All posts tagged: USA

Submission – Fantasy Future Map: Pittsburgh Rapid Transit by Michael Lopato

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Fantasy Maps, Future Maps

Submitted by Michael, who previously submitted this redesign of the current Pittsburgh rapid transit network. He’s since updated that map and I’ll share that soon, but he also sent along this intriguing fantasy map of Pittsburgh’s future, saying this: I have also created a Pittsburgh fantasy map. I have seen a few other fantasy maps, including this one, on which the red line crosses a river a meager five times, this one, in which most […]

New Richmond, Virginia System Maps by Kyril Negoda/CHK America

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Official Maps

mappingtwincities: Richmond Transit Map I had a pleasure of redesigning the system map for GRTC (Richmond, VA). The schematic-style map helps untangle this often convoluted bus system. The design features bigger, more legible type and highlights more frequent routes over less frequent and express routes in the network. It is now being installed through the city as part of a general information overhaul led by CHK America. See the PDF here Designed at CHK America. […]

How Should the Purple Line Appear on the Washington, DC Metro Map?

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Future Maps, Unofficial Maps

It’s a great question, and one that regular Transit Maps contributor Peter Dovak addresses over at the Greater Greater Washington website. A series of maps runs through a variety of options, each with its own pros and cons. Making Lance Wyman’s chunky style work with an increasingly complex system is a real challenge, but Peter’s definitely come up with some workable ideas. The one above uses a thinner route line for the Purple Line, which […]

Future Map – Regional Transit for Atlanta, Georgia by Jason Lathbury

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Future Maps, Unofficial Maps

I noticed a spike in my web stats coming from the Curbed Atlanta website over the last couple of days… so I traced them back to this interesting map of a hypothetical future Atlanta. It turns out that the hits to my site were because one commenter had volunteered the map to my “Hall of Shame”, complete with a link. Ouch.  Now, while I don’t think that the map is anywhere near awful enough to enter […]

Submission – Houston METRORail Future System Plan

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Future Maps

Submitted by Caden, who just enigmatically comments, “Houston: sigh” Transit Maps says: Caden’s sigh took me a little while to interpret (is he in love?), but I’m going to take a guess that he’s actually referencing some grand rapid transit plans – in a very car-centric city – that are now beginning to fade away. While the Red, (Green) East End and (Purple) Southeast lines are now operational, funding for the Blue University Line has completely […]

Historical Map: New York “New Subway Routes” Map, 1967

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Historical Maps

the-nycta-project: “New Subway Routes” Map Possibly 1967? Yes, this is the 1967 “New Subway Routes” map produced by the New York Transit Authority, designer unknown. The diagram was produced to show only the eight routes that had been changed with the opening of the tunnel under Chrystie Street. It’s an interesting piece because it was produced some three years before even the first draft Unimark/Massimo Vignelli diagram, but has seemingly been influenced by his approach to […]

Submission – Unofficial Map: MARC Commuter Rail Network by Peter Dovak

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Unofficial Maps

Submitted by the prolific Peter, who says: Like you, I was disappointed with the official MARC system map, but recently I stumbled on a concept while working on another project, so I had a go at turning it into a standalone map. Apologies for spamming your submissions box, but I really like how it turned out and I’d be curious to hear your thoughts! Transit Maps says: Peter, you can spam my submissions box all […]

Submission – West Coast Electric Highway Map

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Official Maps

Submitted by “Sounder Bruce”, who says: A quasi-transit map that shows electric vehicle charging stations in Washington and Oregon, centered around the Interstate 5 corridor. Transit Maps says: I really like the idea behind this map – a simplified road map much in the vein of many of my own mapping projects – but I feel like the execution lets the concept down a little.  Because of the stylised “transit map” format, the distances between […]

Unofficial/Future Map: Denver RTD Rail Transit by Theo Ditsek

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Future Maps, Unofficial Maps

Having just complained about how depressingly average the new official Denver RTD rail map is (June 2015, 1.5 stars), it’s rather wonderful to see an unofficial map that raises the bar as much as this one by Theo Ditsek. Unlike the real map, this one has a pleasingly compact shape, compressing the outer reaches of the map while expanding the central part. It’s a classic diagrammatic transit map device, but it’s employed particularly well here, […]

Submission – River Rail Streetcar, Little Rock, Arkansas by Peter Dovak

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Unofficial Maps

Submitted by Peter, who says: Ages ago, after you posted a tutorial on highway interchanges on your McKinney Ave streetcar map, I was inspired to try and practice the technique on what ended up being a very very similar project–definitely too similar to take any credit for. I left it incomplete for so long because it was just uncomfortably reminiscent of your map to finish, but for the sake of completion and appreciation for the […]