014

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Official Maps

Tehran is not necessarily the first place you think of when it comes to an extensive, modern rapid transit system, but here it is. First opened in 1999, the system now boasts five lines (four rapid transit and one commuter rail), over 140 kilometres of track and carries more than 2 million passengers each day. The map itself is fairly basic and workmanlike, although not unattractive in a blocky sort of way. It handles its […]

Historical Map: “Blue Guides Short Guide to Paris” Paris Métro Map, 1951

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Historical Maps

An excellent effort to portray the complexities of the Métro with just two colours. A  wide array of different dashed lines allows 15 lines (the 14 Métro lines plus the Ligne de Sceaux) to be differentiated relatively easily. As a guide for tourists, the map wisely concentrates on the central part of Paris, leaving the stations further out to be listed in neat little call out boxes. Source: 217lemurs/Tumblr Paris Metro map from the inside cover […]

Fantasy Future Map: Los Angeles County Light Rail System from the Movie “Her”

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Fantasy Maps

I love it when I’m able to fulfill requests from readers. Here’s a note I got from an anonymous follower the other day: The new movie “Her” is set in a futuristic LA with a very un-LA-like amount of public transport use and at one point includes a shot off to the side of the frame of a map showing a much, much bigger LA Metro rail network. Would love to see that on this […]

Historical Map: Tokyo Metro Map on a Passnet Fare Card, 2005

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Historical Maps

Certainly solves the problem of having to read a map over someone’s shoulder on a crowded train (or resorting to wearing one on your tie). Passnet was a magnetic-stripe fare card in use in the Kanto region from 2000 to 2008: it’s since been replaced by the contactless Pasmo card. Source: Rob Ketcherside/Flickr

Fantasy Map: “Burgertown” by Anthony Scerri

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Fantasy Maps

A fun little project that turns the humble hamburger into the transit system of a thriving metropolis: Burgertown! As Anthony says on Twitter, this project “combines my love of hamburgers and NY’s MTA Subway map” – in a delicious way!  Three of the four lines list the types of ingredients that can be used: the “Leafy Green Line” has stops at “Arugula”, “Oak Leaf” and “Iceberg”, for example. However, the “Bread Line” confuses things a bit […]

Fantasy Map: New York Subway Map in the Style of Washington DC’s Metro Map by Chris Whong

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Fantasy Maps, Mash-Up Maps

Yes, it only shows Manhattan and The Bronx with small parts of Brooklyn and Queens, but this is still a pretty awesome mash-up. Aesthetically, it’s a dead ringer for the Washington, DC Metro map – big, fat route lines, the “double ring” interchange stations, green areas for parkland, etc. Nice work from Chris to mimic this style so closely! While the map looks great, it really also shows how unsuited the bold, simplistic approach taken […]

Aerial View of Manhattan with Subway/Rail Lines by Arnorian

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Unofficial Maps

arnorian: A skyview of Manhattan with overlaid subway and rail lines. 7 Subway Extension, the first phase of the Second Avenue Subway, and East Side Access included. Another fantastic aerial photo/subway routes mash-up from Arnorian – a companion piece to this very popular piece that shows more of New York and New Jersey. What I really like about this is that you can make out individual buildings and streets quite easily – the Empire State […]

Submission – New Official Moscow Metro In-Car Strip Map

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Official Maps

Submitted by long-time contributor, Dmitry Darsavilidze, here’s a brand new strip map for Metro Line 6. Designed by Art.Lebedev Studios, and based on their contest-winning system map, this carries on the good work of that design. The strip map is simple and uncluttered, and has nice, large, easy-to-read type (a failing of many strip maps, which often have type to small to be easily read from any sort of distance). Information is presented consistently – […]